Speedup Test::RSpec by running parallel on multiple CPUs (or cores).
ParallelizedSpecs splits tests into even groups(by number of tests or runtime) and runs each group in a single process with its own database. Optional rerunning of failed specs allowing intermittent specs to not cause builds to fail with configurable max failures to try to rerun post build. Setup for Rails =============== ## Install ### Rails 3 If you use RSpec: ensure you got >= 2.4 As gem # add to Gemfile gem "parallelized_specs", :group => :development OR as plugin rails plugin install git://github.com/jakesorce/parallelized_specs.git # add to Gemfile gem "parallel", :group => :development ### Rails 2 As gem gem install parallelized_specs # add to config/environments/development.rb config.gem "parallelized_specs" # add to Rakefile begin; require 'parallelized_specs/tasks'; rescue LoadError; end OR as plugin gem install parallel # add to config/environments/development.rb config.gem "parallel" ./script/plugin install git://github.com/jakesorce/parallelized_specs.git ## Setup ParallelizedSpecs uses 1 database per test-process, 2 processes will use `*_test` and `*_test2`. ### 1: Add to `config/database.yml` test: database: xxx_test<%= ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] %> ### 2: Create additional database(s) rake parallel:create ### 3: Copy development schema (repeat after migrations) rake parallel:prepare ### 4: Run! rake parallel:spec # RSpec rake parallel:spec[1] --> force 1 CPU --> 86 seconds rake parallel:spec --> got 2 CPUs? --> 47 seconds rake parallel:spec --> got 4 CPUs? --> 26 seconds ... Test by pattern (e.g. use one integration server per subfolder / see if you broke any 'user'-related tests) rake parallel:spec[4,user,] # force 4 CPU and run users specs rake parallel:spec['user|product'] # run user and product related specs Example output -------------- 2 processes for 210 specs, ~ 105 specs per process ... spec output ... 843 examples, 0 failures, 1 pending Took 29.925333 seconds Loggers =================== Even process runtimes ----------------- Log test runtime to give each process the same runtime. Rspec: Add to your `spec/parallelized_specs.opts` (or `spec/spec.opts`) : RSpec 1.x: --format progress --require parallelized_specs/spec_runtime_logger --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecRuntimeLogger:tmp/parallel_profile.log RSpec >= 2.4: If installed as plugin: -I vendor/plugins/parallelized_specs/lib --format progress --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecRuntimeLogger --out tmp/parallel_profile.log SpecSummaryLogger -------------------- This logger logs the test output without the different processes overwriting each other. Add the following to your `spec/parallel_spec.opts` (or `spec/spec.opts`) : RSpec 1.x: --format progress --require parallelized_specs/spec_summary_logger --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecSummaryLogger:tmp/spec_summary.log RSpec >= 2.2: If installed as plugin: -I vendor/plugins/parallelized_specs/lib --format progress --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecSummaryLogger --out tmp/spec_summary.log SpecFailuresLogger ----------------------- This logger produces pasteable command-line snippets for each failed example. This also stores all failures in this file for later consumption during in optional RERUN process which can rerun all failed specs and potentially change the pass\fail outcome of a build if all specs pass. Enable this formatter E.g. rspec /path/to/my_spec.rb:123 # should do something Add the following to your `spec/parallelized_spec.opts` (or `spec/spec.opts`) : RSpec 1.x: --format progress --require parallelized_specs/spec_failures_logger --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecFailuresLogger:tmp/failing_specs.log RSpec >= 2.4: If installed as plugin: -I vendor/plugins/parallelized_specs/lib --format progress --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecFailuresLogger --out tmp/failing_specs.log FailuresFormatter ----------------------- **REQUIRED FOR RERUNS** *Note reruns cause some more false positive handling in multiple spots during runtime and should also include the OutcomeBuilder formatter explained separately which handles these conditions* This formatter captures all needed data about failed examples and stores them in a file for an additional run at the end of the first build. If all specs that failed the first time pass