# frozen_string_literal: true

module RailsBestPractices
  module Reviews
    # Make sure to use query attribute instead of nil?, blank? and present?.
    # See the best practice details here https://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/2010/10/03/use-query-attribute/
    # Implementation:
    # Review process:
    #   check all method calls within conditional statements, like @user.login.nil?
    #   if their receivers are one of the model names
    #   and their messages of first call are not pluralize and not in any of the association names
    #   and their messages of second call are one of nil?, blank?, present?, or they are == ""
    #   then you can use query attribute instead.
    class UseQueryAttributeReview < Review
      interesting_nodes :if, :unless, :elsif, :ifop, :if_mod, :unless_mod
      interesting_files ALL_FILES
      url 'https://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/2010/10/03/use-query-attribute/'

      QUERY_METHODS = %w[nil? blank? present?].freeze

      # check if node to see whose conditional statement nodes contain nodes that can use query attribute instead.
      # it will check every call nodes in the if nodes. If the call node is
      # 1. two method calls, like @user.login.nil?
      # 2. the receiver is one of the model names
      # 3. the message of first call is the model's attribute,
      #    the message is not in any of associations name and is not pluralize
      # 4. the message of second call is one of nil?, blank? or present? or
      #    the message is == and the argument is ""
      # then the call node can use query attribute instead.
      add_callback :start_if, :start_unless, :start_elsif, :start_ifop, :start_if_mod, :start_unless_mod do |node|
        all_conditions =
          if node.conditional_statement == node.conditional_statement.all_conditions
        all_conditions.each do |condition_node|
          next unless query_attribute_node = query_attribute_node(condition_node)

          receiver_node = query_attribute_node.receiver
          add_error "use query attribute (#{receiver_node.receiver}.#{receiver_node.message}?)",


      # recursively check conditional statement nodes to see if there is a call node that may be
      # possible query attribute.
      def query_attribute_node(conditional_statement_node)
        case conditional_statement_node.sexp_type
        when :and, :or
          node =
            query_attribute_node(conditional_statement_node[1]) || query_attribute_node(conditional_statement_node[2])
          node.file = conditional_statement_code.file
          return node
        when :not
          node = query_attribute_node(conditional_statement_node[1])
          node.file = conditional_statement_node.file
        when :call
          return conditional_statement_node if possible_query_attribute?(conditional_statement_node)
        when :binary
          return conditional_statement_node if possible_query_attribute?(conditional_statement_node)

      # check if the node may use query attribute instead.
      # if the node contains two method calls, e.g. @user.login.nil?
      # for the first call, the receiver should be one of the class names and
      # the message should be one of the attribute name.
      # for the second call, the message should be one of nil?, blank? or present? or
      # it is compared with an empty string.
      # the node that may use query attribute.
      def possible_query_attribute?(node)
        return false unless node.receiver.sexp_type == :call

        variable_node = variable(node)
        message_node = node.grep_node(receiver: variable_node.to_s).message

        is_model?(variable_node) && model_attribute?(variable_node, message_node.to_s) &&
          (QUERY_METHODS.include?(node.message.to_s) || compare_with_empty_string?(node))

      # check if the receiver is one of the models.
      def is_model?(variable_node)
        return false if variable_node.const?

        class_name = variable_node.to_s.sub(/^@/, '').classify

      # check if the receiver and message is one of the model's attribute.
      # the receiver should match one of the class model name, and the message should match one of attribute name.
      def model_attribute?(variable_node, message)
        class_name = variable_node.to_s.sub(/^@/, '').classify
        attribute_type = model_attributes.get_attribute_type(class_name, message)
        attribute_type && !%w[integer float].include?(attribute_type)

      # check if the node is with node type :binary, node message :== and node argument is empty string.
      def compare_with_empty_string?(node)
        node.sexp_type == :binary && ['==', '!='].include?(node.message.to_s) &&
          s(:string_literal, s(:string_content)) == node.argument