require 'erb' module Softcover module Commands module Generator include Softcover::Output extend self # Generates the default book file tree. def generate_file_tree(name, options = {}) @name = name @markdown = !options[:polytex] thor = puts "Generating directory: #{name}" overwrite_all = false FileUtils.mkdir name unless File.exist?(name) Dir.chdir name # Create the directories. # There was some trouble with MathJax where it was trying to copy a # file before the directory had been created, so we now create all # the directories first. directories.each do |path| (cp_path = path.dup).slice! template_dir + "/" unless File.exist?(cp_path) puts "Creating #{cp_path}" unless cp_path =~ /MathJax/ FileUtils.mkdir cp_path end end # Create the files. files.each do |path| next if path =~ /\/.$|\/..$/ (cp_path = path.dup).slice! template_dir + "/" if path =~ /book\.tex/ cp_path = "#{name}.tex" elsif path =~ /\.erb/ cp_path = File.join(File.dirname(cp_path), File.basename(path.dup, '.erb')) elsif path =~ /gitignore/ cp_path = '.gitignore' end display_path = File.join name, cp_path if File.exist?(cp_path) && !overwrite_all res = thor.ask "#{display_path} already exists. " \ "Overwrite? (yes,no,all):" overwrite = case res when /y|yes/ then true when /n|no/ then false when /a|all/ then overwrite_all = true true end next unless overwrite end puts "Creating #{cp_path}" unless cp_path =~ /MathJax/ if path =~ /\.erb/ erb =, 'w') { |f| f.write erb } else FileUtils.cp path, cp_path end end # Symlink the images directory. Dir.chdir "html" FileUtils.rm_f("images") if"images") File.symlink("../images", "images") Dir.chdir "../.." book_yml = File.join(Softcover::Directories::CONFIG, 'book.yml') puts "Done. Please update #{book_yml}" end def template_dir File.expand_path File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "template" end # Returns a list of all the files and directories used to build the book. def all_files_and_directories files_directories_maybe_markdown end # Returns the files and directories based on the input format. def files_directories_maybe_markdown fds = Dir.glob(File.join(template_dir, "**/*"), File::FNM_DOTMATCH) if markdown? # Skip the PolyTeX chapter files, which will be generated later. fds.reject { |e| e =~ /\/chapters\/.*\.tex/ } else # Skip the Markdown files. fds.reject { |e| e =~ /chapters\/.*\.md/ } end end # Returns just the directories used for building the book. def directories { |path| } end # Returns just the files (not directories) used for building the book. def files all_files_and_directories.reject { |path| } end def markdown? @markdown end def verify! generated_files = Dir.glob("**/*", File::FNM_DOTMATCH).map do |f| File.basename(f) end Softcover::Commands::Generator.all_files_and_directories.each do |file| path = if file =~ /book\.tex/ "#{@name}.tex" elsif file =~ /\.erb/ File.basename(file, '.erb') elsif file =~ /gitignore/ '.gitignore' else File.basename(file) end raise "missing #{file}" unless generated_files.include?(path) end end end end end