#! /usr/bin/env Rscript library(RcppCNPy) library(optparse) library(gplots) library(fastcluster) library("RColorBrewer") ##################### ## FUNCTIONS ##################### cluster_obj_to_groups <- function(matrix_transf, clust_obj, method, minProportionCluster) { max_clusters <- ceiling(ncol(matrix_transf)/2) min_clusters <- ceiling(ncol(matrix_transf)/10) # print("max");print(max_clusters) # print("min");print(min_clusters) if(method=="quantile") { quantValue <- quantile(matrix_transf, c(.2), na.rm = TRUE) groups <- cutree(clust_obj, h = quantValue) } else if (method == "min_height_increase") { inert.gain <- rev(clust_obj$height) intra <- rev(cumsum(rev(inert.gain))) quot <- intra[min_clusters:(max_clusters)]/intra[(min_clusters - 1):(max_clusters - 1)] nb.clust <- which.min(quot) + min_clusters -1 groups <- cutree(clust_obj, k = nb.clust) } else if (method == "silhouette") { # res <- NbClust::NbClust(diss=as.dist(matrix_transf), distance = NULL, min.nc=min_clusters, max.nc=max_clusters, method = "ward.D2", index = "silhouette") # groups <- res$Best.partition } else if (method == "dynamic") { minClusterSize <- 2 data_minClusterSize <- ceiling(ncol(matrix_transf) * minProportionCluster) minClusterSize <- max(c(minClusterSize, data_minClusterSize)) # print(minClusterSize) groups <- dynamicTreeCut::cutreeDynamic(dendro = clust_obj, distM = matrix_transf, deepSplit = 2, pamRespectsDendro = TRUE, minClusterSize = minClusterSize) names(groups) <- colnames(matrix_transf) } else { stop("Method not found") } return(groups) } get_matrix_subset_mean <- function(combo, matrix_transf, groups) { mean(matrix_transf[ names(groups)[groups %in% combo[1]], names(groups)[groups %in% combo[2]] ] ) } calc_sim_between_groups <- function(matrix_transf, groups) { unique_groups <- unique(groups) n_groups <- length(unique_groups) subset_means <- combn(unique_groups, m=2, FUN=get_matrix_subset_mean, matrix_transf=matrix_transf, groups=groups) group_sim <- matrix(nrow = n_groups, ncol = n_groups, dimnames=list(unique_groups,unique_groups)) group_sim[lower.tri(group_sim)] <- subset_means # print(1-group_sim) group_sim } vectdist <- function(vectA, vectB){ # VectA and B must have same length. Exception not handled return(sqrt(sum((vectA - vectB)^2))) } toDistances <- function(vectors_matrix, rows = TRUE){ if(!rows){ vectors_matrix = t(vectors_matrix) } # Calc similitudes of rows numItems = nrow(vectors_matrix) Mdist = matrix(Inf,nrow = numItems, ncol = numItems) invisible(lapply(seq(numItems), function(i){ if(i != numItems){ invisible(lapply(seq(i+1, numItems), function(j){ v = vectdist(vectors_matrix[i,],vectors_matrix[j,]) Mdist[i,j] <<- v Mdist[j,i] <<- v })) } Mdist[i,i] <<- 0 })) return(Mdist) } ##################### ## OPTPARSE ##################### option_list <- list( make_option(c("-d", "--data_file"), type="character", help="Tabulated file with information about each sample"), make_option(c("-H", "--header"), type="logical", default=FALSE, action="store_true", help="Indicates that file has header"), make_option(c("-P", "--pdf"), type="logical", default=FALSE, action="store_true", help="Indicates that file has header"), make_option(c("-p", "--pairs"), type="logical", default=FALSE, action="store_true", help="Indicates if input file is a pairs-file instead a matrix"), make_option(c("-y", "--npy"), type="character", default=NULL, help="Indicates that input file is a numpy matrix and the given PATH is a file with axis labels"), make_option(c("-o", "--output"), type="character", default="output", help="Output figure file"), make_option(c("-s", "--same_sets"), type="logical", default=TRUE, action = "store_false", help="Flag to indicate that set A (rows) and B (columns) contain different items"), make_option(c("-S", "--save_raw_clust"), type="logical", default=FALSE, action = "store_true", help="Save raw hieraquical clustering, by default processed clustering will ve saved."), make_option(c("-c", "--collabel"), type="character", default="", help="Columns (x) graph label"), make_option(c("-r", "--rowlabel"), type="character", default="", help="Rows (y) graph label"), make_option(c("-m", "--matrix_transformation"), type="character", default=NULL, help="Matrix transformation parameter. Options: comp1, inverse, max."), make_option(c("-M","--minProportionCluster"), type="double", default=0.05, help="Minimun percentage of element per cluster."), # make_option(c("-C", "--min_clusters"), type="integer", default=NULL, # help="Minimum number of clusters to obtain"), # make_option(c("-M", "--max_clusters"), type="integer", default=NULL, # help="Maximum number of clusters to obtain"), make_option(c("-t", "--tree_cut_method"), type="character", default="quantile", help="Method to use to determine number of clusters in which to divide data"), make_option(c("-D", "--diagonal_replace"), type="numeric", default=NULL, help="Number to replace diagonal values in the input matrx") ) opt <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list)) ################################################################ ## MAIN ################################################################ ######### LOAD if(opt$pairs){ # Load pairs data_raw <- read.table(opt$data_file, sep="\t", header=opt$header, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) colnames(data_raw) <- c("SetA","SetB","Value") data_raw$SetA <- as.character(data_raw$SetA) data_raw$SetB <- as.character(data_raw$SetB) if(opt$same_sets){ all_elements <- sort(unique(unlist(data_raw[,c("SetA","SetB")]))) data <- matrix(NA, length(all_elements), length(all_elements), dimnames = list(all_elements, all_elements)) data[as.matrix(data_raw[,c("SetA","SetB")])] <- data_raw$Value data[as.matrix(data_raw[,c("SetB","SetA")])] <- data_raw$Value # save(data, file = "test2.RData") } else { rowSet <- unique(data_raw$SetA) colSet <- unique(data_raw$SetB) data <- matrix(0, ncol = length(colSet), nrow = length(rowSet), dimnames = list(rowSet, colSet)) data[as.matrix(data_raw[,c("SetA","SetB")])] <- data_raw$Value } }else{ # Load matrix if(!is.null(opt$npy)){ data <- npyLoad(opt$data_file) axis_files <- unlist(strsplit(opt$npy, ',')) axis_labels <- read.table(axis_files[1], header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep="\t") rownames(data) <- axis_labels$V1 if(length(axis_files) == 2){ x_axis_labels <- read.table(axis_files[2], header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep="\t") colnames(data) <- x_axis_labels$V1 }else{ colnames(data) <- axis_labels$V1 } }else{ data <- as.matrix(read.table(opt$data_file, sep="\t", header=opt$header, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, row.names= 1, check.names = FALSE)) } } if(sum(data[!is.na(data)]) == 0) stop("No similarity has been found") if(!is.null(opt$diagonal_replace)){ diag(data) <- opt$diagonal_replace } ######### NORMALIZE if(is.null(opt$matrix_transformation)){ matrix_transf <- data } else if (opt$matrix_transformation == 'comp1'){ matrix_transf <- 1 - data } else if (opt$matrix_transformation == 'inverse'){ matrix_transf <- 1 / data } else if (opt$matrix_transformation == 'max'){ matrix_transf <- max(data, na.rm = TRUE) - data } else { stop(paste('Invalid', opt$matrix_transformation, 'option value.')) } ######### CLUSTERING if(opt$same_sets){ hr <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(matrix_transf), method="ward.D2") groups <- cluster_obj_to_groups(matrix_transf, hr, opt$tree_cut_method, minProportionCluster = opt$minProportionCluster) write.table(groups, file=paste0(opt$output, '_clusters.txt'), sep="\t", quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names= TRUE) if (opt$save_raw_clust){ dendrogram_groups <- as.dendrogram(hr) } else { # TODO Pedro: I have no idea about the reason for the following code sim_between_groups <- calc_sim_between_groups(data, groups) distance_between_groups <- 1 - sim_between_groups groups_clustered <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(distance_between_groups), method="ward.D2") dendrogram_groups <- as.dendrogram(groups_clustered) } # Plot dendrogram to check performance # png(file=file.path(opt$output, 'dendrogram_groups.png', sep='')) # plot(dendrogram_groups) # dev.off() save(dendrogram_groups, file=paste0(opt$output, '_dendrogram_groups.RData', sep='')) }else{ # Calc similitudes of rows mdistRows = toDistances(matrix_transf) mdistCols = toDistances(matrix_transf, FALSE) rownames(mdistRows) <- rownames(matrix_transf) # The square matrixes obtained have lost colnames(mdistRows) <- rownames(matrix_transf) # row and col names. We retrieve them rownames(mdistCols) <- colnames(matrix_transf) # from original matrix. In previous case, colnames(mdistCols) <- colnames(matrix_transf) # the matrix_transf is used directly by hclust # Obtaing clustering hr_row <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(mdistRows), method="ward.D2") groups_row <- cluster_obj_to_groups(mdistRows, hr_row, opt$tree_cut_method, minProportionCluster = opt$minProportionCluster) quantValue_col <- quantile(mdistCols, c(.2), na.rm = TRUE) hr_col <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(mdistCols), method="ward.D2") groups_col <- cutree(hr_col, h = quantValue_col) ######### EXPORT write.table(groups_row, file=paste(opt$output, '_clusters_rows.txt', sep=''), sep="\t", quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE) write.table(groups_col, file=paste(opt$output, '_clusters_cols.txt', sep=''), sep="\t", quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE) } ######### RENDER if(opt$pdf){ pdf(paste0(opt$output, '_heatmap.pdf'), width = 1000, height = 1000, units = "px", res=175, pointsize = 8) }else{ png(paste0(opt$output, '_heatmap.png'), width = 1000, height = 1000, units = "px", res=175, pointsize = 8) } if(opt$same_sets){ group_colours <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Set1"))(length(unique(groups))) group_colours_arranged <- c(rep('#000000', length(groups[groups == 0])), group_colours[groups]) heatmap.2(data, Rowv=as.dendrogram(hr), Colv=as.dendrogram(hr), trace="none", col=brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"), dendrogram = c("row"), labRow = FALSE, labCol = FALSE, xlab = opt$collabel, ylab = opt$rowlabel, RowSideColors=group_colours_arranged) }else{ group_colours <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Set1"))(length(unique(groups_row))) group_colours_arranged <- c(rep('#000000', length(groups_row[groups_row == 0])), group_colours[groups_row]) heatmap.2(data, Rowv=as.dendrogram(hr_row), Colv=as.dendrogram(hr_col), trace="none", col=brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"), dendrogram = c("row"), labRow = FALSE, labCol = FALSE, xlab = opt$collabel, ylab = opt$rowlabel, RowSideColors=group_colours_arranged) } dev.off() # save.image("test.RData")