# frozen_string_literal: true require "kafka/broker_pool" require "set" module Kafka # A cluster represents the state of a Kafka cluster. It needs to be initialized # with a non-empty list of seed brokers. The first seed broker that the cluster can connect # to will be asked for the cluster metadata, which allows the cluster to map topic # partitions to the current leader for those partitions. class Cluster # Initializes a Cluster with a set of seed brokers. # # The cluster will try to fetch cluster metadata from one of the brokers. # # @param seed_brokers [Array] # @param broker_pool [Kafka::BrokerPool] # @param logger [Logger] def initialize(seed_brokers:, broker_pool:, logger:) if seed_brokers.empty? raise ArgumentError, "At least one seed broker must be configured" end @logger = logger @seed_brokers = seed_brokers @broker_pool = broker_pool @cluster_info = nil @stale = true # This is the set of topics we need metadata for. If empty, metadata for # all topics will be fetched. @target_topics = Set.new end # Adds a list of topics to the target list. Only the topics on this list will # be queried for metadata. # # @param topics [Array] # @return [nil] def add_target_topics(topics) topics = Set.new(topics) unless topics.subset?(@target_topics) new_topics = topics - @target_topics unless new_topics.empty? @logger.info "New topics added to target list: #{new_topics.to_a.join(', ')}" @target_topics.merge(new_topics) refresh_metadata! end end end def api_info(api_key) apis.find {|api| api.api_key == api_key } end def supports_api?(api_key, version = nil) info = api_info(api_key) if info.nil? return false elsif version.nil? return true else return info.version_supported?(version) end end def apis @apis ||= begin response = random_broker.api_versions Protocol.handle_error(response.error_code) response.apis end end # Clears the list of target topics. # # @see #add_target_topics # @return [nil] def clear_target_topics @target_topics.clear refresh_metadata! end def mark_as_stale! @stale = true end def refresh_metadata! @cluster_info = nil cluster_info end def refresh_metadata_if_necessary! refresh_metadata! if @stale end # Finds the broker acting as the leader of the given topic and partition. # # @param topic [String] # @param partition [Integer] # @return [Broker] the broker that's currently leader. def get_leader(topic, partition) connect_to_broker(get_leader_id(topic, partition)) end # Finds the broker acting as the coordinator of the given group. # # @param group_id: [String] # @return [Broker] the broker that's currently coordinator. def get_group_coordinator(group_id:) @logger.debug "Getting group coordinator for `#{group_id}`" refresh_metadata_if_necessary! get_coordinator(Kafka::Protocol::COORDINATOR_TYPE_GROUP, group_id) end # Finds the broker acting as the coordinator of the given transaction. # # @param transactional_id: [String] # @return [Broker] the broker that's currently coordinator. def get_transaction_coordinator(transactional_id:) @logger.debug "Getting transaction coordinator for `#{transactional_id}`" refresh_metadata_if_necessary! if transactional_id.nil? # Get a random_broker @logger.debug "Transaction ID is not available. Choose a random broker." return random_broker else get_coordinator(Kafka::Protocol::COORDINATOR_TYPE_TRANSACTION, transactional_id) end end def partitions_for(topic) add_target_topics([topic]) refresh_metadata_if_necessary! cluster_info.partitions_for(topic) rescue Kafka::ProtocolError mark_as_stale! raise end def create_topic(name, num_partitions:, replication_factor:, timeout:, config:) options = { topics: { name => { num_partitions: num_partitions, replication_factor: replication_factor, config: config, } }, timeout: timeout, } broker = controller_broker @logger.info "Creating topic `#{name}` using controller broker #{broker}" response = broker.create_topics(**options) response.errors.each do |topic, error_code| Protocol.handle_error(error_code) end begin partitions_for(name).each do |info| Protocol.handle_error(info.partition_error_code) end rescue Kafka::LeaderNotAvailable @logger.warn "Leader not yet available for `#{name}`, waiting 1s..." sleep 1 retry rescue Kafka::UnknownTopicOrPartition @logger.warn "Topic `#{name}` not yet created, waiting 1s..." sleep 1 retry end @logger.info "Topic `#{name}` was created" end def delete_topic(name, timeout:) options = { topics: [name], timeout: timeout, } broker = controller_broker @logger.info "Deleting topic `#{name}` using controller broker #{broker}" response = broker.delete_topics(**options) response.errors.each do |topic, error_code| Protocol.handle_error(error_code) end @logger.info "Topic `#{name}` was deleted" end def describe_topic(name, configs = []) options = { resources: [[Kafka::Protocol::RESOURCE_TYPE_TOPIC, name, configs]] } broker = controller_broker @logger.info "Fetching topic `#{name}`'s configs using controller broker #{broker}" response = broker.describe_configs(**options) response.resources.each do |resource| Protocol.handle_error(resource.error_code, resource.error_message) end topic_description = response.resources.first topic_description.configs.each_with_object({}) do |config, hash| hash[config.name] = config.value end end def alter_topic(name, configs = {}) options = { resources: [[Kafka::Protocol::RESOURCE_TYPE_TOPIC, name, configs]] } broker = controller_broker @logger.info "Altering the config for topic `#{name}` using controller broker #{broker}" response = broker.alter_configs(**options) response.resources.each do |resource| Protocol.handle_error(resource.error_code, resource.error_message) end nil end def describe_group(group_id) response = get_group_coordinator(group_id: group_id).describe_groups(group_ids: [group_id]) group = response.groups.first Protocol.handle_error(group.error_code) group end def create_partitions_for(name, num_partitions:, timeout:) options = { topics: [[name, num_partitions, nil]], timeout: timeout } broker = controller_broker @logger.info "Creating #{num_partitions} partition(s) for topic `#{name}` using controller broker #{broker}" response = broker.create_partitions(**options) response.errors.each do |topic, error_code, error_message| Protocol.handle_error(error_code, error_message) end mark_as_stale! @logger.info "Topic `#{name}` was updated" end def resolve_offsets(topic, partitions, offset) add_target_topics([topic]) refresh_metadata_if_necessary! partitions_by_broker = partitions.each_with_object({}) {|partition, hsh| broker = get_leader(topic, partition) hsh[broker] ||= [] hsh[broker] << partition } if offset == :earliest offset = -2 elsif offset == :latest offset = -1 end offsets = {} partitions_by_broker.each do |broker, broker_partitions| response = broker.list_offsets( topics: { topic => broker_partitions.map {|partition| { partition: partition, time: offset } } } ) broker_partitions.each do |partition| offsets[partition] = response.offset_for(topic, partition) end end offsets rescue Kafka::ProtocolError mark_as_stale! raise end def resolve_offset(topic, partition, offset) resolve_offsets(topic, [partition], offset).fetch(partition) end def topics refresh_metadata_if_necessary! cluster_info.topics.select do |topic| topic.topic_error_code == 0 end.map(&:topic_name) end # Lists all topics in the cluster. def list_topics response = random_broker.fetch_metadata(topics: nil) response.topics.select do |topic| topic.topic_error_code == 0 end.map(&:topic_name) end def list_groups refresh_metadata_if_necessary! cluster_info.brokers.map do |broker| response = connect_to_broker(broker.node_id).list_groups Protocol.handle_error(response.error_code) response.groups.map(&:group_id) end.flatten.uniq end def disconnect @broker_pool.close end def cluster_info @cluster_info ||= fetch_cluster_info end private def get_leader_id(topic, partition) cluster_info.find_leader_id(topic, partition) end # Fetches the cluster metadata. # # This is used to update the partition leadership information, among other things. # The methods will go through each node listed in `seed_brokers`, connecting to the # first one that is available. This node will be queried for the cluster metadata. # # @raise [ConnectionError] if none of the nodes in `seed_brokers` are available. # @return [Protocol::MetadataResponse] the cluster metadata. def fetch_cluster_info errors = [] @seed_brokers.shuffle.each do |node| @logger.info "Fetching cluster metadata from #{node}" begin broker = @broker_pool.connect(node.hostname, node.port) cluster_info = broker.fetch_metadata(topics: @target_topics) if cluster_info.brokers.empty? @logger.error "No brokers in cluster" else @logger.info "Discovered cluster metadata; nodes: #{cluster_info.brokers.join(', ')}" @stale = false return cluster_info end rescue Error => e @logger.error "Failed to fetch metadata from #{node}: #{e}" errors << [node, e] ensure broker.disconnect unless broker.nil? end end error_description = errors.map {|node, exception| "- #{node}: #{exception}" }.join("\n") raise ConnectionError, "Could not connect to any of the seed brokers:\n#{error_description}" end def random_broker refresh_metadata_if_necessary! node_id = cluster_info.brokers.sample.node_id connect_to_broker(node_id) end def connect_to_broker(broker_id) info = cluster_info.find_broker(broker_id) @broker_pool.connect(info.host, info.port, node_id: info.node_id) end def controller_broker connect_to_broker(cluster_info.controller_id) end def get_coordinator(coordinator_type, coordinator_key) cluster_info.brokers.each do |broker_info| begin broker = connect_to_broker(broker_info.node_id) response = broker.find_coordinator( coordinator_type: coordinator_type, coordinator_key: coordinator_key ) Protocol.handle_error(response.error_code, response.error_message) coordinator_id = response.coordinator_id @logger.debug "Coordinator for `#{coordinator_key}` is #{coordinator_id}. Connecting..." # It's possible that a new broker is introduced to the cluster and # becomes the coordinator before we have a chance to refresh_metadata. coordinator = begin connect_to_broker(coordinator_id) rescue Kafka::NoSuchBroker @logger.debug "Broker #{coordinator_id} missing from broker cache, refreshing" refresh_metadata! connect_to_broker(coordinator_id) end @logger.debug "Connected to coordinator: #{coordinator} for `#{coordinator_key}`" return coordinator rescue CoordinatorNotAvailable @logger.debug "Coordinator not available; retrying in 1s" sleep 1 retry rescue ConnectionError => e @logger.error "Failed to get coordinator info from #{broker}: #{e}" end end raise Kafka::Error, "Failed to find coordinator" end end end