class Spud::Admin::SnippetsController < Spud::Admin::ApplicationController belongs_to_spud_app :snippets layout '/spud/admin/detail' add_breadcrumb "Snippets", :spud_admin_snippets_url before_filter :load_snippet, :only => [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] cache_sweeper :snippet_sweeper, :only => [:update,:destroy,:create] def index @snippets =[:admin_site]).order(:name).paginate :page => params[:page] respond_with @snippets end def new add_breadcrumb "New", :new_spud_admin_snippet_url @snippet = respond_with @snippet end def create add_breadcrumb "New", :new_spud_admin_snippet_url @snippet =[:spud_snippet]) @snippet.site_id = session[:admin_site] respond_with @snippet, :location => spud_admin_snippets_url end def edit add_breadcrumb "Edit", :edit_spud_admin_snippet_url respond_with @snippet end def update add_breadcrumb "Edit", :edit_spud_admin_snippet_url flash[:notice] = "Snippet saved successfully!" if @snippet.update_attributes(params[:spud_snippet]) respond_with @snippet, :location => spud_admin_snippets_url end def destroy flash[:notice] = "Snippet removed!" if @snippet.destroy respond_with @snippet,:location => spud_admin_snippets_url end private def load_snippet @snippet = SpudSnippet.where(:id => params[:id]).first if @snippet.blank? flash[:error] = "Snippet does not exist!" redirect_to spud_admin_snippets_url and return false elsif Spud::Core.multisite_mode_enabled && @snippet.site_id != session[:admin_site] flash[:warning] = "This snippet is for a different site" redirect_to spud_admin_snippets_url and return false end end end