# See https://ddnexus.github.io/pagy/api/frontend#i18n # encoding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true # this file returns the I18n hash used as default alternative to the i18n gem Hash.new{|h,_| h.first[1]}.tap do |i18n| # first loaded locale used as default i18n.define_singleton_method(:load) do |*args| # eval: we don't need to keep the loader proc in memory eval(Pagy.root.join('locales', 'utils', 'loader.rb').read).call(i18n, *args) #rubocop:disable Security/Eval end i18n.define_singleton_method(:t) do |locale, path, vars={}| data, pluralize = self[locale] translate = data[path] || vars[:count] && data[path+=".#{pluralize.call(vars[:count])}"] or return %([translation missing: "#{path}"]) translate.call(vars) end i18n.load(locale: 'en') end