require 'spec_helper' describe Mongoid::History::Options do before :each do class ModelOne include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::History::Trackable store_in collection: :model_ones field :foo field :b, as: :bar if Mongoid::Compatibility::Version.mongoid7_or_newer? embeds_one :emb_one embeds_one :emb_two, store_as: :emtw embeds_many :emb_threes embeds_many :emb_fours, store_as: :emfs else embeds_one :emb_one, inverse_class_name: 'EmbOne' embeds_one :emb_two, store_as: :emtw, inverse_class_name: 'EmbTwo' embeds_many :emb_threes, inverse_class_name: 'EmbThree' embeds_many :emb_fours, store_as: :emfs, inverse_class_name: 'EmbFour' end track_history end class EmbOne include Mongoid::Document field :f_em_foo field :fmb, as: :f_em_bar embedded_in :model_one end class EmbTwo include Mongoid::Document field :f_em_baz embedded_in :model_one end class EmbThree include Mongoid::Document field :f_em_foo field :fmb, as: :f_em_bar embedded_in :model_one end class EmbFour include Mongoid::Document field :f_em_baz embedded_in :model_one end end after :each do Object.send(:remove_const, :ModelOne) Object.send(:remove_const, :EmbOne) Object.send(:remove_const, :EmbTwo) Object.send(:remove_const, :EmbThree) Object.send(:remove_const, :EmbFour) end let(:options) { {} } let(:service) {, options) } subject { service } it { respond_to :trackable } it { respond_to :options } describe '#initialize' do it { expect(service.trackable).to eq ModelOne } end describe '#scope' do it { expect(service.scope).to eq :model_one } end describe '#parse' do describe '#default_options' do let(:expected_options) do { on: :all, except: %i[created_at updated_at], tracker_class_name: nil, modifier_field: :modifier, version_field: :version, changes_method: :changes, scope: :model_one, track_create: true, track_update: true, track_destroy: true, format: nil } end it { expect(service.send(:default_options)).to eq expected_options } end describe '#prepare_skipped_fields' do let(:options) { { except: value } } subject { service.prepared } context 'with field' do let(:value) { :foo } it { expect(subject[:except]).to eq %w[foo] } end context 'with array of fields' do let(:value) { %i[foo] } it { expect(subject[:except]).to eq %w[foo] } end context 'with field alias' do let(:value) { %i[foo bar] } it { expect(subject[:except]).to eq %w[foo b] } end context 'with duplicate values' do let(:value) { %i[foo bar b] } it { expect(subject[:except]).to eq %w[foo b] } end context 'with blank values' do let(:value) { %i[foo] | [nil] } it { expect(subject[:except]).to eq %w[foo] } end end describe '#prepare_formatted_fields' do let(:options) { { format: value } } subject { service.prepared } context 'with non-hash' do let(:value) { :foo } it { expect(subject[:format]).to eq({}) } end context 'with a field format' do let(:value) { { foo: '&&&' } } it { expect(subject[:format]).to include 'foo' => '&&&' } end context 'with nested format' do let(:value) { { emb_one: { f_em_foo: '***' } } } it { expect(subject[:format]).to include 'emb_one' => { 'f_em_foo' => '***' } } end end describe '#parse_tracked_fields_and_relations' do context 'when options not passed' do let(:expected_options) do { on: %i[foo b], except: %w[created_at updated_at], tracker_class_name: nil, modifier_field: :modifier, version_field: :version, changes_method: :changes, scope: :model_one, track_create: true, track_update: true, track_destroy: true, fields: %w[foo b], dynamic: [], relations: { embeds_one: {}, embeds_many: {} }, format: {} } end it { expect(service.prepared).to eq expected_options } end context 'when options passed' do subject { service.prepared } describe '@options' do let(:options) { { on: value } } context 'with field' do let(:value) { :foo } it { expect(subject[:on]).to eq %i[foo] } it { expect(subject[:fields]).to eq %w[foo] } end context 'with array of fields' do let(:value) { %i[foo] } it { expect(subject[:on]).to eq %i[foo] } it { expect(subject[:fields]).to eq %w[foo] } end context 'with embeds_one relation attributes' do let(:value) { { emb_one: %i[f_em_foo] } } it { expect(subject[:on]).to eq [[:emb_one, %i[f_em_foo]]] } end context 'with fields and embeds_one relation attributes' do let(:value) { [:foo, emb_one: %i[f_em_foo]] } it { expect(subject[:on]).to eq [:foo, emb_one: %i[f_em_foo]] } end context 'with :all' do let(:value) { :all } it { expect(subject[:on]).to eq %i[foo b] } end context 'with :fields' do let(:value) { :fields } it { expect(subject[:on]).to eq %i[foo b] } end describe '#categorize_tracked_option' do context 'with skipped field' do let(:options) { { on: %i[foo