import { getUrlQuery, Searcher } from "../search.mjs"; import { stringLookup } from "../strings.mjs"; import UrlHelper from "../UrlHelper.mjs"; function isInPresenterMode(targetDoc) { return targetDoc.body.classList.contains("remark-presenter-mode"); } function focusSearchResult(targetWin, query, targetMatchNo, slideshow, searcher) { let matchesFound = 0; for (const slide of slideshow.getSlides()) { let targetText = (slide.content ?? []).join("\n"); let currentSlideNo = slide.getSlideIndex() + 1; matchesFound += searcher.getNumberOfMatches(query, targetText); console.log("Considering ", targetText, " with ", matchesFound, "matches found so far"); if (matchesFound > targetMatchNo) { slideshow.gotoSlide(currentSlideNo); return; } // Now search the notes! if (slide.notes) { targetText = slide.notes.join("\n"); matchesFound += searcher.getNumberOfMatches(query, targetText); if (matchesFound > targetMatchNo) { slideshow.gotoSlide(currentSlideNo); if (!isInPresenterMode(targetWin.document)) { slideshow.togglePresenterMode(); } return; } } } console.log("Found ", matchesFound, " matches, which is less than the target of ", targetMatchNo); slideshow.gotoLastSlide(); return -1; } /// Show a search result the user requested through the /// page's URL. function focusSearchResultFromUrl(targetWin, slideshow) { let { query, resultIndex } = getUrlQuery() ?? {}; let index = resultIndex; if (query === undefined || index === undefined) { return; } console.log("Focusing a search result: ", query, index); let searcher = new Searcher(); focusSearchResult(targetWin, query, index, slideshow, searcher); } function focusSlideFromHash(slideshow) { let hash = UrlHelper.getPageHash(); if (!hash) { return; } let targetSlide = parseInt(hash.substring(1)); if (targetSlide) { console.log("Navigating to slide", targetSlide); slideshow.gotoSlide(targetSlide); } } async function main(targetWindow, config) { if (!targetWindow.remark) { // Wait for page load if remark isn't available yet. await (new Promise(resolve => { targetWindow.addEventListener('load', resolve); })); } // See let slideshow = targetWindow.remark.create(config); // For debugging window.slideshow_debug = slideshow; targetWindow.focus(); addExtendedControls(targetWindow, slideshow); focusSearchResultFromUrl(targetWindow, slideshow); targetWindow.history.replaceState(null, targetWindow.location.href); let targetWinHistory = targetWindow.history.state; focusSlideFromHash(slideshow); window.addEventListener('hashchange', () => { focusSlideFromHash(slideshow); }); slideshow.on('showSlide', function(newSlide) { if (!newSlide) { return; } let hashId = newSlide.getSlideIndex() + 1; // Update the window's URL to match that of the interior // (e.g. slide 3 = #3). // Try not to have the forward/back arrows go forward/back in the iframe's history. targetWindow.history.replaceState( targetWinHistory, UrlHelper.withReplacedHash(targetWindow.location.href, hashId)); window.location.hash = hashId; }); } /// Apply minor adjustments to the default remark layout function addExtendedControls(targetWindow, slideshow) { let slideContainer = targetWindow.document.querySelector(".remark-slides-area"); // Announce changes to the slide (e.g. going to the next slide). slideContainer.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"); // Add next/previous buttons let nextSlideBtn = targetWindow.document.createElement("button"); let prevSlideBtn = targetWindow.document.createElement("button"); let printBtn = targetWindow.document.createElement("button"); let spacer = targetWindow.document.createElement("div"); let nav = targetWindow.document.createElement("nav"); nextSlideBtn.innerText = stringLookup('btn_next_slide'); prevSlideBtn.innerText = stringLookup('btn_prev_slide'); printBtn.innerText = stringLookup('btn_print'); = 1; nextSlideBtn.onclick = () => { slideshow.gotoNextSlide(); }; prevSlideBtn.onclick = () => { slideshow.gotoPreviousSlide(); }; printBtn.onclick = () => { targetWindow.print(); }; slideshow.on('showSlide', function(newSlide) { if (!newSlide) { return; } prevSlideBtn.disabled = (newSlide.getSlideIndex() == 0); nextSlideBtn.disabled = (newSlide.getSlideIndex() + 1 >= slideshow.getSlideCount()); }); nav.replaceChildren(prevSlideBtn, nextSlideBtn, spacer, printBtn); targetWindow.document.body.appendChild(nav); } export default { start: main };