require 'nokogiri' require 'caracal/renderers/xml_renderer' require 'caracal/errors' module Caracal module Renderers class DocumentRenderer < XmlRenderer #------------------------------------------------------------- # Public Methods #------------------------------------------------------------- # This method produces the xml required for the `word/document.xml` # sub-document. # def to_xml builder = ::Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with(declaration_xml) do |xml| xml['w'].document root_options do xml['w'].background({ 'w:color' => 'FFFFFF' }) xml['w'].body do #============= CONTENTS =================================== document.contents.each do |model| method = render_method_for_model(model) send(method, xml, model) end #============= PAGE SETTINGS ============================== xml['w'].sectPr do if rel = document.find_relationship('footer1.xml') xml['w'].footerReference({ 'r:id' => rel.formatted_id, 'w:type' => 'default' }) end if rel = document.find_relationship('header1.xml') xml['w'].headerReference({ 'r:id' => rel.formatted_id, 'w:type' => 'default' }) end xml['w'].pgSz page_size_options xml['w'].pgMar page_margin_options end end end end builder.to_xml(save_options) end #------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Methods #------------------------------------------------------------- private #============= COMMON RENDERERS ========================== # This method converts a model class name to a rendering # function on this class (e.g., Caracal::Core::Models::ParagraphModel # translates to `render_paragraph`). # def render_method_for_model(model) type ='::').last.downcase.gsub('model', '') "render_#{ type }" end # This method renders a standard node of run properties based on the # model's attributes. # def render_run_attributes(xml, model, paragraph_level=false) if model.respond_to? :run_attributes attrs = model.run_attributes.delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? } if paragraph_level && attrs.empty? # skip else xml['w'].rPr do unless attrs.empty? xml['w'].rStyle( { 'w:val' => attrs[:style] }) unless attrs[:style].nil? xml['w'].color( { 'w:val' => attrs[:color] }) unless attrs[:color].nil? xml['w'].sz( { 'w:val' => attrs[:size] }) unless attrs[:size].nil? xml['w'].b( { 'w:val' => (attrs[:bold] ? '1' : '0') }) unless attrs[:bold].nil? xml['w'].i( { 'w:val' => (attrs[:italic] ? '1' : '0') }) unless attrs[:italic].nil? xml['w'].u( { 'w:val' => (attrs[:underline] ? 'single' : 'none') }) unless attrs[:underline].nil? xml['w'].shd( { 'w:fill' => attrs[:bgcolor], 'w:val' => 'clear' }) unless attrs[:bgcolor].nil? xml['w'].highlight( { 'w:val' => attrs[:highlight_color] }) unless attrs[:highlight_color].nil? xml['w'].vertAlign( { 'w:val' => attrs[:vertical_align] }) unless attrs[:vertical_align].nil? unless attrs[:font].nil? f = attrs[:font] xml['w'].rFonts( { 'w:ascii' => f, 'w:hAnsi' => f, 'w:eastAsia' => f, 'w:cs' => f }) end end xml['w'].rtl({ 'w:val' => '0' }) end end end end #============= MODEL RENDERERS =========================== def render_bookmark(xml, model) if model.start? xml['w'].bookmarkStart({ 'w:id' => model.bookmark_id, 'w:name' => model.bookmark_name }) else xml['w'].bookmarkEnd({ 'w:id' => model.bookmark_id }) end end def render_iframe(xml, model) do |zip| a_href = '' pic_href = '' r_href = '' entry = zip.glob('word/document.xml').first content = doc_xml = Nokogiri::XML(content) fragment = doc_xml.xpath('//w:body').first.children fragment.pop model.relationships.each do |r_hash| id = r_hash.delete(:id) # we can't update the fragment until model = document.relationship(r_hash) # the parent document assigns the embedded index = model.relationship_id # relationship an id. r_node = fragment.at_xpath("//a:blip[@r:embed='#{ id }']", { a: a_href, r: r_href }) if r_attr = r_node.attributes['embed'] r_attr.value = "rId#{ index }" end p_parent = r_node.parent.parent p_node = p_parent.children[0].children[0] if p_attr = p_node.attributes['id'] p_attr.value = index.to_s end end xml << fragment.to_s end end def render_image(xml, model) unless ds = document.default_style raise Caracal::Errors::NoDefaultStyleError 'Document must declare a default paragraph style.' end rel = document.relationship({ type: :image, target: model.image_url, data: model.image_data }) rel_id = rel.relationship_id rel_name = rel.formatted_target xml['w'].p paragraph_options do xml['w'].pPr do xml['w'].spacing({ 'w:lineRule' => 'auto', 'w:line' => ds.style_line }) xml['w'].contextualSpacing({ 'w:val' => '0' }) xml['w'].jc({ 'w:val' => model.image_align.to_s }) xml['w'].rPr end xml['w'].r run_options do xml['w'].drawing do xml['wp'].inline({ distR: model.formatted_right, distT: model.formatted_top, distB: model.formatted_bottom, distL: model.formatted_left }) do xml['wp'].extent({ cx: model.formatted_width, cy: model.formatted_height }) xml['wp'].effectExtent({ t: 0, b: 0, r: 0, l: 0 }) xml['wp'].docPr({ id: rel_id, name: rel_name }) xml['a'].graphic do xml['a'].graphicData({ uri: '' }) do xml['pic'].pic do xml['pic'].nvPicPr do xml['pic'].cNvPr({ id: rel_id, name: rel_name }) xml['pic'].cNvPicPr end xml['pic'].blipFill do xml['a'].blip({ 'r:embed' => rel.formatted_id }) xml['a'].srcRect xml['a'].stretch do xml['a'].fillRect end end xml['pic'].spPr do xml['a'].xfrm do xml['a'].ext({ cx: model.formatted_width, cy: model.formatted_height }) end xml['a'].prstGeom({ prst: 'rect' }) xml['a'].ln end end end end end end end xml['w'].r run_options do xml['w'].rPr do xml['w'].rtl({ 'w:val' => '0' }) end end end end def render_linebreak(xml, model) xml['w'].r do xml['w'].br end end def render_link(xml, model) if model.external? rel = document.relationship({ target: model.link_href, type: :link }) hyperlink_options = { 'r:id' => rel.formatted_id } else hyperlink_options = { 'w:anchor' => model.link_href } end xml['w'].hyperlink(hyperlink_options) do xml['w'].r run_options do render_run_attributes(xml, model, false) xml['w'].t({ 'xml:space' => 'preserve' }, model.link_content) end end end def render_tableofcontents(xml, model) xml['w'].sdt do xml['w'].sdtPr do xml['w'].docPartObj do xml['w'].docPartGallery({ 'w:val' => model.toc_title }) xml['w'].docPartUnique({ 'w:val' => true }) end end xml['w'].sdtContent do xml['w'].p do xml['w'].pPr do xml['w'].pStyle({ 'w:val' => 'ContentsHeading' }) xml['w'].rPr do xml['w'].b xml['w'].b xml['w'].bCs xml['w'].sz({ 'w:val' => model.toc_size }) xml['w'].szCs({ 'w:val' => model.toc_size }) end end xml['w'].r do xml['w'].rPr do xml['w'].b xml['w'].bCs xml['w'].sz({ 'w:val' => model.toc_size }) xml['w'].szCs({ 'w:val' => model.toc_size }) end xml['w'].t model.toc_title end end xml['w'].p do xml['w'].r do xml['w'].fldChar({ 'w:fldCharType' => 'begin' }) end xml['w'].r do xml['w'].rPr do render_run_attributes(xml, model, false) end xml['w'].instrText({ 'xml:space' => 'preserve' }) do xml.text " #{model.toc_opts} " end end xml['w'].r do xml['w'].fldChar({ 'w:fldCharType' => 'separate' }) end xml['w'].r do xml['w'].fldChar({ 'w:fldCharType' => 'end' }) end end end end end def render_field(xml, model) xml['w'].r do xml['w'].fldChar({ 'w:fldCharType' => 'begin' }) end xml['w'].r do xml['w'].rPr do render_run_attributes(xml, model, false) end xml['w'].instrText({ 'xml:space' => 'preserve' }) do xml.text " #{model.formatted_type} " end end xml['w'].r do xml['w'].fldChar({ 'w:fldCharType' => 'separate' }) end xml['w'].r do xml['w'].fldChar({ 'w:fldCharType' => 'end' }) end end def render_list(xml, model) if model.list_level == 0 document.toplevel_lists << model list_num = document.toplevel_lists.length # numbering uses 1-based index end model.recursive_items.each do |item| render_listitem(xml, item, list_num) end end def render_listitem(xml, model, list_num) ls = document.find_list_style(model.list_item_type, model.list_item_level) hanging = ls.style_left.to_i - ls.style_indent.to_i - 1 xml['w'].p paragraph_options do xml['w'].pPr do xml['w'].numPr do xml['w'].ilvl({ 'w:val' => model.list_item_level }) xml['w'].numId({ 'w:val' => list_num }) end xml['w'].ind({ 'w:left' => ls.style_left, 'w:hanging' => hanging }) xml['w'].contextualSpacing({ 'w:val' => '1' }) xml['w'].rPr do xml['w'].u({ 'w:val' => 'none' }) end end model.runs.each do |run| method = render_method_for_model(run) send(method, xml, run) end end end def render_pageflip(xml, model) xml['w'].p paragraph_options do xml['w'].pPr do xml['w'].sectPr do xml['w'].pgSz({ 'w:w' => document.page_width, 'w:h' => document.page_height }) end end end model.contents.each do |model| method = render_method_for_model(model) send(method, xml, model) end