bar], except: :foo } } it { expect(subject[:fields]).to eq %w[b] } end context 'with skipped embeds_one relation' do let(:options) { { on: %i[fields emb_one emb_two], except: :emb_one } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_one]).to eq('emtw' => %w[_id f_em_baz]) } end context 'with skipped embeds_many relation' do let(:options) { { on: %i[fields emb_threes emb_fours], except: :emb_threes } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_many]).to eq('emfs' => %w[_id f_em_baz]) } end context 'with reserved field' do let(:options) { { on: %i[_id _type foo deleted_at] } } it { expect(subject[:fields]).to eq %w[foo] } end context 'when embeds_one attribute passed' do let(:options) { { on: { emb_one: :f_em_foo } } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_one]).to eq('emb_one' => %w[_id f_em_foo]) } end context 'when embeds_one attributes array passed' do let(:options) { { on: { emb_one: %i[f_em_foo] } } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_one]).to eq('emb_one' => %w[_id f_em_foo]) } end context 'when embeds_many attribute passed' do let(:options) { { on: { emb_threes: :f_em_foo } } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_many]).to eq('emb_threes' => %w[_id f_em_foo]) } end context 'when embeds_many attributes array passed' do let(:options) { { on: { emb_threes: %i[f_em_foo] } } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_many]).to eq('emb_threes' => %w[_id f_em_foo]) } end context 'when embeds_one attributes not passed' do let(:options) { { on: :emb_one } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_one]).to eq('emb_one' => %w[_id f_em_foo fmb]) } end context 'when embeds_many attributes not passed' do let(:options) { { on: :emb_threes } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_many]).to eq('emb_threes' => %w[_id f_em_foo fmb]) } end context 'when embeds_one attribute alias passed' do let(:options) { { on: { emb_one: %i[f_em_bar] } } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_one]).to eq('emb_one' => %w[_id fmb]) } end context 'when embeds_many attribute alias passed' do let(:options) { { on: { emb_threes: %i[f_em_bar] } } } it { expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_many]).to eq('emb_threes' => %w[_id fmb]) } end context 'with fields, and multiple embeds_one, and embeds_many relations' do let(:options) { { on: [:foo, :bar, :emb_two, { emb_threes: %i[f_em_foo f_em_bar], emb_fours: :f_em_baz }] } } it 'should categorize fields and associations correctly' do expect(subject[:fields]).to eq(%w[foo b]) expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_one]).to eq('emtw' => %w[_id f_em_baz]) expect(subject[:relations][:embeds_many]).to eq('emb_threes' => %w[_id f_em_foo fmb], 'emfs' => %w[_id f_em_baz]) end end context 'with field alias' do let(:options) { { on: :bar } } it { expect(subject[:fields]).to eq %w[b] } end context 'with dynamic field name' do let(:options) { { on: :my_field } } it { expect(subject[:dynamic]).to eq %w[my_field] } end context 'with relations' do let(:options) { { on: :embedded_relations } } it do expect(subject[:relations]).to eq( embeds_many: { 'emb_threes' => %w[_id f_em_foo fmb], 'emfs' => %w[_id f_em_baz] }, embeds_one: { 'emb_one' => %w[_id f_em_foo fmb], 'emtw' => %w[_id f_em_baz] } ) end end end end describe ':modifier_field' do let(:options) { { modifier_field: :my_modifier_field } } it { expect(subject[:modifier_field]).to eq :my_modifier_field } end describe ':version_field' do let(:options) { { version_field: :my_version_field } } it { expect(subject[:version_field]).to eq :my_version_field } end describe ':paranoia_field' do let(:options) { { paranoia_field: :my_paranoia_field } } it { expect(subject[:paranoia_field]).to eq :my_paranoia_field } end describe ':changes_method' do let(:options) { { changes_method: :my_changes_method } } it { expect(subject[:changes_method]).to eq :my_changes_method } end describe ':scope' do let(:options) { { scope: :my_scope } } it { expect(subject[:scope]).to eq :my_scope } end describe ':track_create' do let(:options) { { track_create: true } } it { expect(subject[:track_create]).to be true } end describe ':track_update' do let(:options) { { track_update: false } } it { expect(subject[:track_update]).to be false } end describe ':track_destroy' do let(:options) { { track_destroy: true } } it { expect(subject[:track_destroy]).to be true } end describe '#remove_reserved_fields' do let(:options) { { on: %i[_id _type foo version modifier_id] } } it { expect(subject[:fields]).to eq %w[foo] } it { expect(subject[:dynamic]).to eq [] } end end end end end