require 'spec_helper' require 'bigbluebutton_api' describe Bigbluebutton::Api::RoomsController do render_views let!(:room) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room) } before { @previous = BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret = "" # all allowed } after { BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret = @previous } shared_examples "an authenticated API call" do context "when the server has a secret" do before { @previous = BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret = "123123" } after { BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret = @previous } [nil, "WRONG", '', "bearer 123123"].each do |auth_header| context "forbids the authorization header #{auth_header.inspect}" do before(:each) { request.headers['Authorization'] = auth_header action } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['status'].should eql('403') } it { title = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['title'] title.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.forbidden.title')) } it { detail = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['detail'] detail.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.forbidden.msg')) } end end context "when the valid secret is informed" do before(:each) { request.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer 123123" action } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'].should be_nil } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].should_not be_nil } end end context "when the server has a nil secret" do before { @previous = BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret = nil } after { BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret = @previous } [nil, "WRONG", '', "bearer 123123"].each do |auth_header| context "forbids the authorization header #{auth_header.inspect}" do before(:each) { request.headers['Authorization'] = auth_header action } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['status'].should eql('403') } it { title = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['title'] title.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.forbidden.title')) } it { detail = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['detail'] detail.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.forbidden.msg')) } end end end context "when the server has an empty string as secret" do before { @previous = BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret = '' } after { BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.api_secret = @previous } [nil, "WRONG", '', "bearer 123123"].each do |auth_header| context "forbids the authorization header #{auth_header.inspect}" do before(:each) { request.headers['Authorization'] = auth_header action } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'].should be_nil } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].should_not be_nil } end end end end describe "#index" do context "authenticates" do let(:action) { get :index, format: :json } it_should_behave_like "an authenticated API call" end context "basic" do before(:each) { get :index, format: :json } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should respond_with_content_type('json') } it { should assign_to(:rooms).with([room]) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].should be_an_instance_of(Array) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['type'].should eql('room') } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['id'].should eql(room.to_param) } end context "content" do let(:owner) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_server) } # could be any model before { room.update_attributes(owner: owner) } before(:each) { get :index, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['private'].should eql(room.private) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['links']['self'].should eql(room.short_path) } context "includes the owner in the response" do it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['relationships']['owner']['data']['type'].should eql('server') } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['relationships']['owner']['data']['id'].should eql(owner.to_param) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['relationships']['owner']['data']['attributes']['name'].should eql( } end end context "empty response" do before { room.destroy } before(:each) { get :index, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].should be_empty } end context "filtering" do before { room.update_attributes(name: "La Lo", slug: "lalo-1") } let!(:room2) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room, name: "La Le", slug: "lale-2") } let!(:room3) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room, name: "Li Lo", slug: "lilo") } context "filters by terms" do before(:each) { get :index, filter: { terms: 'la' }, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].length.should be(2) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql("La Le") } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql("La Lo") } end context "orders by number of matches" do before(:each) { get :index, filter: { terms: 'la,1' }, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].length.should be(2) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql("La Lo") } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql("La Le") } end context "strips the terms" do before(:each) { get :index, filter: { terms: ' la ' }, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].length.should be(2) } end end context "sorting" do let!(:room2) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room, name: + "-2") } let!(:room3) { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room, name: + "-3") } context "orders by name" do before(:each) { get :index, sort: 'name', format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][2]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } end context "orders by name DESC" do before(:each) { get :index, sort: '-name', format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][2]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } end context "orders by name by default" do before(:each) { get :index, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][2]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } end context "orders by activity" do before { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting, create_time: - 2.hours, room: room) FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting, create_time:, room: room2) FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting, create_time: - 1.hour, room: room3) } before(:each) { get :index, sort: 'activity', format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][2]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } end context "orders by activity DESC" do before { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting, create_time: - 2.hours, room: room) FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting, create_time:, room: room2) FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_meeting, create_time: - 1.hour, room: room3) } before(:each) { get :index, sort: '-activity', format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][2]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } end context "doesn't order by anything else" do before { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room, attendee_key: "2") FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room, attendee_key: "1") FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room, attendee_key: "0") } before(:each) { get :index, sort: 'attendee_key', format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][2]['attributes']['name'].should eql( } end end context "pagination" do context "limits to 10 by default" do before { 15.times { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room) } } before(:each) { get :index, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].length.should be(10) } end context "paginates" do before { 9.times { FactoryGirl.create(:bigbluebutton_room) } @rooms = BigbluebuttonRoom.order('name').all } context "returns the selected page" do before(:each) { get :index, page: { size: 2, number: 3 }, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].length.should be(2) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql(@rooms[4].name) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql(@rooms[5].name) } end context "returns the first page by default" do before(:each) { get :index, page: { size: 3 }, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'].length.should be(3) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][0]['attributes']['name'].should eql(@rooms[0].name) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][1]['attributes']['name'].should