require "asciidoctor/standoc/converter" require 'asciidoctor/generic/converter' module Asciidoctor module BIPM class Converter < Asciidoctor::Generic::Converter register_for "bipm" def configuration Metanorma::BIPM.configuration end def org_name_long configuration.organization_name_long[@lang] end def default_publisher org_name_long end def org_abbrev { org_name_long => configuration.organization_name_short } end def metadata_committee(node, xml) return unless node.attr("committee-en") || node.attr("committee-fr") xml.editorialgroup do |a| metadata_committee1(node, a) metadata_committee2(node, a) metadata_workgroup(node, a) end end def metadata_committee1(node, a) a.committee **attr_code(acronym: node.attr("committee-acronym")) do |c| e = node.attr("committee-en") and c.variant e, language: "en", script: "Latn" e = node.attr("committee-fr") and c.variant e, language: "fr", script: "Latn" end end def metadata_committee2(node, a) i = 2 while node.attr("committee-en_#{i}") || node.attr("committee-fr_#{i}") do a.committee **attr_code(acronym: node.attr("committee-acronym_#{i}")) do |c| e = node.attr("committee-en_#{i}") and c.variant e, language: "en", script: "Latn" e = node.attr("committee-fr_#{i}") and c.variant e, language: "fr", script: "Latn" end i += 1 end end def metadata_workgroup(node, a) a.workgroup node.attr("workgroup"), **attr_code(acronym: node.attr("workgroup-acronym")) i = 2 while node.attr("workgroup_#{i}") do a.workgroup node.attr("workgroup_#{i}"), **attr_code(acronym: node.attr("workgroup-acronym_#{i}")) i += 1 end end def metadata_relations(node, xml) super relation_supersedes_self(node, xml, "") i = 2 while relation_supersedes_self(node, xml, "_#{i}") i += 1 end end def relation_supersedes_self(node, xml, suffix) d = node.attr("supersedes-date#{suffix}") draft = node.attr("supersedes-draft#{suffix}") edition = node.attr("supersedes-edition#{suffix}") return false unless d || draft || edition relation_supersedes_self1(xml, d, edition, draft) end def relation_supersedes_self1(xml, d, edition, draft) xml.relation **{ type: "supersedes" } do |r| r.bibitem do |b| d and d, **{ type: edition ? "published" : "circulated" } edition and b.edition edition draft and b.version do |v| v.draft draft end end end end def personal_role(node, c, suffix) role = node.attr("role#{suffix}") || "author" unless %w(author editor).include?(role.downcase) desc = role role = "editor" end c.role desc, **{ type: role.downcase } end def title(node, xml) ["en", "fr"].each do |lang| at = { language: lang, format: "text/plain" } xml.title **attr_code(at.merge(type: "main")) do |t1| t1 << Metanorma::Utils::asciidoc_sub(node.attr("title-#{lang}")) end %w(cover appendix annex part subpart).each do |w| typed_title(node, xml, lang, w) end end end def typed_title(node, xml, lang, type) at = { language: lang, format: "text/plain" } return unless title = node.attr("title-#{type}-#{lang}") xml.title **attr_code(at.merge(type: type)) do |t1| t1 << Metanorma::Utils::asciidoc_sub(title) end end def sectiontype_streamline(ret) case ret when "introduction" then "clause" else super end end def inline_anchor_xref_attrs(node) flags = %w(pagenumber nosee nopage).each_with_object({}) do |w, m| if /#{w}%/.match(node.text) node.text = node.text.sub(/#{w}%/, "") m[w] = true end end ret = super flags.keys.each { |k| ret[k.to_sym] = true } ret end def clause_parse(attrs, xml, node) node.option?("unnumbered") and attrs[:unnumbered] = true super end def annex_parse(attrs, xml, node) node.option?("unnumbered") and attrs[:unnumbered] = true super end def ol_attrs(node) super.merge(attr_code(start: node.attr("start"))) end def section_names_terms_cleanup(x) end def committee_validate(xml) committees = Array(configuration&.committees) || return committees.empty? and return xml.xpath("//bibdata/ext/editorialgroup/committee/variant").each do |c| committees.include? c.text or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{c.text} is not a recognised committee") end xml.xpath("//bibdata/ext/editorialgroup/committee/@acronym").each do |c| committees.include? c.text or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "#{c.text} is not a recognised committee") end end def boilerplate_file(xmldoc) return super unless xmldoc&.at("//bibdata/ext/editorialgroup/committee/@acronym")&.value == "JCGM" baselocation("lib/asciidoctor/bipm/boilerplate-jcgm-en.xml") end def mathml_mi_italics { uppergreek: false, upperroman: false, lowergreek: false, lowerroman: true } end def outputs(node, ret) + ".xml", "w:UTF-8") { |f| f.write(ret) } presentation_xml_converter(node).convert(@filename + ".xml") html_converter(node).convert(@filename + ".presentation.xml", nil, false, "#{@filename}.html") pdf_converter(node)&.convert(@filename + ".presentation.xml", nil, false, "#{@filename}.pdf") end def html_converter(node) end def presentation_xml_converter(node) end def pdf_converter(node) return nil if node.attr("no-pdf") end end end end