require 'rake/clean' require 'bundler' require 'rdoc/task' require 'cucumber' require 'cucumber/rake/task' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks CLEAN << "test/slideshow/index.html" do |rd| rd.main = "README.rdoc" rd.rdoc_files.include("README.rdoc","lib/**/*.rb","bin/**/*") rd.title = 'Your application title' end CUKE_RESULTS = 'results.html' CLEAN << CUKE_RESULTS CLOBBER << 'tmp/aruba' desc 'Run features' do |t| opts = "features --format html -o #{CUKE_RESULTS} --format progress -x" opts += " --tags #{ENV['TAGS']}" if ENV['TAGS'] t.cucumber_opts = opts t.fork = false end desc 'Run features tagged as work-in-progress (@wip)''features:wip') do |t| tag_opts = ' --tags ~@pending' tag_opts = ' --tags @wip' t.cucumber_opts = "features --format html -o #{CUKE_RESULTS} --format pretty -x -s#{tag_opts}" t.fork = false end task :cucumber => :features task 'cucumber:wip' => 'features:wip' task :wip => 'features:wip' task :jasmine do |t| unless system("jasmine-headless-webkit -j test/jasmine.yml") exit -1 end end CLOBBER << ".jhw-cache" require 'rake/testtask' do |t| t.libs << "test" t.test_files = FileList['test/*_test.rb'] end desc 'Add CSS markup to the theme files for callouts' task 'patch_css' do Dir["css/themes-orig/*.css"].each do |original_css_file| new_css_file = "css/themes/" + File.basename(original_css_file) background = nil opacity = nil look_for_background = false,'w') do |new_file| do |line| new_file.puts line if look_for_background if line =~ /background-color: (.*);/ background = $1; look_for_background = false elsif line =~ /background: (.*);/ background = $1; look_for_background = false elsif line =~ /opacity: (.*);/ opacity = $1; look_for_background = false end end if line =~ /^pre .tex .formula {/ look_for_background = true end end string = < [:test,:jasmine,:features]