module Vcloud module Tools module Tester class FixtureParameters attr_reader :fixture_params def initialize(user_params) @vcloud_api = @user_params = user_params ensure_vcloud_fixtures extract_fixture_params end private def ensure_vcloud_fixtures generate_fixtures_config correct_networks = ensure_networks_correct(@expected_fixtures_config[:networks]) @fixtures = correct_networks end def generate_fixtures_config @expected_fixtures_config = { :networks => { :network_1 => { :edge_gateway => @user_params["edge_gateway"], :vdc_name => @user_params["vdc_1_name"], :name => @user_params["network_1"], :type => 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml', :description => '', :is_inherited => 'false', :is_shared => 'true', :fence_mode => 'natRouted', :gateway => '', :netmask => '', :dns1 => nil, :dns2 => nil, :dns_suffix => nil, :ip_ranges => [ { :start_address => "", :end_address => "" } ], }, :network_2 => { :edge_gateway => @user_params["edge_gateway"], :vdc_name => @user_params["vdc_2_name"], :name => @user_params["network_2"], :type => 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.orgVdcNetwork+xml', :description => '', :is_inherited => 'false', :is_shared => 'true', :fence_mode => 'isolated', :gateway => '', :netmask => '', :dns1 => nil, :dns2 => nil, :dns_suffix => nil, :ip_ranges => [ { :start_address => "", :end_address => "" } ], }, }, } end def ensure_networks_correct(expected_network_config) existing_networks = @vcloud_api.current_organization.networks.all(false) correct_networks = [] expected_network_config.each_value do |expected_config| # find an existing network matching the expected configuration found_network = existing_networks.detect { |n| == expected_config[:name] } unless found_network new_network = Vcloud::Core::OrgVdcNetwork.provision(expected_config) correct_networks << new_network next end unless network_matches_expected?(found_network, expected_config) raise "Network '#{expected_config[:name]}' already exists but is not configured as expected. You should delete this network before re-running the tests; it will be re-created by the tests." end correct_networks << found_network end correct_networks end def extract_fixture_params raise "No fixtures present" if @fixtures.empty? @fixture_params = {} @fixtures.each do |fixture| case fixture when ::Fog::Compute::VcloudDirector::Network, Vcloud::Core::OrgVdcNetwork @expected_fixtures_config[:networks].each do |network_ref, expected_network_config| if expected_network_config[:name] == @fixture_params["#{network_ref}_id"] = end end end end end def network_matches_expected?(found_network, expected_network_config) network_config_matches_expected?(found_network, expected_network_config) && network_available_to_correct_vdc?(found_network, expected_network_config) end def network_config_matches_expected?(found_network, expected_network_config) found_network_config = found_network.instance_variable_get(:@attributes) expected_network_config = expected_network_config.reject do |key| %w{edge_gateway vdc_name}.include?(key.to_s) end found_network_config = found_network_config.reject do |key| %w{id edge_gateway href}.include?(key.to_s) end # sort hashes ready for comparison found_network_config = Hash[found_network_config.sort] expected_network_config = Hash[expected_network_config.sort] found_network_config == expected_network_config end def network_available_to_correct_vdc?(found_network, expected_network_config) vdcs = @vcloud_api.current_organization.vdcs.all(false) vdcs.each do |vdc| next unless == expected_network_config[:vdc_name] matching_network = vdc.available_networks.detect { |n| n[:href].split('/').last == } return true if matching_network end false end end end end end