require 'lib/redcloth/version' require 'rubygems' gem 'echoe', '>= 3.0.1' require 'echoe' e ='RedCloth', RedCloth::VERSION.to_s) do |p| p.summary = RedCloth::DESCRIPTION = "Jason Garber" = '' p.clean_pattern += ['ext/redcloth_scan/**/*.{bundle,so,obj,pdb,lib,def,exp,c,o,xml,class,jar,java}', 'lib/*.{bundle,so,o,obj,pdb,lib,def,exp,jar}', 'ext/redcloth_scan/Makefile'] p.url = "" p.project = "redcloth" p.rdoc_pattern = ['README', 'COPING', 'CHANGELOG', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'doc/**/*.rdoc'] p.ignore_pattern = /^(pkg|site|projects|doc|log)|CVS|\.log/ p.ruby_version = '>=1.8.4' p.extension_pattern = nil if Platform.gcc? p.platform = 'x86-mswin32-60' elsif p.platform = 'universal-java' end if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw|mswin|java/ p.need_tar_gz = false else p.need_zip = true p.need_tar_gz = true p.extension_pattern = ["ext/**/extconf.rb"] end p.eval = proc do case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mingw/ self.files += ['lib/'] when /java/ self.files += ['lib/redcloth_scan.jar'] else self.files += %w[attributes inline scan].map {|f| "ext/redcloth_scan/redcloth_#{f}.c"} end self.require_paths << "lib/case_sensitive_require" end end #### Pre-compiled extensions for alternative platforms def move_extensions Dir["ext/**/*.{bundle,so,jar}"].each { |file| mv file, "lib/" } end def java_classpath_arg # A myriad of ways to discover the JRuby classpath classpath = begin require 'java' # Already running in a JRuby JVM Java::java.lang.System.getProperty('java.class.path') rescue LoadError ENV['JRUBY_PARENT_CLASSPATH'] || ENV['JRUBY_HOME'] && FileList["#{ENV['JRUBY_HOME']}/lib/*.jar"].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end classpath ? "-cp #{classpath}" : "" end ext = "ext/redcloth_scan" case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mingw/ filename = "lib/" file filename => FileList["#{ext}/redcloth_scan.c", "#{ext}/redcloth_inline.c", "#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.c"] do cp "ext/mingw-rbconfig.rb", "#{ext}/rbconfig.rb" Dir.chdir("ext/redcloth_scan") do ruby "-I. extconf.rb" system(PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ ? 'nmake' : 'make') end move_extensions rm "#{ext}/rbconfig.rb" end when /java/ filename = "lib/redcloth_scan.jar" file filename => FileList["#{ext}/", "#{ext}/", "#{ext}/"] do sources = FileList["#{ext}/**/*.java"].join(' ') sh "javac -target 1.5 -source 1.5 -d #{ext} #{java_classpath_arg} #{sources}" sh "jar cf lib/redcloth_scan.jar -C #{ext} ." move_extensions end else filename = "#{ext}/redcloth_scan.#{Config::CONFIG['DLEXT']}" file filename => FileList["#{ext}/redcloth_scan.c", "#{ext}/redcloth_inline.c", "#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.c"] end task :compile => [filename] def ragel(target_file, source_file) host_language = (target_file =~ /java$/) ? "J" : "C" code_style = (host_language == "C") ? " -" + (@code_style || "T0") : "" ensure_ragel_version(target_file) do sh %{ragel #{source_file} -#{host_language}#{code_style} -o #{target_file}} end end # Make sure the .c files exist if you try the Makefile, otherwise Ragel will have to generate them. file "#{ext}/Makefile" => ["#{ext}/extconf.rb", "#{ext}/redcloth_scan.c","#{ext}/redcloth_inline.c","#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.c","#{ext}/redcloth_scan.o","#{ext}/redcloth_inline.o","#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.o"] # Ragel-generated C files file "#{ext}/redcloth_scan.c" => ["#{ext}/redcloth_scan.c.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth_scan.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth_common.c.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth_common.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth.h"] do ragel "#{ext}/redcloth_scan.c", "#{ext}/redcloth_scan.c.rl" end file "#{ext}/redcloth_inline.c" => ["#{ext}/redcloth_inline.c.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth_inline.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth_common.c.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth_common.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth.h"] do ragel "#{ext}/redcloth_inline.c", "#{ext}/redcloth_inline.c.rl" end file "#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.c" => ["#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.c.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth_common.c.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth_common.rl", "#{ext}/redcloth.h"] do ragel "#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.c", "#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.c.rl" end # Ragel-generated Java files file "#{ext}/" => ["#{ext}/", "#{ext}/redcloth_scan.rl", "#{ext}/", "#{ext}/redcloth_common.rl"] do ragel "#{ext}/", "#{ext}/" end file "#{ext}/" => ["#{ext}/", "#{ext}/redcloth_inline.rl", "#{ext}/", "#{ext}/redcloth_common.rl", "#{ext}/"] do ragel "#{ext}/", "#{ext}/" end file "#{ext}/" => ["#{ext}/", "#{ext}/redcloth_attributes.rl", "#{ext}/", "#{ext}/redcloth_common.rl", "#{ext}/"] do ragel "#{ext}/", "#{ext}/" end #### Optimization RAGEL_CODE_GENERATION_STYLES = { 'T0' => "Table driven FSM (default)", 'T1' => "Faster table driven FSM", 'F0' => "Flat table driven FSM", 'F1' => "Faster flat table-driven FSM", 'G0' => "Goto-driven FSM", 'G1' => "Faster goto-driven FSM", 'G2' => "Really fast goto-driven FSM" } desc "Find the fastest code generation style for Ragel" task :optimize do require 'extras/ragel_profiler' results = [] RAGEL_CODE_GENERATION_STYLES.each do |style, name| @code_style = style profiler = + " " + name) # Hack to get everything to invoke again. Could use #execute, but then it # doesn't execute prerequisites the second+ time Rake::Task.tasks.each {|t| t.instance_eval "@already_invoked = false" } Rake::Task['clobber'].invoke profiler.measure(:compile) do Rake::Task['compile'].invoke end profiler.measure(:test) do Rake::Task['test'].invoke end profiler.ext_size(ext_so) end puts RagelProfiler.results end #### Custom testing tasks task :test => [:compile] # Run specific tests or test files # # rake test:parser # => Runs the full TestParser unit test # # rake test:parser:textism # => Runs the tests matching /textism/ in the TestParser unit test rule "" do |t| # test:file:method if /test:(.*)(:([^.]+))?$/.match( arguments =":")[1..-1] file_name = arguments.first test_name = arguments[1..-1] if File.exist?("test/test_#{file_name}.rb") run_file_name = "test_#{file_name}.rb" end sh "ruby -Ilib:test test/#{run_file_name} -n /#{test_name}/" end end def ensure_ragel_version(name) @ragel_v ||= `ragel -v`[/(version )(\S*)/,2].split('.').map{|s| s.to_i} if @ragel_v[0] > 6 || (@ragel_v[0] == 6 && @ragel_v[1] >= 3) yield else STDERR.puts "Ragel 6.3 or greater is required to generate #{name}." exit(1) end end