# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- #InlineForms::SPECIAL_COLUMN_TYPES[:absence_list]=:no_migration # checklist def absence_list_show(object, attribute) # the object is the lesson, attribute should be absences??? absence_status = { 1 => 'aanwezig', 3 => 'laat met reden', 4 => 'laat' , 5 => 'afwezig met reden', 6 => 'afwezig' } out = '' out.html_safe end def absence_list_edit(object, attribute) # object.send(attribute).build if object.send(attribute).empty? # values = object.send(attribute).first.class.name.constantize.find(:all) # TODO bring order out = '
' out << '' out << '
' out.html_safe end # def absence_list_update(object, attribute) # params[attribute] ||= {} # object.send(attribute.singularize + '_ids=', params[attribute].keys) # end