// -*- c++ -*-
// debugwindow.js - Show debug information using small debug window.
// Copyright (C) 2005 Kouichirou Eto,
// All rights reserved.
// This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License version 2.
// * Usage
// init() : called from onload.
// open() : open window.
// print(str) : print message.
// puts(str) : print message with new line.
// clear() : clear window.
// p(obj) : print the result of inspecting the object.
// inspect(obj) : inspect object.
// * Interface for the debug window
// [x] - close window.
// [v] - make console bigger.
// [-] - close console.
// [+] - open console.
// * History
// ** 2005-04-05 DebugWindow 0.5
// - Do not open window by default.
// ** 2005-03-31 DebugWindow 0.4
// - Set default position to right top corner.
// - Set default to close console.
// ** 2005-03-30 DebugWindow 0.3
// - Add a lines button and a close button.
// - Add a test case.
// ** 2005-03-30 DebugWindow 0.2
// - Now works in IE same as Firefox.
// ** 2005-03-29 DebugWindow 0.1
// - The initial release.
// * Special Thanks to
// - debug.js
// -- http://homepage1.nifty.com/kuraman/js/debug.html
// - wema
// -- http://wema.sourceforge.jp/
// - ArekorePopup.js
// -- http://www.remus.dti.ne.jp/~a-satomi/bunsyorou/ArekorePopup.html
// - bobchin
// -- http://d.hatena.ne.jp/bobchin/20050304
function DebugWindow() {
// setting.
this.showConsole = true;
//this.showConsole = false;
this.width = "320px";
this.height = "240px"; // height unit must be "px".
// variables.
this.win = null;
this.toggleButton = null;
this.console = null;
this.buffer = "";
this.dragging = false;
DebugWindow.prototype = {
init : function() {
open : function() {
var obj = document.getElementById("debugwindow");
if (obj) return; // already opened.
// create window
var w = document.createElement("div");
w.setAttribute("id", "debugwindow");
with(w.style) {
zIndex = "1";
position = "absolute";
right = "0px";
top = "0px";
width = this.width;
margin = "0";
padding = "0";
border = "2px outset";
fontFamily = "Verdana,Arial,sans-serif";
fontSize = "small";
w.show = function() {
this.style.display = "block";
w.hide = function() {
this.style.display = "none";
this.win = w;
// titlebar
var titlebar = document.createElement("div");
titlebar.setAttribute("id", "debugwindowtitlebar");
with(titlebar.style) {
margin = "0";
padding = "0";
borderBottom = "1px solid #ccc";
background = "#999";
color = "#fff";
// console
var console = document.createElement("div");
console.setAttribute("id", "debugwindowconsole");
console.contentEditable = "true"; // contentEditable only works in IE.
with(console.style) {
height = this.height;
overflow = "scroll";
margin = "0";
padding = "0";
border = "1px inset";
background = "#eee";
color = "#000";
fontFamily = "Verdana,Arial,sans-serif";
fontSize = "small";
console.makeBigger = function() {
var s = this.style;
var h = parseInt(s.height.replace("px", ""));
h += 24;
s.height = h+"px";
console.show = function() {
this.style.display = "block";
console.hide = function() {
this.style.display = "none";
console.visible = function() {
return this.style.display == "block";
console.show(); // console is visible.
this.console = console;
// title
var span = document.createElement("span");
with(span.style) {
display = "block";
margin = "0";
padding = "0 0 0 10px";
fontSize = "xx-small";
span.innerHTML = "debug window";
span.onmousedown = function(e) { // onmousedown
span.ondblclick = function() {
// close button
var span = this.createButton("debugwindowclosebutton");
span.setPos(0, 0);
span.innerHTML = "x";
span.onmousedown = function() {
// make bigger button
var span = this.createButton("debugwindowbiggerbutton");
span.setPos(18, 0);
span.innerHTML = "v";
var proc = function() {
span.onclick = proc;
span.ondblclick = proc;
// console toggle button
var span = this.createButton("debugwindowtogglebutton");
span.setPos(32, 0);
var proc = function() {
span.onclick = proc;
span.ondblclick = proc;
this.toggleButton = span;
// set document event
document.onmousemove = function(e) {
document.onmouseup = function(e) {
if (! this.showConsole) {
this.consoleToggle(); // hide at the first.
