=begin copyright rubylexer - a ruby lexer written in ruby Copyright (C) 2004,2005 Caleb Clausen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA =end require "assert" class RubyLexer #------------------------------- class SimpleTokenPrinter def initialize(*bogus) @tokens=@srclines=0 end TOKENSPERLINE=8 TOKENSMAGICMAP="\n"+' '*(TOKENSPERLINE-1) def pprint(tok,output=$stdout) output.print(sprint(tok)) end def sprint(tok) case tok when Newline then "#{@lastfal if ((@srclines+=1)%16==0)} #; " when FileAndLineToken then @lastfal=tok;'' when IgnoreToken then '' #skip comments&whitespace else tok.to_s + TOKENSMAGICMAP[ (@tokens+=1) % TOKENSPERLINE, 1 ] end end end class EscNlToken; def ws_munge(tp) tp.lasttok=self return " \\\n" end end class FileAndLineToken; def ws_munge(tp) result='' #faugh, doesn't fix it #result= "\\\n"*(line-tp.lastfal.line) if StringToken===tp.lasttok tp.lasttok=self tp.lastfal=self return result end end class Newline; def ws_munge(tp) tp.lasttok=self return"#{tp.lastfal_every_10_lines}\n" end end class IgnoreToken; def ws_munge(tp) #tp.latestline+= to_s.scan("\n").size tp.lasttok=self result=unless tp.inws tp.inws=true ' ' else '' end if ?= == @ident.to_s[0] result+="\\\n"*@ident.to_s.scan(/\r\n?|\n\r?/).size end return result end end class OutlinedHereBodyToken; def ws_munge(tp) nil end end class ZwToken; def ws_munge(tp) case tp.showzw when 2: explicit_form_all when 1: explicit_form when 0: nil else raise 'unknown showzw' end end end class Token; def ws_munge(tp) nil end end #------------------------------- class KeepWsTokenPrinter attr_accessor :lasttok, :lastfal, :inws #,:latestline attr :showzw ACCUMSIZE=50 def initialize(sep='',line=1,showzw=0) @sep=sep @inws=false @lasttok='' #@latestline=line @lastprintline=0 @accum=[] @showzw=showzw end def pprint(tok,output=$stdout) @accum<ACCUMSIZE and NewlineToken===tok) or EoiToken===tok output.print(@accum) @accum=[] end end def aprint(tok) if StringToken===tok or (HerePlaceholderToken===tok and tok.bodyclass!=OutlinedHereBodyToken ) str_needs_escnls=(tok.line-@lastfal.line).nonzero? end result=tok.ws_munge(self) and return result #insert extra ws unless an ambiguous op immediately follows #id or num, in which case ws would change the meaning result=if (ZwToken===tok or NoWsToken===@lasttok or ImplicitParamListStartToken===tok or ImplicitParamListEndToken===tok) tok else [@sep.dup,tok] end if str_needs_escnls result=result.to_s result.gsub!(/(["`\/])$/){ "\\\n"*str_needs_escnls+$1 } end @lasttok=tok @inws=false return result end alias sprint aprint def lastfal_every_10_lines if(@lastprintline+=1) > 10 @lastprintline=0 %Q[ #@lastfal] end end #insert extra ws unless an ambiguous op immediately follows #id or num, in which case ws would change the meaning def ws_would_change_meaning?(tok,lasttok) #yukk -- is it used? tok.kind_of?(String) and /^[%(]$/===tok and #is ambiguous operator? lasttok and (lasttok.kind_of?(Numeric) or (lasttok.kind_of?(String) and /^[$@a-zA-Z_]/===@lasttok)) #lasttok is id or num? end end end #-------------------------------