eql(@rooms[1].name) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data'][2]['attributes']['name'].should eql(@rooms[2].name) } end context "includes the pagination links in the response" do before(:each) { get :index, page: { size: 2, number: 3 }, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['links']['self'].should eql(request.original_url) } it { uri = URI.parse(request.original_url) query = Rack::Utils.parse_query(uri.query) query["page[number]"] = 4 uri.query = Rack::Utils.build_query(query) JSON.parse(response.body)['links']['next'].should eql(uri.to_s) } it { uri = URI.parse(request.original_url) query = Rack::Utils.parse_query(uri.query) query["page[number]"] = 2 uri.query = Rack::Utils.build_query(query) JSON.parse(response.body)['links']['prev'].should eql(uri.to_s) } it { uri = URI.parse(request.original_url) query = Rack::Utils.parse_query(uri.query) query["page[number]"] = 1 uri.query = Rack::Utils.build_query(query) JSON.parse(response.body)['links']['first'].should eql(uri.to_s) } context "doesn't include 'prev' when in the first page" do before(:each) { get :index, page: { size: 2, number: 1 }, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['links']['prev'].should be_nil } end end end end end describe "#running" do before { mock_server_and_api @api_mock.stub(:is_meeting_running?) } context "authenticates" do let(:action) { get :running, id: room.to_param, format: :json } it_should_behave_like "an authenticated API call" end context "basic" do before(:each) { get :running, id: room.to_param, format: :json } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should respond_with_content_type('json') } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['type'].should eql('room') } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['id'].should eql(room.to_param) } it { room.request_headers["x-forwarded-for"].should eql(request.remote_ip) } end context "room is running" do before { @api_mock.stub(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) } before(:each) { get :running, id: room.to_param, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['attributes']['running'].should be(true) } end context "room is running" do before { @api_mock.should_receive(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(false) } before(:each) { get :running, id: room.to_param, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['attributes']['running'].should be(false) } end context "when the room is not found" do before { BigbluebuttonRoom.stub(:find_by).and_return(nil) } before(:each) { post :running, id: room.to_param + '-2', format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['status'].should eql('404') } it { title = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['title'] title.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.room_not_found.title')) } it { detail = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['detail'] detail.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.room_not_found.msg')) } end end describe "#join" do let(:expected_url) { '' } before { mock_server_and_api @api_mock.stub(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(true) @api_mock.stub(:join_meeting_url).and_return(expected_url) } context "authenticates" do let(:action) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1' } it_should_behave_like "an authenticated API call" end context "basic" do before { room.update_attributes(private: false) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1' } it { should respond_with(:success) } it { should respond_with_content_type('json') } it { should assign_to(:room).with(room) } it { should assign_to(:url).with(expected_url) } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['type'].should eql('join-url') } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['id'].should eql(expected_url) } it { room.request_headers["x-forwarded-for"].should eql(request.remote_ip) } end context "generates the correct join url" do let(:expected_url) { '' } context "attendee in a public room" do before { room.should_receive(:parameterized_join_url).with('User 1', :attendee, nil, {}).and_return(expected_url) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1' } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['id'].should eql(expected_url) } end context "attendee in a private room" do before { room.update_attributes(private: true) room.should_receive(:parameterized_join_url).with('User 1', :attendee, nil, {}).and_return(expected_url) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1', key: room.attendee_key } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['id'].should eql(expected_url) } end context "moderator in a private room" do before { room.update_attributes(private: true) room.should_receive(:parameterized_join_url).with('User 1', :moderator, nil, {}).and_return(expected_url) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1', key: room.moderator_key } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['id'].should eql(expected_url) } end context "with metadata" do let(:expected_meta) { { 'userdata-param-1' => 1, 'userdata-param_2' => 'string-2' } } before { room.should_receive(:parameterized_join_url).with('User 1', :attendee, nil, expected_meta).and_return(expected_url) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1', key: room.moderator_key, 'meta-param-1': 1, meta_param_2: 'string-2' } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['id'].should eql(expected_url) } end end context "when the room is not found" do before { BigbluebuttonRoom.stub(:find_by).and_return(nil) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param + '-2', format: :json, name: 'User 1' } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['status'].should eql('404') } it { title = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['title'] title.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.room_not_found.title')) } it { detail = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['detail'] detail.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.room_not_found.msg')) } end context "when the room is not running" do before { @api_mock.stub(:is_meeting_running?).and_return(false) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1' } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['status'].should eql('400') } it { title = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['title'] title.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.room_not_running.title')) } it { detail = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['detail'] detail.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.room_not_running.msg')) } end context "when a name is not informed" do before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['status'].should eql('400') } it { title = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['title'] title.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.missing_params.title')) } it { detail = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['detail'] detail.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.missing_params.msg')) } end context "when a key is not informed and the room is private" do before { room.update_attributes(private: true) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1' } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['status'].should eql('400') } it { title = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['title'] title.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.missing_params.title')) } it { detail = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['detail'] detail.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.missing_params.msg')) } end context "attendee in a private room with wrong key" do before { room.update_attributes(private: true) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1', key: 'WRONG' } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['status'].should eql('403') } it { title = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['title'] title.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.invalid_key.title')) } it { detail = JSON.parse(response.body)['errors'][0]['detail'] detail.should eql(I18n.t('bigbluebutton_rails.api.errors.invalid_key.msg')) } end context "when guest support is on" do let(:expected_url) { '' } before { @guest_support = BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.guest_support BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.guest_support = true } after { BigbluebuttonRails.configuration.guest_support = @guest_support } before { room.should_receive(:parameterized_join_url).with('User 1', :guest, nil, {}).and_return(expected_url) } before(:each) { post :join, id: room.to_param, format: :json, name: 'User 1' } it { JSON.parse(response.body)['data']['id'].should eql(expected_url) } end end end