createButton : function(id) { // private
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.setAttribute("id", id);
with(span.style) {
width = "12px";
height = "10px";
margin = "0";
padding = "0";
background = "#ccc";
color = "#000";
fontSize = "xx-small";
fontWeight = "bold";
textAlign = "center";
display = "block";
border = "1px outset";
span.setPos = function(x, y) {
with(this.style) {
position = "absolute";
right = x+"px";
top = y+"px";
return span;
consoleToggle : function(e) {
var con = this.console;
var but = this.toggleButton;
if (con.visible()) {
but.innerHTML = "+";
} else {
but.innerHTML = "-";
startDragging : function(e) {
if (typeof e == "undefined") {
e = window.event;
var w = this.win;
if (!w) return;
var pos = this.getMousePos(e);
var divpos = this.getDivPos(w);
var x = pos.mouseX - divpos.x;
var y = pos.mouseY - divpos.y
this.offset = {
x : x,
y : y
this.dragging = true;
nowDragging : function(e) {
if (typeof e == "undefined") {
e = window.event;
if (!this.alerted) {
this.alerted = true;
var w = this.win;
if (!w) return;
if (!this.dragging) return;
var pos = this.getMousePos(e);
var offset = this.offset;
var x = pos.mouseX - offset.x;
var y = pos.mouseY - offset.y;
w.style.left = x+"px";
w.style.top = y+"px";
endDragging : function() {
g_debug.dragging = false;
// ref. ArekorePopup.js
getMousePos : function(e) {
var d = document.documentElement;
var body = document.body;
var isSafari = navigator.userAgent.match('AppleWebKit');
var scrollX = (window.scrollX) ? window.scrollX : (d.scrollLeft) ? d.scrollLeft : body.scrollLeft;
var scrollY = (window.scrollY) ? window.scrollY : (d.scrollTop) ? d.scrollTop : body.scrollTop;
var windowW = (window.innerWidth) ? window.innerWidth : d.offsetWidth;
var windowH = (window.innerHeight) ? window.innerHeight : d.offsetHeight;
var windowX = e.clientX - (( isSafari) ? scrollX : 0);
var windowY = e.clientY - (( isSafari) ? scrollY : 0);
var mouseX = e.clientX + ((!isSafari) ? scrollX : 0);
var mouseY = e.clientY + ((!isSafari) ? scrollY : 0);
var pos = {
scrollX : scrollX,
scrollY : scrollY,
windowW : windowW,
windowH : windowH,
windowX : windowX,
windowY : windowY,
mouseX : mouseX,
mouseY : mouseY
return pos;
getDivPos : function(o) {
var s = o.style;
var x = (s.left) ? s.left : (s.posLeft) ? s.posLeft : o.offsetLeft+"px";
var y = (s.top) ? s.top : (s.posTop) ? s.posTop : o.offsetTop+"px";
divx = parseInt(x.replace("px", ""));
divy = parseInt(y.replace("px", ""));
if (divx == 0) divx = 1; // IE BUGFIX.
if (divy == 0) divy = 1;
var pos = {
x : divx,
y : divy
return pos;
// ref. ArekorePopup.js
addEventListener : function(obj, type, listener) {
if (obj.addEventListener) { // Std DOM Events
obj.addEventListener(type, listener, false);
} else if (obj.attachEvent) { // IE
//g_debug.pa("addEvent hi");
var e = {
//type : window.event.type,
//target : window.event.srcElement,
//currentTarget : obj,
//clientX : window.event.clientX,
//clientY : window.event.clientY,
//pageY : document.body.scrollTop + window.event.clientY,
//shiftKey : window.event.shiftKey,
//stopPropagation : function() { window.event.cancelBubble = true }
obj.attachEvent('on' + type,
function() { listener( e ) } );
destroy : function() { // private
var div = this.win;
if (!div) return;
this.win = null;
bufferPrint : function(str) {
str = this.escapeHTML(str);
this.buffer += str;
bufferPrintTag : function(str) {
this.buffer += str;
print : function(str) {
puts : function(str) {
clear : function() {
this.buffer = "";
p : function(obj) {
var str = this.inspect(obj)
flush : function() {
if (!this.win) this.open();
if (this.win.style.display == "none") {
this.win.style.display = "block";
var div = this.console;
if (!div) return; // error
div.innerHTML = this.buffer;
pa : function(obj) { // to test DebugWindow.
var str = this.inspect(obj)
inspect : function(obj) {
if (typeof obj == "number") {
return ""+obj;
} else if (typeof obj == "string") {
return "\""+obj+"\"";
} else if (typeof obj == "function") {
return ""+obj;
} else if (typeof obj == "object") {
//var delimiter = ",
var delimiter = ",\n";
var str = "{";
var added = false;
for (key in obj) {
var value = obj[key];
if (value) {
if (added) str += delimiter;
added = true;
if (typeof value == "number") {
str += ""+key+"=>"+value+"";
} else if (typeof value == "string") {
str += ""+key+"=>\""+value+"\"";
} else if (typeof value == "function") {
str += ""+key+"()";
} else if (typeof value == "object") {
str += ""+key+"=>"+value+"";
} else {
str += ""+key+"=><"+(typeof value)+":"+value+">";
return str+"}";
} else {
return "<"+(typeof obj)+":"+obj+">";
escapeHTML : function(str) {
str = str.replace(/&/g, "&");
str = str.replace(//g, ">");
str = str.replace(/\"/g, """); // "
//str = str.replace(/\n/g, "
return str;
dummy : function() {
} // no "," here
if (typeof g_debug == 'undefined') {
var g_debug = new DebugWindow();
//var proc = function() {
// g_debug.init();
//window.onload = proc;
//g_debug.addEventListener(window, "load", proc);