U: FXMap[f0.40000000000000002FC:FXMapperSettings{"Box BG Colorl+"Arrow Colorl+"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Edit on CreationF"Paths as CurvesT"Box Number Colorl+"Create on ConnectionT"Use Room CursorF"Font Objects"times new roman" BG Colorl+"Box Border Colorl+"Font Text"times new roman"Automatic ConnectionT"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Box Darkness Colorl+"Location NumbersT"Grid BoxesT" Inhumane" Gonzalo Garramuno (automap)0i[U:FXSection[[/U: FXRoom["In Your Tent" amulet "[ 0000U:FXConnection[ Fii@(U;["Center of Camp""[ @.0U; [ Fii@0U;["In the Desert""[ U; [ Fii@8U;["Bottom of a Hole""[ U; [ Fii@@U;[" In a Pit""[ 0000@F0U; [ Fii@H@8ii0Fi i"This is a sandy pit with stone walls. You are not likely to be able to climb out. The only thing here is a note taped to the wall. Fii000@>000Fi i"You are at the bottom of the hole you just dug. The floor of the hole is a stone slab with a little slot in it. You can nearly smell the riches that must be buried beneath your feet! Fii0@N0@6000Fi i"YAll you can see in any direction is sand and sunlight. You are sweating like a pig. Fii0U; [ Fii@0U;["Roboff's Tent"toilet note radio"read note open toilet [ @S000U; [ Fii@UU;["Round Room""[ U; [ Fii@]U;[" Landing""[ U; [ Fii@eU;["Bottom of Shaft" bag "[ U; [ Fii@mU;["Exercise-Wheel Room" coin" get coin, n (until you die)[ 0000@s000Fi i "jThis room is laid out like an exercise wheel for rats except that it is 40 ft. across. You can turn the wheel by walking north or south. Equally spaced around the rim are twelve coin-holders. Some have gold coins in them. The coin-holder at your feet has a coin in it. The hole is at the bottom of the wheel. Below it is the shaft that you entered this room by. Fii000@k000Fi i "You are at the bottom of a ladder that goes up a shaft from here. To the south is the stairway up. On the floor is a small coin-bag made of leather. It appears to have something in it. Fii0U; [ Fii@eU;["T Intersection""[ U; [ Fii@U;["Door Near Blades""[ U; [ Fii@U;["Stalagmite Room"stalagmites"[ U; [ Fii@U;["North Stalagmite Room" button"push button[ 0000@000Fi i 0Fii000@000Fi i 0Fii000@000Fi i "The north hall ends at a door. Stretched from wall to wall and floor to roof in the hall are long thin metal blades that you have to worm between very carefully. The door is closed. Fii0U; [ Fii@U;["Great Door""[ 000000@0Fi i "You are outside an ornate door with an ornate iron lock. The hieroglyphics on the door seems to indicate that it leads into the central tomb where the gold coffin is! The Great Door is closed. Fii000@}0Fi i ">The hallway goes east and west here with a branch north. Fii0@c000Fi i "oThis is a landing on the stairway. You can go down to the north or up to the south. A passage leads east. Fii0U; [ Fii@]U;["T-Intersection""[ 00U; [ Fii@U;["Corridor at Doorway""[ U; [ Fii@U;["Room Full of Gadgets""[ U; [ Fii@U;["North Gadget Room"ruby chips" get ruby[ 0000@000Fi i "The room stretches away back south. The metal gadgets are clustered even more densely here. Sitting on the floor in a clear space is a cut-crystal bowl. The bowl contains: a large perfect ruby a hundreds of quartz chips Fii000@000Fi i "This is the south end of a long room. The walls and floor and ceiling are covered with thousands of metal gadgets that you might want to examine more carefully. There is a path free of gadgets to the north end of the room. Fii0U; [ Fii@U;[" Glue Pit""[ U; [ Fii@U;["Outside Door""[ @0U; [ Fii@U;["Hall Full of Fur""[ 00U; [ Fii@U;["Glass Hall""[ 00U; [ Fii@U;["End of Glass Hall" necklace"get necklace[ 000000@0Fii"The hall ends in another glass-covered wall. On this wall is an iron shelf bolted onto the glass. (Actually the bolts go through the glass into the stone wall.) Sitting on the shelf is: a beautiful silver necklace Fii000@0Fii"The walls of this east/west corridor are thick panes of glass over the normal stone blocks. So is the floor which makes it hard to walk on your furry feet. Fii000@0Fii"You are wading through knee-deep piles of the fur that is stuck all over you. The door is to the west is jammed open by more of the stuff. The hall continues east. The door is open. A cascade of fur spills through. Fii000U; [ Fii@@ii0Fii"_The hall ends in a door to the east. To the west is that pit of glue. The door is closed. Fii0@000@0Fii"You are in a deep pit up to your chin in sticky grayish glue. You can probably climb out using a rough set of handholds on the east wall. (Probably carved by a previous sucker.) Fii000@0Fi i"PThe hall goes east and west from here and there is a doorway to the north. Fii0U; [ Fii@U;["Narrow Passage at Chasm"" jump[ @000U; [ Fii@0ii000Fi i"A wide chasm crosses the passage at this point. Fortunately someone has built a wooden bridge across it. The narrow passage continues south past the bridge and north to the intersection. Fii0@0Ti i"sTo the hall goes east from here. To the west is the stairway to the round room. A narrow passage leads south. Fii0U; [ Fii@]U;["Corridor at Alcoves""[ @0U; [ Fii@U;["East Alcove""[ 000000@ 0Fi i"This alcove is empty but the floor has a separate stone