the build will be marked as passed in the exit status The output location defined below is not optional and if this formatter is used must not be changed. Use default MAX_RERUNS of 9 or set max number of failed specs to be allowed for reruns by exporting environment variable export RERUNS=10 E.g. Add the following to your `spec/parallelized_spec.opts` (or `spec/spec.opts`) : RSpec 1.x: --format progress --require parallelized_specs/failures_rerun_logger --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecFailuresLogger:tmp/parallel_log/rspec.failures RSpec >= 2.4: If installed as plugin: -I vendor/plugins/parallelized_specs/lib --format progress --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecFailuresLogger --out tmp/parallel_log/rspec.failures OutcomeBuilder ----------------------- **RECOMMENDED WITH RERUNS** *Note reruns cause some more false positive handling in multiple spots during runtime and should also include the OutcomeBuilder formatter* Because previously the pass\fail determination was solely on exit status and now we do things besides always fail on non 0 exits we must handle many other causes of non 0 exit codes that we don't want to start the rerun process if they happen E.g. Add the following to your `spec/parallelized_spec.opts` (or `spec/spec.opts`) : RSpec 1.x: --format progress --require parallelized_specs/outcome_builder --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecFailuresLogger:tmp/parallel_log/outcome_builder.txt RSpec >= 2.4: If installed as plugin: -I vendor/plugins/parallelized_specs/lib --format progress --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecFailuresLogger --out tmp/parallel_log/outcome_builder.txt TrendingExampleFailures ----------------------- Create a single * delimited text file with all failed examples failure information No built in interface to populate a database with these E.g. Add the following to your `spec/parallelized_spec.opts` (or `spec/spec.opts`) : RSpec 1.x: --format progress --require parallelized_specs/trending_example_failures_logger --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecFailuresLogger:tmp/parallel_log/trends.log RSpec >= 2.4: If installed as plugin: -I vendor/plugins/parallelized_specs/lib --format progress --format ParallelizedSpecs::SpecFailuresLogger --out tmp/parallel_log/trends.log Setup for non-rails =================== sudo gem install parallelized_specs # go to your project dir parallelized_specs # [Optional] use ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] inside your tests to select separate db/memcache/etc. [optional] Only run selected files & folders: parallelized_specs test/bar test/baz/xxx_text_spec.rb TIPS ==== - [RSpec] add a `spec/parallel_spec.opts` to use different options, e.g. no --drb (default: `spec/spec.opts`) - [RSpec] if something looks fishy try to delete `script/spec` - [RSpec] if `script/spec` is missing parallel:spec uses just `spec` (which solves some issues with double-loaded environment.rb) - [RSpec] 'script/spec_server' or [spork](http://github.com/timcharper/spork/tree/master) do not work in parallel - [RSpec] `./script/generate rspec` if you are running rspec from gems (this plugin uses script/spec which may fail if rspec files are outdated) - [RSpec] remove --loadby from you spec/*.opts - [Bundler] if you have a `Gemfile` then `bundle exec` will be used to run tests - [SQL schema format] use :ruby schema format to get faster parallel:prepare` - [ActiveRecord] if you do not have `db:abort_if_pending_migrations` add this to your Rakefile: `task('db:abort_if_pending_migrations'){}` - `export PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS=X` in your environment and parallelized_specs will use this number of processors by default - with zsh this would be `rake "parallel:prepare[3]"` - [RERUNS] if your using reruns formatter also use the outcome builder to make your builds handle syntax issues in some threads files and thread crashes more cleanly Authors ==== inspired by [pivotal labs](http://pivotallabs.com/users/miked/blog/articles/849-parallelize-your-rspec-suite) based loosely from https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests ### [Contributors](http://github.com/jakesorce/parallelized_specs/contributors) - [Bryan Madsen](http://github.com/bmad) [Jake Sorce](http://github.com/jakesorce)
[Shawn Meredith](https://github.com/smeredith0506)
Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...