module OverSIP::Launcher extend ::OverSIP::Logger READY_PIPE_TIMEOUT = 6 @log_id = "launcher" def self.daemonize!(options) $stdin.reopen("/dev/null") # grandparent (launcher) : Reads pipe, exits when master is ready. # \_ parent : Exits immediately ASAP. # \_ master : Writes to pipe when ready. rd, wr = IO.pipe grandparent = $$ if fork wr.close # Grandparent does not write in the ready_pipe. else rd.close # Parent (so also future master) does not read from the ready_pipe. ::Process.setsid exit if fork # Parent dies now. end # I'm grandparent (launcher) process. if grandparent == $$ # Master process will inmediatelly write in the ready_pipe its PID so we get # its PID. master_pid = nil begin ::Timeout::timeout(READY_PIPE_TIMEOUT/2) do master_pid = rd.gets("\n").to_i rescue nil end rescue ::Timeout::Error fatal "master process didn't notify its PID within #{READY_PIPE_TIMEOUT/2} seconds" end unless master_pid fatal "master process failed to start" end # This will block until ends succesfully (so master process # writes "ok" in the ready_pipe) or until the pipe is closes without writting into it # (so the master process has died). # It can also occur that master process blocks forever and never writes into the # ready pipe neither closes it. In this case a timeout is raised and master process # is killed. master_ok = nil begin ::Timeout::timeout(READY_PIPE_TIMEOUT/2) do master_ok = ( rescue nil) end rescue ::Timeout::Error begin ::Process.kill(:TERM, master_pid) 10.times do |i| sleep 0.05 ::Process.wait(master_pid, ::Process::WNOHANG) rescue nil ::Process.kill(0, master_pid) rescue break end ::Process.kill(0, master_pid) ::Process.kill(:KILL, master_pid) rescue nil rescue ::Errno::ESRCH end fatal "master process is not ready within #{READY_PIPE_TIMEOUT/2} seconds, killing it" end unless master_ok == "ok" fatal "master process failed to start" end # Grandparent can die now with honor. exit 0 # I'm master process. else options[:ready_pipe] = wr end end def configuration = ::OverSIP.configuration # Store the master process PID. ::OverSIP.master_pid = $$ begin # Inmediatelly write into the ready_pipe so grandparent process reads it # and knowns which PID we have. ready_pipe = options.delete(:ready_pipe) ready_pipe.write($$.to_s + "\n") if ready_pipe # I'm master process. if syslogger_pid = fork ::OverSIP.syslogger_pid = syslogger_pid log_system_info "starting syslogger process (PID #{syslogger_pid})..." ::OverSIP::Logger.load_methods # Load all the libraries for the master process. require "oversip/master_process.rb" ::OverSIP::TLS.module_init ::OverSIP::SIP.module_init ::OverSIP::SIP::RFC3263.module_init ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WsFraming.class_init ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WsApp.class_init # I'm the sysloger process. else # Close the pipe in the syslogger process. ready_pipe.close rescue nil ready_pipe = nil require "oversip/syslogger_process.rb" options exit end do log_system_info "using Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE} revision #{RUBY_REVISION}) [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}]" log_system_info "using EventMachine-LE #{::EM::VERSION}" log_system_info "starting event reactor..." # DNS resolver. if configuration[:sip][:sip_udp] # SIP UDP IPv4 server. if configuration[:sip][:enable_ipv4] true, :ipv4, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:sip][:listen_port], :udp end # SIP IPv6 UDP server. if configuration[:sip][:enable_ipv6] true, :ipv6, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:sip][:listen_port], :udp end end if configuration[:sip][:sip_tcp] # SIP IPv4 TCP server. if configuration[:sip][:enable_ipv4] true, :ipv4, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:sip][:listen_port], :tcp end # SIP IPv6 TCP server. if configuration[:sip][:enable_ipv6] true, :ipv6, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:sip][:listen_port], :tcp end end if configuration[:sip][:sip_tls] unless configuration[:sip][:use_tls_tunnel] # SIP IPv4 TLS server (native). if configuration[:sip][:enable_ipv4] true, :ipv4, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls], :tls end # SIP IPv6 TLS server (native). if configuration[:sip][:enable_ipv6] true, :ipv6, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls], :tls end else # SIP IPv4 TLS server (Stud). if configuration[:sip][:enable_ipv4] true, :ipv4, "", configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls_tunnel], :tls_tunnel, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls] false, :ipv4, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls], :tls # Spawn a Stud process. spawn_stud_process options, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls], "", configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls_tunnel], ssl = false end # SIP IPv6 TLS server (Stud). if configuration[:sip][:enable_ipv6] true, :ipv6, "::1", configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls_tunnel], :tls_tunnel, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls] false, :ipv6, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls], :tls # Spawn a Stud process. spawn_stud_process options, configuration[:sip][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls], "::1", configuration[:sip][:listen_port_tls_tunnel], ssl = false end end end if configuration[:websocket][:sip_ws] # WebSocket IPv4 TCP SIP server. if configuration[:websocket][:enable_ipv4] true, :ipv4, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port], :tcp, ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_SIP_PROTOCOL end # WebSocket IPv6 TCP SIP server. if configuration[:websocket][:enable_ipv6] true, :ipv6, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port], :tcp, ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_SIP_PROTOCOL end end if configuration[:websocket][:sip_wss] unless configuration[:websocket][:use_tls_tunnel] # WebSocket IPv4 TLS SIP server (native). if configuration[:websocket][:enable_ipv4] true, :ipv4, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls], :tls, ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_SIP_PROTOCOL end # WebSocket IPv6 TLS SIP server (native). if configuration[:websocket][:enable_ipv6] true, :ipv6, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls], :tls, ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_SIP_PROTOCOL end else # WebSocket IPv4 TLS SIP server (Stud). if configuration[:websocket][:enable_ipv4] true, :ipv4, "", configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls_tunnel], :tls_tunnel, ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_SIP_PROTOCOL, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls] false, :ipv4, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls], :tls, ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_SIP_PROTOCOL # Spawn a Stud process. spawn_stud_process options, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv4], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls], "", configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls_tunnel], ssl = true end # WebSocket IPv6 TLS SIP server (Stud). if configuration[:sip][:enable_ipv6] true, :ipv6, "::1", configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls_tunnel], :tls_tunnel, ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_SIP_PROTOCOL, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls] false, :ipv6, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls], :tls, ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_SIP_PROTOCOL # Spawn a Stud process. spawn_stud_process options, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv6], configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls], "::1", configuration[:websocket][:listen_port_tls_tunnel], ssl = true end end end # TEST: WebSocket Autobahn server. #if configuration[:websocket][:sip_ws] # if configuration[:websocket][:enable_ipv4] # true, :ipv4, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv4], # 9001, :tcp, # ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_AUTOBAHN_PROTOCOL # end #end # #if configuration[:websocket][:sip_wss] # if configuration[:websocket][:enable_ipv4] # true, :ipv4, configuration[:websocket][:listen_ipv4], # 9002, :tls, # ::OverSIP::WebSocket::WS_AUTOBAHN_PROTOCOL # end #end # Change process permissions if requested. set_user_group(options[:user], options[:group]) # Create PID file. create_pid_file(options[:pid_file]) log_system_info "reactor running" log_system_info "master process (PID #{$$}) ready" log_system_info "#{::OverSIP::PROGRAM_NAME} #{::OverSIP::VERSION} running in background" # Write "ok" into the ready_pipe so grandparent process (launcher) # exits with status 0. if ready_pipe ready_pipe.write("ok") ready_pipe.close rescue nil ready_pipe = nil end # Stop writting into standard output/error. $stdout.reopen("/dev/null") $stderr.reopen("/dev/null") ::OverSIP.daemonized = true ::OverSIP::Logger.load_methods ::EM.error_handler do |e| log_system_error "error raised during event loop and rescued by EM.error_handler:" log_system_error e end trap_signals end # rescue => e fatal e end end # def def self.create_pid_file(path) # Check that the PID file is accesible. begin assert_file_is_writable_readable_deletable(path) rescue ::OverSIP::Error => e fatal "cannot create PID file: #{e.message}" end # If the PID file exists (it shouldn't) check if it's stale. if wpid = valid_pid?