Feature: Batch request In order to minimize network traffic As a user of the library I want to be able to batch changes (Add/Update/Delete) and persist the batch instead of one at a time Background: Given a sample HTTP ODataService exists And blueprints exist for the service Scenario: Save Changes should allow for batch additions Given I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 1" And I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 2" When I save changes Then the save result should equal: "true" When I call "Products" on the service And I order by: "Name" And I run the query Then the result should be: | Name | | Product 1 | | Product 2 | Scenario: Save Changes should allow for batch updates Given I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 1" And I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 2" When I save changes When I call "Products" on the service And I filter the query with: "Name eq 'Product 1'" And I run the query And I set "Name" on the result to "Product 1 - Updated" And I call "update_object" on the service with the last query result When I call "Products" on the service And I filter the query with: "Name eq 'Product 2'" And I run the query And I set "Name" on the result to "Product 2 - Updated" And I call "update_object" on the service with the last query result When I save changes When I call "Products" on the service And I order by: "Name" And I run the query Then the result should be: | Name | | Product 1 - Updated | | Product 2 - Updated | Scenario: Save Changes should allow for batch deletes Given I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 1" And I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 2" And I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 3" And I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 4" When I save changes When I call "Products" on the service And I filter the query with: "Name eq 'Product 2'" And I run the query And I call "delete_object" on the service with the last query result When I call "Products" on the service And I filter the query with: "Name eq 'Product 3'" And I run the query And I call "delete_object" on the service with the last query result When I save changes When I call "Products" on the service And I order by: "Name" And I run the query Then the result should be: | Name | | Product 1 | | Product 4 | Scenario: Save Changes should allow for a mix of adds, updates, and deletes to be batched Given the following Products exist: | Name | | Product 1 | | Product 2 | And I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 3" And I call "AddToProducts" on the service with a new "Product" object with Name: "Product 4" When I call "Products" on the service And I filter the query with: "Name eq 'Product 1'" And I run the query And I set "Name" on the result to "Product 1 - Updated" And I call "update_object" on the service with the last query result When I call "Products" on the service And I filter the query with: "Name eq 'Product 2'" And I run the query And I call "delete_object" on the service with the last query result When I save changes When I call "Products" on the service And I order by: "Name" And I run the query Then the result should be: | Name | | Product 1 - Updated | | Product 3 | | Product 4 |