import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSelector, shallowEqual, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { Bullseye, Split, SplitItem } from '@patternfly/react-core';
import { TableVariant, fitContent } from '@patternfly/react-table';
import { STATUS } from 'foremanReact/constants';
import { translate as __ } from 'foremanReact/common/I18n';
import { urlBuilder } from 'foremanReact/common/urlHelpers';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import TableWrapper from '../../../../components/Table/TableWrapper';
import onSelect from '../../../../components/Table/helpers';
import { getContentViewRepositories, getRepositoryTypes } from '../ContentViewDetailActions';
import {
} from '../ContentViewDetailSelectors';
import { ADDED, NOT_ADDED, ALL_STATUSES } from '../../ContentViewsConstants';
import ContentCounts from './ContentCounts';
import LastSync from './LastSync';
import RepoAddedStatus from './RepoAddedStatus';
import RepoIcon from './RepoIcon';
import SelectableDropdown from '../../../../components/SelectableDropdown';
import { capitalize } from '../../../../utils/helpers';
const allRepositories = 'All repositories';
// Add any exceptions to the display names here
// [API_value]: displayed_value
const repoTypeNames = {
docker: 'Container',
ostree: 'OSTree',
const ContentViewRepositories = ({ cvId }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const response = useSelector(state => selectCVRepos(state, cvId), shallowEqual);
const status = useSelector(state => selectCVReposStatus(state, cvId), shallowEqual);
const error = useSelector(state => selectCVReposError(state, cvId), shallowEqual);
const repoTypesResponse = useSelector(state => selectRepoTypes(state), shallowEqual);
const repoTypesStatus = useSelector(state => selectRepoTypesStatus(state), shallowEqual);
const [rows, setRows] = useState([]);
const [metadata, setMetadata] = useState({});
const [searchQuery, updateSearchQuery] = useState('');
const [typeSelected, setTypeSelected] = useState(allRepositories);
const [statusSelected, setStatusSelected] = useState(ALL_STATUSES);
// repoTypes object format: [displayed_value]: API_value
const [repoTypes, setRepoTypes] = useState({});
const columnHeaders = [
{ title: __('Type'), transforms: [fitContent] },
__('Sync state'),
{ title: __('Status') },
const loading = status === STATUS.PENDING;
const buildRows = (results) => {
const newRows = [];
results.forEach((repo) => {
const {
content_type: contentType,
added_to_content_view: addedToCV,
product: { id: productId, name: productName },
content_counts: counts,
last_sync_words: lastSyncWords,
last_sync: lastSync,
} = repo;
const cells = [
{ title: },
{ title: {name} },
{ title: },
{ title: },
title: ,
newRows.push({ cells });
return newRows;
const getCVReposWithOptions = (params = {}) => {
const allParams = { ...params };
if (typeSelected !== 'All repositories') allParams.content_type = repoTypes[typeSelected];
return getContentViewRepositories(cvId, allParams, statusSelected);
useEffect(() => {
const { results, ...meta } = response;
if (!loading && results) {
const newRows = buildRows(results);
}, [JSON.stringify(response)]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
// Get repo type filter selections dynamically from the API
useEffect(() => {
if (repoTypesStatus === STATUS.RESOLVED && repoTypesResponse) {
const allRepoTypes = {};
allRepoTypes[allRepositories] = 'all';
repoTypesResponse.forEach((type) => {
const { name } = type;
const typeFullName =, name) ?
repoTypeNames[name] : capitalize(name);
allRepoTypes[`${typeFullName} Repositories`] = name;
}, [JSON.stringify(repoTypesResponse), repoTypesStatus]);
const emptyContentTitle = __("You currently don't have any repositories to add to this content view.");
const emptyContentBody = __('Please add some repositories.'); // needs link
const emptySearchTitle = __('No matching repositories found');
const emptySearchBody = __('Try changing your search settings.');
const activeFilters = (typeSelected && typeSelected !== allRepositories) ||
(statusSelected && statusSelected !== ALL_STATUSES);
return (
additionalListeners={[typeSelected, statusSelected]}
ContentViewRepositories.propTypes = {
cvId: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
export default ContentViewRepositories;