module EffectiveResourcesHelper def simple_form_submit(form, options = {}, &block) resource = (@_effective_resource || # Apply btn-primary to the first item, only if the class isn't already present actions = if controller.respond_to?(:member_actions_for) controller.member_actions_for(form.object).transform_values.with_index do |opts, index| if opts[:class].present? opts else opts[:class] = "btn #{index == 0 ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-default'}" end opts end else {}.tap do |actions| actions['Save'] = { class: 'btn btn-primary', data: { disable_with: 'Saving...' }} actions['Continue'] = { class: 'btn btn-default', data: { disable_with: 'Saving...' }} if resource.index_path(check: true) actions['Add New'] = { class: 'btn btn-default', data: { disable_with: 'Saving...' }} if resource.new_path(check: true) end end wrapper_options = { class: 'form-actions' }.merge(options.delete(:wrapper_html) || {}) content_tag(:div, wrapper_options) do buttons = actions.group_by { |(_, args)| args[:class] }.flat_map do |_, action| { |action| form.button(:submit, *action) } + [''] end # I think this is a bug. I can't override default button class when passing my own class: variable. it merges them. if (btn_class = SimpleForm.button_class).present? buttons = { |button| button.sub(btn_class, '') } end if block_given? buttons = [capture(&block), ''] + buttons end result = buttons.join(' ').html_safe end end def simple_form_save(form, label = 'Save', options = {}, &block) wrapper_options = { class: 'form-actions' }.merge(options.delete(:wrapper_html) || {}) options = { class: 'btn btn-primary', data: { disable_with: 'Saving...'} }.merge(options) content_tag(:div, wrapper_options) do form.button(:submit, label, options) + (capture(&block) if block_given?) end end def number_to_duration(duration) duration = duration.to_i value = duration.abs [ ('-' if duration < 0), ("#{value / 60}h " if value >= 60), ("#{'%0.2d' % (value % 60)}m" if value > 0), ('0m' if value == 0), ].compact.join end ### Icon Helpers for actions_column or elsewhere def show_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('eye-open', path, {title: 'Show'}.merge(options)) end def edit_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('edit', path, {title: 'Edit'}.merge(options)) end def destroy_icon_to(path, options = {}) defaults = {title: 'Destroy', data: {method: :delete, confirm: 'Delete this item?'}} glyphicon_to('trash', path, defaults.merge(options)) end def settings_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('cog', path, {title: 'Settings'}.merge(options)) end def ok_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('ok', path, {title: 'OK'}.merge(options)) end def approve_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('ok', path, {title: 'Approve'}.merge(options)) end def remove_icon_to(path, options = {}) glyphicon_to('remove', path, {title: 'Remove'}.merge(options)) end def glyphicon_tag(icon) if icon.to_s.start_with?('glyphicon-') content_tag(:span, '', class: "glyphicon #{icon}") else content_tag(:span, '', class: "glyphicon glyphicon-#{icon}") end end def glyphicon_to(icon, path, options = {}) content_tag(:a, options.merge(href: path)) do if icon.to_s.start_with?('glyphicon-') content_tag(:span, '', class: "glyphicon #{icon}") else content_tag(:span, '', class: "glyphicon glyphicon-#{icon}") end end end alias_method :bootstrap_icon_to, :glyphicon_to alias_method :glyph_icon_to, :glyphicon_to ### Tableize attributes # This is used by effective_orders, effective_logging, effective_trash and effective_mergery def tableize_hash(obj, table: 'table', th: true, sub_table: 'table', sub_th: true, flatten: true) case obj when Hash if flatten && obj[:attributes].kind_of?(Hash) obj = obj[:attributes].merge(obj.except(:attributes)) end content_tag(:table, class: table.presence) do content_tag(:tbody) do do |key, value| content_tag(:tr, class: key.to_param) do content_tag((th == true ? :th : :td), key) + content_tag(:td) { tableize_hash(value, table: sub_table, th: sub_th, sub_table: sub_table, sub_th: sub_th, flatten: flatten) } end end.join.html_safe end end when Array { |value| tableize_hash(value, table: sub_table, th: sub_th, sub_table: sub_table, sub_th: sub_th, flatten: flatten) }.join('<br>') when Symbol ":#{obj}" when NilClass '-' else obj.to_s.presence || '""' end.html_safe end def format_resource_value(value) @format_resource_tags ||= ActionView::Base.sanitized_allowed_tags.to_a + ['table', 'thead', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'tr', 'td', 'th'] @format_resource_atts ||= ActionView::Base.sanitized_allowed_attributes.to_a + ['colspan', 'rowspan'] simple_format(sanitize(value.to_s, tags: @format_resource_tags, attributes: @format_resource_atts), {}, sanitize: false) end end