fr: projects: index: tabs: online: 'Online' soon: 'Soon' draft: 'Draft' rejected: 'Rejected' successful: 'Successful' failed: 'Failed' waiting_funds: 'Waiting Funds' table: name: 'Name' user: 'User' goal: 'Goal' pledged: 'Pledged' expires_at: 'Expires at' state: 'State' recommended: 'Recommended - ' featured: 'Featured - ' home_page: 'Home Page - ' actions: approve: 'Approve!' launch: 'Launch!' reject: 'Reject!' push_to_draft: 'Sent to Draft!' push_to_trash: 'Sent to Trash!' are_you_sure_to_launch: 'Are you sure you want to launch this project?' search: query: 'Search' between_created_at: 'Creation Date' between_expires_at: 'Expiration Date' between_online_date: 'Active Date'