require 'uri' class TokensController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery before_filter :auth_user, :only => [:accept] layout nil def authenticate # Allowed through by application controller # # Auth(gen) # check the system matches (set user and system in session) # respond with success # dev = TrustedDevice.try_to_login(params[:key], true) # true means gen the next key if params[:system].present? && dev.present? && params[:system].to_i == dev.control_system_id session[:token] = dev.user_id session[:system] = dev.control_system_id session[:key] = params[:key] cookies.permanent[:next_key] = {:value => dev.next_key, :path => URI.parse(request.referer).path} render :nothing => true # success! else render :nothing => true, :status => :forbidden # 403 end end def accept dev = TrustedDevice.where('user_id = ? AND control_system_id = ? AND one_time_key = ? AND (expires IS NULL OR expires > ?)', session[:token], session[:system], session[:key], if dev.present? dev.accept_key render :nothing => true # success! else render :nothing => true, :status => :forbidden # 403 end end # # Build a new session for the interface if the existing one has expired # This maintains the csrf security # We don't want to reset the session if a valid user is already authenticated either # def new reset_session unless session[:user].present? render :text => form_authenticity_token end def create # # Application controller ensures we are logged in as real user # Ensure the user can access the control system requested (the control system does this too) # Generate key, populate the session # user = session[:user].present? ? User.find(session[:user]) : nil # We have to be authed to get here sys = user.control_systems.where(' = ?', params[:system]).first unless user.nil? if user.present? && sys.present? dev = dev.reason = params[:trusted_device][:reason] dev.user = user dev.control_system = sys if !dev.new_record? cookies.permanent[:next_key] = {:value => dev.one_time_key, :path => URI.parse(request.referer).path} render :json => {} # success! else render :json => dev.errors.messages, :status => :not_acceptable # 406 end else if user.present? render :json => {:control => 'could not find the system selected'}, :status => :forbidden # 403 else render :json => {:you => 'are not authorised'}, :status => :forbidden # 403 end end end def servers render :json => Server.where(:online => true).all end protected def auth_user redirect_to root_path unless session[:user].present? || session[:token].present? end end