xml['w'].p paragraph_options do xml['w'].pPr do xml['w'].sectPr do xml['w'].pgSz({ 'w:w' => document.page_height, 'w:h' => document.page_width }) end end end end def render_pagebreak(xml, model) if model.page_break_wrap xml['w'].p paragraph_options do xml['w'].r run_options do xml['w'].br({ 'w:type' => 'page' }) end end else xml['w'].r run_options do xml['w'].br({ 'w:type' => 'page' }) end end end def render_paragraph(xml, model) run_props = [:color, :size, :bold, :italic, :underline].map { |m| model.send("paragraph_#{ m }") }.compact xml['w'].p paragraph_options do xml['w'].pPr do xml['w'].pStyle({ 'w:val' => model.paragraph_style }) unless model.paragraph_style.nil? xml['w'].contextualSpacing({ 'w:val' => '0' }) xml['w'].jc({ 'w:val' => model.paragraph_align }) unless model.paragraph_align.nil? render_run_attributes(xml, model, true) end model.runs.each do |run| method = render_method_for_model(run) send(method, xml, run) end end end def render_rule(xml, model) options = { 'w:color' => model.rule_color, 'w:sz' => model.rule_size, 'w:val' => model.rule_line, 'w:space' => model.rule_spacing } xml['w'].p paragraph_options do xml['w'].pPr do xml['w'].pBdr do xml['w'].top options end end end end def render_text(xml, model) xml['w'].r run_options do render_run_attributes(xml, model, false) xml['w'].t({ 'xml:space' => 'preserve' }, model.text_content) end end def render_table(xml, model) borders = %w(top left bottom right horizontal vertical).select do |m| model.send("table_border_#{ m }_size") > 0 end xml['w'].tbl do xml['w'].tblPr do xml['w'].tblStyle({ 'w:val' => 'DefaultTable' }) xml['w'].bidiVisual({ 'w:val' => '0' }) xml['w'].tblW({ 'w:w' => model.table_width.to_f, 'w:type' => 'dxa' }) xml['w'].tblInd({ 'w:w' => '0.0', 'w:type' => 'dxa' }) xml['w'].jc({ 'w:val' => model.table_align }) unless borders.empty? xml['w'].tblBorders do borders.each do |m| options = { 'w:color' => model.send("table_border_#{ m }_color"), 'w:val' => model.send("table_border_#{ m }_line"), 'w:sz' => model.send("table_border_#{ m }_size"), 'w:space' => model.send("table_border_#{ m }_spacing") } xml['w'].method_missing "#{ Caracal::Core::Models::BorderModel.formatted_type(m) }", options end end end xml['w'].tblLayout({ 'w:type' => 'fixed' }) xml['w'].tblLook({ 'w:val' => '0600' }) end xml['w'].tblGrid do model.rows.first.each do |tc| (tc.cell_colspan || 1).times do xml['w'].gridCol({ 'w:w' => tc.cell_width }) end end xml['w'].tblGridChange({ 'w:id' => '0' }) do xml['w'].tblGrid do model.rows.first.each do |tc| (tc.cell_colspan || 1).times do xml['w'].gridCol({ 'w:w' => tc.cell_width }) end end end end end rowspan_hash = {} model.rows.each do |row| xml['w'].tr do tc_index = 0 row.each do |tc| xml['w'].tc do xml['w'].tcPr do xml['w'].shd({ 'w:fill' => tc.cell_background }) xml['w'].vAlign({ 'w:val' => tc.cell_vertical_align }) # applying rowspan if tc.cell_rowspan && tc.cell_rowspan > 0 rowspan_hash[tc_index] = tc.cell_rowspan - 1 xml['w'].vMerge({ 'w:val' => 'restart' }) elsif rowspan_hash[tc_index] && rowspan_hash[tc_index] > 0 xml['w'].vMerge({ 'w:val' => 'continue' }) rowspan_hash[tc_index] -= 1 end # applying colspan xml['w'].gridSpan({ 'w:val' => tc.cell_colspan }) if tc.cell_colspan xml['w'].tcMar do %w(top left bottom right).each do |d| xml['w'].method_missing "#{ d }", { 'w:w' => tc.send("cell_margin_#{ d }").to_f, 'w:type' => 'dxa' } end end end tc.contents.each do |m| method = render_method_for_model(m) send(method, xml, m) end end # adjust tc_index for next cell taking into account current cell's colspan tc_index += (tc.cell_colspan && tc.cell_colspan > 0) ? tc.cell_colspan : 1 end end end end end #============= OPTIONS =================================== def root_options opts = {} document.namespaces.each do |model| opts[model.namespace_prefix] = model.namespace_href end unless document.ignorables.empty? v = document.ignorables.join(' ') opts['mc:Ignorable'] = v end opts end def page_margin_options { 'w:top' => document.page_margin_top, 'w:bottom' => document.page_margin_bottom, 'w:left' => document.page_margin_left, 'w:right' => document.page_margin_right } end def page_size_options { 'w:w' => document.page_width, 'w:h' => document.page_height, 'w:orient' => document.page_orientation } end end end end