Feature: Simple site building I want to be able to build a site Scenario: Simple site Given I have a "_config.yml" file with content: """ markdown: kramdown plugins: - jekyll-chatgpt-translate chatgpt-translate: api_key_file: the-file-is-absent.txt source: en layout: translated targets: - language: zh permalink: :year-:month-:day-:slug-chinese.html layout: chinese-translated - language: fr permalink: :year/:slug-french.html """ And I have a "_layouts/default.html" file with content: """ The Chinese: {{ page.translated-zh-url }} The French: {{ page.translated-fr-url }} {{ content }} """ And I have a "_layouts/chinese-translated.html" file with content: """ Chinese: {{ content }} The original: {{ page.translated-original-url }} """ And I have a "_posts/2023-01-01-hello.md" file with content: """ --- title: Hello, world! layout: default --- Hello, world! """ Then I build Jekyll site And Exit code is zero And File "_chatgpt-translated/zh/2023-01-01-hello-zh.md" exists And File "_chatgpt-translated/zh/2023-01-01-hello-zh.md" contains "/2023-01-01-hello-chinese.html" And File "_chatgpt-translated/zh/2023-01-01-hello-zh.md" contains "translated-language: \"zh\"" And File "_site/2023/01/01/hello.html" exists And File "_site/2023/01/01/hello.html" contains "The Chinese: /2023-01-01-hello-chinese.html" And File "_site/2023-01-01-hello-chinese.html" exists And File "_site/2023-01-01-hello-chinese.html" contains "The original: /2023/01/01/hello.html" And File "_site/2023/hello-french.html" exists