(path) and wpid != $$ fatal "already running on PID #{wpid} (or '#{path}' is stale)" end # Delete the PID file if it exists. ::File.unlink(path) rescue nil # Create the PID file., "w", 0644) do |f| f.syswrite("#$$\n") end ::OverSIP.pid_file = path end def self.assert_file_is_writable_readable_deletable(path) # File already exists. if ::File.exist?(path) if not ::File.file?(path) raise ::OverSIP::Error, "'#{path}' exits and is not a regular file" elsif not ::File.readable?(path) raise ::OverSIP::Error, "'#{path}' is not readable" elsif not ::File.writable?(path) raise ::OverSIP::Error, "'#{path}' is not writable" end end # Check if the parent directory is writeable. if not ::File.writable? ::File.dirname(path) raise ::OverSIP::Error, "directory '#{::File.dirname(path)}' is not writable" end end # Returns a PID if a given path contains a non-stale PID file, # false otherwise. def self.valid_pid?(path) begin wpid = wpid <= 0 and return false # If the process exists return its PID. ::Process.kill(0, wpid) return wpid # If the process exists but we don't have permissions over it, return its PID. rescue ::Errno::EPERM return wpid # If the PID file (path) doesn't exist or the process is not running return false. rescue ::Errno::ENOENT, ::Errno::ESRCH return false end end def self.trap_signals # This should never occur, but maybe if I've missed trapping a signal. at_exit do log_system_crit "exiting due to an unknown cause ($! = #{$!.inspect})..." terminate end # Signals that cause OverSIP to terminate. exit_signals = [:TERM, :QUIT] exit_signals.each do |signal| trap signal do log_system_notice "#{signal} signal received, exiting..." terminate end end # Signals that must be ignored. ignore_signals = [:ALRM, :INT, :PIPE, :POLL, :PROF, :USR1, :USR2, :VTALRM, :WINCH] ignore_signals.each do |signal| begin trap signal do log_system_notice "#{signal.to_s.upcase} signal received, ignored" end rescue ::ArgumentError log_system_notice "cannot trap signal #{signal.to_s.upcase}, it could not exist in this system, ignoring it" end end # Signal HUP reloads logic. # TODO: Reload proxies (so purge DNS cache in all of them), reload websocket policy. trap :HUP do log_system_info "HUP signal received, reloading logic..." ::OverSIP::Config.reload_logic end # Signal CHLD is sent by syslogger process if it dies. trap :CHLD do # TODO: This won't be logged since syslogger process has died! log_system_crit "CHLD signal received, syslogger process could be death" end end def self.terminate error=false unless error log_system_info "exiting, thank you for tasting #{::OverSIP::PROGRAM_NAME}" end # Wait a bit so pending log messages in the Posix MQ can be queued. sleep 0.05 delete_pid_file ::OverSIP::Logger.close kill_syslogger_process # Kill Stud processes. pid = Process.spawn "killall oversip_stud 2>/dev/null" Process.wait(pid) # Exit by preventing any exception. exit!( error ? false : true ) end def self.delete_pid_file return false unless ::OverSIP.master_pid ::File.delete(::OverSIP.pid_file) rescue nil end def self.kill_syslogger_process return false unless ::OverSIP.master_pid begin ::Process.kill(:TERM, ::OverSIP.syslogger_pid) 10.times do |i| sleep 0.05 ::Process.wait(::OverSIP.syslogger_pid, ::Process::WNOHANG) rescue nil ::Process.kill(0, ::OverSIP.syslogger_pid) rescue break end ::Process.kill(0, ::OverSIP.syslogger_pid) ::Process.kill(:KILL, ::OverSIP.syslogger_pid) rescue nil rescue ::Errno::ESRCH end end def self.set_user_group(user, group) uid = ::Etc.getpwnam(user).uid if user gid = ::Etc.getgrnam(group).gid if group if uid or gid if gid && ::Process.egid != gid ::Process.initgroups(user, gid) if user ::Process::GID.change_privilege(gid) end if uid ::Process.euid != uid and ::Process::UID.change_privilege(uid) end end end def self.spawn_stud_process(options, listen_ip, listen_port, bg_ip, bg_port, ssl=false) stud_user_group = "" stud_user_group << "-u #{options[:user]}" if options[:user] stud_user_group << " -g #{options[:group]}" if options[:group] ssl_option = ( ssl ? "--ssl" : "" ) bin_dir = ::File.join(::File.absolute_path(::File.dirname(__FILE__)), "../../bin/") Dir.chdir(bin_dir) do pid = POSIX::Spawn.spawn "./oversip_stud #{stud_user_group} #{ssl_option} -f '#{listen_ip},#{listen_port}' -b '#{bg_ip},#{bg_port}' -n 2 -s --daemon --write-proxy #{::OverSIP.configuration[:tls][:full_cert]}" Process.waitpid(pid) end end end