# Internal Load Balancer (region) Internal load balancers require a configuration that includes region, network, and subnet. It also requires a firewall rule allowing the access from the load balancer proxy only subnet. ## Recommended config.lb shorthand Here's an example with the suggested `config.rb` options: ```ruby Glb.configure do |config| config.firewall_rule.target_tags = "gke-dev-cluster-9696112c-node" config.firewall_rule.rules = "tcp:8080" config.health_check.port = 8080 config.backend_service.add_backend.network_endpoint_group = "demo-web-dev-80-neg" # ranges: # load balancer health check:, # dev-proxy: config.firewall_rule.source_ranges = ",," # internal load balancer shorthand config.lb. maps to health_check, backend_service, url_map, target_http_proxy, forwarding_rule options config.lb.region = "us-central1" config.lb.load_balancing_scheme = "INTERNAL_MANAGED" config.lb.network = "dev" config.lb.subnet = "dev-app" end ``` ## Explicit config long form You can also more explicitly set each component options. The previous config is the same as this one below. The `config.lb` options simply map to the underlying resource options. ```ruby Glb.configure do |config| config.firewall_rule.target_tags = "gke-dev-cluster-9696112c-node" config.firewall_rule.rules = "tcp:8080" config.health_check.port = 8080 config.backend_service.add_backend.network_endpoint_group = "demo-web-dev-80-neg" # ranges: # load balancer health check:, # dev-proxy: # IMPORTANT: allow the proxy only subnet to access in the firewall rule # or else you won't be able to reach the internal LB IP config.firewall_rule.source_ranges = ",," # internal load balancer: specific resource options config.health_check.region = "us-central1" config.backend_service.load_balancing_scheme = "INTERNAL_MANAGED" config.backend_service.region = "us-central1" config.backend_service.health_checks_region = "us-central1" config.backend_service.add_backend.region = "us-central1" config.url_map.region = "us-central1" # not updatable config.target_http_proxy.region = "us-central1" config.forwarding_rule.region = "us-central1" config.forwarding_rule.network = "dev" config.forwarding_rule.subnet = "dev-app" config.forwarding_rule.load_balancing_scheme = "INTERNAL_MANAGED" config.forwarding_rule.target_http_proxy_region = "us-central1" end ``` To create load balancer run: glb up demo