platform set in it. The platform moves slightly when stepped on but does not move up or down. Directly above the platform is a hole in the ceiling. Fii0U; [ Fii@U;["Outside Door""[ @000U; [ Fii@U;["Room With Chest"needle chest dorkmid "4close door unlock chest with needle get dorkmid[ @0000000Fi i"This room is empty except for a small chest at one end. The only exit is the door to the north. The door is open. You see something glimmering behind the door. You'll have to close the door to get it. The chest is closed and locked. Fii000Fi i"pYou are at the end of the hall. To the south is a wooden door with a steel knob on it. The door is closed. Fii0U; [ Fii@U;["West Alcove""turn crank[ 00@%0U; [ Fii@'U;["On Platform""[ @-0U; [ Fii@/U;["In Tiny Room" diamond "[ 000000@50Ti i"This is a tiny room. The only exit is back west. You can see the quartz window directly above your head. There is a huge diamond lying on the ground! Fii00000Tii"qYou are on the crank platform at the bottom of the shaft under the alcove. There is an opening to the east. Fii000Fii"This alcove has a stone platform set in the floor. The platform shifts a little but does not move when you step on it. Sticking out of the platform is an iron crank. Fii0Fi i"The corridor goes north to the stairs and south from here. There are alcoves to the east and west. In the floor between the alcoves is a quartz window. Fii0U; [ Fii@]U;["T-Intersection""[ 00@A0U; [ Fii@CU;["South Branch""[ @I000U; [ Fii@KU;["Alcove at End of Corridor"#pebble gold brick silver cube "+put pebble on middle disc get brick n [ @Q0000000Fi i"QAt the south wall is a large stone block with three stone disks embedded on top. The disks appear to be slidable up and down. Above the disks is suspended a glass tube stretching from wall to wall. There is a tiny pebble on the floor. Sitting on the left disk is: a solid gold brick Sitting on the right disk is: a solid silver cube Fii000Fi i"The hall ends in an alcove to the south. The intersection in north. Odd... The floor feels a bit shaky here. Nothing to worry about though. Fii0U; [ Fii@CU;["Corridor Near Pit""[ 00@[000U; [ Fii@]U;["On the Platform"invisible bar"[ 00@c000U; [ Fii@eU;["West of the Pit""[ U; [ Fii@mU;[" Key Room" iron key"[ U; [ Fii@uU;["Demon Room"figure of demon"[ 0000@{000Fii " This room is full of carved demons and devils doing nasty thing to innocent people. There is quite a bit of gold-leaf fresco and bas-relief. Very nice if you don't mind the subject matter. The only exit is south. There is a small figure of a demon in carved gold here! Fii000@s000Fii " In the center of this room is a stone block. There is a stone disk on the top surface of the block. Directly above the disk is suspended a glass globe just full of spiders and little snakes and scorpions. Exits are north and south. Sitting on the disk is: a iron key Fii0@k0U; [ Fii@mU;["Black Room"faceted obsidian sphere"[ @0000000Fii"This room is decorated in various textures of black stone. A hall leads north. Carved on the floor is an ornate pentacle. This room is very depressing. The pentacle contains: a faceted obsidian sphere Fii000Tii"`The pit with the swinging platform is east of this intersection. Halls go north and south. Fii0Fii"You are standing on a wooden platform swinging clockwise around the pit wall. The floor is 65 feet down but halls leave the pit at this level on the east and west sides. Fii0Fii"West is a large round pit about 65 feet deep. Running down the center of the pit is an axle with a platform attached at the level of this hall. The platform is swinging around the wall of the pit. You see another hall west across the pit. Fii0Ti i"8The east/west corridor branches to the south here. Fii@[Fi i"This room is at the peak of the pyramid. It is perfectly conical. In the center is a tall stone obelisk that you could probably use to get back up to the fake toilet. There are four stairways leaving the room at the four compass points. Fii000Fi i "You are in Francisco Roboff's tent. The place is bare except for the emergency signal radio and Roboff's toilet in one corner. There is a note taped to the tent wall. Tii0U; [ Fii@0U;["Storage Tent"torch shovel "[ 00@00000Fii"bThis is where the party kept all its supplies. However Roboff seems to have cleaned everything out that was of any use. Several arrows of Da-Glo paint on the wall attract your attention to the empty food and water chests. Lying on the ground is a brass torch of the "self-igniting" type. The ignite button is on the handle. There is a shovel lying here. Fii0Fi i"This is the center of your camp. The entire place seems to be completely deserted. You can see Roboff's tent to the south and the storage tent west. East is open desert. Fii000Fi i"You are in your tent in the encampment. The tent appears to have been completely cleaned out. It is very hot in here and getting hotter. The tent flap to the south is open. On the ground is the ancient jeweled amulet that you "borrowed" from Mr. Meshugge. F@0@@U@8@@@H@]@C@]@e@m@u@@@@'@ @@@@K@S@@@@@@@@@@@e@m@u@}@@@@/@7[1@.@S@@6@>@F@N@[@@@A@I@[@c@k@}@s@ @%@@@@@Q@@@@@@@@@@@c@k@s@{@@@@@-@50ii