# frozen_string_literal: true require "json" require "pakyow/support/core_refinements/array/ensurable" require "pakyow/support/extension" require "pakyow/support/inflector" require "pakyow/support/safe_string" require "pakyow/data/sources/relational" require "pakyow/presenter/binding_parts" require "pakyow/presenter/versioned_view" require "pakyow/presenter/presenter" require "pakyow/ui/recordable/helpers/client_remapping" require "pakyow/ui/recordable/attributes" module Pakyow module UI module Recordable extend Support::Extension include Support::SafeStringHelpers using Support::Refinements::Array::Ensurable # @api private attr_reader :calls def to_json(*) optimized.to_json end def to_a @calls end # @api private def cache_bindings! binding_nodes = if (view.object.is_a?(StringDoc::Node) || view.object.is_a?(StringDoc::MetaNode)) && view.object.significant?(:multipart_binding) [view.object] else view.object.find_significant_nodes(:binding) end @bindings = binding_nodes.flat_map { |node| [node.label(:binding), node.label(:binding_prop)] }.compact end private def optimized calls = [] # Combine finds when looking for the same nodes. # @calls.each do |call| if call[0] == :find && matching_call = calls.find { |c| c[0] == :find && c[1] == call[1] && c[2] == call[2] } matching_call[3].to_a.concat(call[3].to_a) else calls << call end end # Prioritize the calls so they are applied correctly on the client. # calls.sort! { |a, b| call_priority(a, calls) <=> call_priority(b, calls) } calls end PRIORITY_CALLS = %i(transform use).freeze def call_priority(call, calls) if PRIORITY_CALLS.include?(call[0]) # Set priority calls to a priority of -1000, which is highest priority. # -1000 elsif call[0] == :find # Make priority of finds an inverse of specificity (e.g. [:post] > [:post, :title]). # -1000 + call[1][0].count else # Or just keep the same order we have now. # calls.index(call) end end # FIXME: We currently viewify twice for present; once for transform, another for bind. # Let's create a `Viewified` object instead... then check to see if it's already happened. # def viewify(data) data = if data.is_a?(Data::Proxy) data.to_a elsif data.nil? [] else Array.ensure(data) end data.map { |object| binder = wrap_data_in_binder(object) object = binder.object # Map object keys to the binding name. # keys_and_binding_names = object.to_h.keys.map { |key| key = key.to_sym if key == :id || @bindings.include?(key) binding_name = key else plural_binding_name = Support.inflector.pluralize(key.to_s).to_sym singular_binding_name = Support.inflector.singularize(key.to_s).to_sym if @bindings.include?(plural_binding_name) binding_name = plural_binding_name elsif @bindings.include?(singular_binding_name) binding_name = singular_binding_name else next end end [key, binding_name] } # Add view-specific bindings that aren't in the object, but may exist in the binder. # @bindings.each do |binding_name| unless keys_and_binding_names.find { |_, k2| k2 == binding_name } keys_and_binding_names << [binding_name, binding_name] end end viewified = keys_and_binding_names.compact.uniq.each_with_object({}) { |(key, binding_name), values| value = binder.__value(key) if value.is_a?(String) value = ensure_html_safety(value) end if value.is_a?(Presenter::BindingParts) values[binding_name] = value.values(@view.find(binding_name)) elsif !value.nil? values[binding_name] = value end } viewified } end apply_extension do include Helpers::ClientRemapping end def self.find_through(binding_path, binding_info, options, context, calls) if binding_path.any? binding_path_part = binding_path.shift current_options = options.dup if id = binding_info[binding_path_part.to_s.split(":", 2)[0].to_sym] # Tie the transformations to a node of a specific id, unless we're transforming the entire set. # unless calls.any? { |call| call[0] == :transform } current_options["id"] = id end end subsequent = [] args = [[binding_path_part]] unless current_options.empty? args << current_options end context << [ :find, args, [], subsequent ] find_through(binding_path, binding_info, options, subsequent, calls) else context.concat(calls) end end class_methods do def render_proc(view, render, &block) super(view, render) do |_, context| if render[:node] instance_exec(&block) # The super proc creates a new presenter instance per render, but we want each to use the # same starting point for calls since they all apply to the same node. # context.calls.concat(calls) else instance_exec(&block) if calls.any? # Explicitly find the node to apply the transformation to the correct node. While # we're at it, append any transformations caused by the `instance_exec` above. # Recordable.find_through( render[:binding_path].dup, object.label(:binding_info).to_h, {}, context.calls, calls ) end end end end def from_presenter(presenter) allocate.tap { |instance| # Copy state from the presenter we're tracking. # presenter.instance_variables.each do |ivar| instance.instance_variable_set(ivar, presenter.instance_variable_get(ivar)) end instance.cache_bindings! } end end prepend_methods do def initialize(*) super @calls = [] cache_bindings! end def presenter_for(view, type: view&.label(:presenter_type)) presenter = super if presenter.is_a?(Delegator) presenter.__setobj__(self.class.from_presenter(presenter.__getobj__)) else presenter = self.class.from_presenter(presenter) end presenter end %i( find transform use bind append prepend after before replace remove clear title= html= endpoint endpoint_action component ).each do |method_name| define_method method_name do |*args, &block| nested = [] super(*args) { |nested_presenter, *nested_args| if block nested << nested_presenter block.call(nested_presenter, *nested_args) end }.tap do |result| call_args = case method_name when :find # Because multiple bindings can be passed, we want to wrap them in # an array so that the client sees them as a single argument. # [args] when :transform # Ignore the potential `yield_block` argument that's used internally. # [viewify(args[0])] when :bind # Modify the bound data to include only necessary values. # viewify(args) else args end subsequent = if (result.is_a?(Presenter::Presenter) && !result.equal?(self)) || (result.is_a?(Delegator) && !result.__getobj__.equal?(self)) || result.is_a?(Attributes) result else [] end calls << [remap_for_client(method_name), call_args, nested, subsequent] end end end def attributes Attributes.from_attributes(super).tap do |subsequent| calls << [:attributes, [], [], subsequent] end end alias attrs attributes end end end end