# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef-dk/policyfile_compiler" describe ChefDK::PolicyfileCompiler do let(:storage_config) { ChefDK::Policyfile::StorageConfig.new.use_policyfile("TestPolicyfile.rb") } let(:policyfile) { ChefDK::PolicyfileCompiler.evaluate(policyfile_rb, "TestPolicyfile.rb") } describe "Evaluate a policyfile" do describe "when the policyfile is not valid" do describe "when error! is called" do let(:policyfile_rb) { "raise 'oops'" } it "raises a PolicyfileError" do expect { policyfile.error! }.to raise_error(ChefDK::PolicyfileError) end end context "Given an empty policyfile" do let(:policyfile_rb) { "" } it "has an invalid run_list" do expect(policyfile.errors).to include("Invalid run_list. run_list cannot be empty") end end context "Given a policyfile with a syntax error" do let(:policyfile_rb) { "{{{{::::{{::" } it "has a syntax error message" do expect(policyfile.errors.size).to eq(1) expect(policyfile.errors.first).to match(/Invalid ruby syntax in policyfile 'TestPolicyfile.rb'/) end end context "Given a policyfile with a ruby error" do let(:policyfile_rb) { "raise 'oops'" } it "has an error message with code context" do expect(policyfile.errors.size).to eq(1) expected_message = <<~E Evaluation of policyfile 'TestPolicyfile.rb' raised an exception Exception: RuntimeError "oops" Relevant Code: 1: raise 'oops' Backtrace: TestPolicyfile.rb:1:in `eval_policyfile' E expect(policyfile.errors.first).to eq(expected_message) end end context "when given an invalid run list item" do context "when there is only one colon between cookbook and recipe name" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH name "hello" # Should be "foo::bar" (missing a colon) run_list "foo:bar" EOH end it "has an error message with the offending run list item" do expect(policyfile.errors).to_not be_empty expected_message = "Run List Item 'foo:bar' has invalid cookbook name 'foo:bar'.\n" + "Cookbook names can only contain alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.\n" + "Did you mean 'foo::bar'?" expect(policyfile.errors.first).to eq(expected_message) end end context "when there is only one colon between cookbook and recipe name in fully qualified form" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH name "hello" # Should be "foo::bar" (missing a colon) run_list "recipe[foo:bar]" EOH end it "has an error message with the offending run list item" do expect(policyfile.errors).to_not be_empty expected_message = "Run List Item 'recipe[foo:bar]' has invalid cookbook name 'foo:bar'.\n" + "Cookbook names can only contain alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.\n" + "Did you mean 'recipe[foo::bar]'?" expect(policyfile.errors.first).to eq(expected_message) end end context "when the recipe name is empty" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH name "hello" # Should be "foo::default" or just "foo" run_list "foo::" EOH end it "has an error message with the offending run list item" do expect(policyfile.errors).to_not be_empty expected_message = "Run List Item 'foo::' has invalid recipe name ''.\nRecipe names can only contain alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores." expect(policyfile.errors.first).to eq(expected_message) end end context "with an invalid run list item in a named run list" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH name "hello" # this one is valid: run_list "foo" named_run_list :oops, "foo:bar" EOH end it "has an error message with the offending run list item" do expect(policyfile.errors).to_not be_empty expected_message = "Named Run List 'oops' Item 'foo:bar' has invalid cookbook name 'foo:bar'.\n" + "Cookbook names can only contain alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.\n" + "Did you mean 'foo::bar'?" expect(policyfile.errors.first).to eq(expected_message) end end end context "when policyfile evaluation is aborted by user signal" do let(:policyfile_rb) { "raise Interrupt" } it "allows the exception to bubble up" do expect { policyfile }.to raise_error(Interrupt) end end context "when given an invalid default source type" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo" default_source :herp, "derp" EOH end it "has an invalid source error" do expect(policyfile.errors.size).to eq(1) expect(policyfile.errors.first).to eq("Invalid default_source type ':herp'") end end context "when the url is omitted for chef server default source" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo" default_source :chef_server EOH end it "has an invalid source error" do expect(policyfile.errors.size).to eq(1) expect(policyfile.errors.first).to eq("You must specify the server's URI when using a default_source :chef_server") end end context "when a per-cookbook source is specified with invalid options" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo" cookbook "foo", herp: "derp" EOH end it "has an invalid source error" do expect(policyfile.errors.size).to eq(1) message = "Cookbook `foo' has invalid source options `{:herp=>\"derp\"}'" expect(policyfile.errors.first).to eq(message) end end end context "Given a minimal valid policyfile" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH name "hello" run_list "foo", "bar" EOH end it "has no errors" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) end it "has a name" do expect(policyfile.name).to eq("hello") end it "has a run_list" do expect(policyfile.run_list).to eq(%w{foo bar}) end it "gives the run_list as the expanded run_list" do expect(policyfile.expanded_run_list).to eq(%w{foo bar}) end it "has no default cookbook source" do expect(policyfile.default_source).to be_an(Array) expect(policyfile.default_source.size).to eq(1) expect(policyfile.default_source.first).to be_a(ChefDK::Policyfile::NullCookbookSource) end context "with the default source set to the community site" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" default_source :community EOH end it "has a default source" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expected = [ ChefDK::Policyfile::CommunityCookbookSource.new("https://supermarket.chef.io") ] expect(policyfile.default_source).to eq(expected) end context "with a custom URI" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" default_source :community, "https://cookbook-api.example.com" EOH end it "has a default source" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expected = [ ChefDK::Policyfile::CommunityCookbookSource.new("https://cookbook-api.example.com") ] expect(policyfile.default_source).to eq(expected) end end context "with an added cookbook with no options" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" cookbook "baz" EOH end it "adds the cookbook to the list of location specs" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expected_cb_spec = ChefDK::Policyfile::CookbookLocationSpecification.new("baz", ">= 0.0.0", {}, storage_config) expect(policyfile.cookbook_location_specs).to eq("baz" => expected_cb_spec) end end end context "with the default source set to a delivery_supermarket" do context "when no URI is given" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" default_source :delivery_supermarket EOH end it "errors out with a message that the supermarket URI is required" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([ "You must specify the server's URI when using a default_source :delivery_supermarket" ]) end end context "when the URI is given" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" default_source :delivery_supermarket, "https://supermarket.example.com" EOH end it "sets the default source to the delivery_supermarket" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expected = [ ChefDK::Policyfile::DeliverySupermarketSource.new("https://supermarket.example.com") ] expect(policyfile.default_source).to eq(expected) end end end context "with the default source set to a chef server" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" default_source :chef_server, "https://mychef.example.com" EOH end it "has a default source" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expected = [ ChefDK::Policyfile::ChefServerCookbookSource.new("https://mychef.example.com") ] expect(policyfile.default_source).to eq(expected) end end context "with the default source set to a chef-repo path" do let(:chef_repo) { File.expand_path("spec/unit/fixtures/local_path_cookbooks", project_root) } let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" default_source :chef_repo, "#{chef_repo}" EOH end it "has a default source" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expected = [ ChefDK::Policyfile::ChefRepoCookbookSource.new(chef_repo) ] expect(policyfile.default_source).to eq(expected) end context "when the path to the chef repo is relative" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" default_source :chef_repo, "../cookbooks" EOH end # storage_config is created with path to Policyfile.rb in CWD let(:expected_path) { File.expand_path("../cookbooks") } it "sets the repo path relative to the directory the policyfile is in" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expect(policyfile.default_source.size).to eq(1) expect(policyfile.default_source.first).to be_a(ChefDK::Policyfile::ChefRepoCookbookSource) expect(policyfile.default_source.first.path).to eq(expected_path) end end end context "with multiple default sources" do let(:chef_repo) { File.expand_path("spec/unit/fixtures/local_path_cookbooks", project_root) } let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" default_source :community default_source :chef_repo, "#{chef_repo}" EOH end it "has an array of sources" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) community_source = ChefDK::Policyfile::CommunityCookbookSource.new("https://supermarket.chef.io") repo_source = ChefDK::Policyfile::ChefRepoCookbookSource.new(chef_repo) expected = [ community_source, repo_source ] expect(policyfile.default_source).to eq(expected) end end context "with multiple supermarkets with source preferences set for specific cookbooks" do context "when the preferences don't conflict" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar", "baz" default_source :supermarket do |s| s.preferred_for "foo" end default_source :supermarket, "https://mart.example" do |s| s.preferred_for "bar", "baz" end EOH end it "has an array of sources, with cookbook preferences set" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expect(policyfile.default_source.size).to eq(2) public_supermarket = policyfile.default_source.first expect(public_supermarket.preferred_cookbooks).to eq(%w{ foo }) private_supermarket = policyfile.default_source.last expect(private_supermarket.uri).to eq("https://mart.example") expect(private_supermarket.preferred_cookbooks).to eq(%w{ bar baz }) end end context "when the preferences conflict" do let(:policyfile_rb) do # both supermarkets are the preferred source for "foo" <<-EOH run_list "foo", "bar" default_source :supermarket do |s| s.preferred_for "foo" end default_source :supermarket, "https://mart.example" do |s| s.preferred_for "foo" end EOH end it "emits an error" do err = <<~MESSAGE Multiple sources are marked as the preferred source for some cookbooks. Only one source can be preferred for a cookbook. supermarket(https://supermarket.chef.io) and supermarket(https://mart.example) are both set as the preferred source for cookbook(s) 'foo' MESSAGE expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([err]) end end end end describe "assigning cookbooks to specific sources" do before do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) end context "when a cookbook is assigned to a local source" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo" cookbook "foo", path: "local_cookbooks/foo" EOH end it "sets the source of the cookbook to the local path" do expected_cb_spec = ChefDK::Policyfile::CookbookLocationSpecification.new("foo", ">= 0.0.0", { path: "local_cookbooks/foo" }, storage_config) expect(policyfile.cookbook_location_specs).to eq("foo" => expected_cb_spec) end end context "when a cookbook is assigned to a git source" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo" cookbook "foo", git: "git://example.com:me/foo-cookbook.git" EOH end it "sets the source of the cookbook to the git URL" do expected_cb_spec = ChefDK::Policyfile::CookbookLocationSpecification.new("foo", ">= 0.0.0", { git: "git://example.com:me/foo-cookbook.git" }, storage_config) expect(policyfile.cookbook_location_specs).to eq("foo" => expected_cb_spec) end end context "when a cookbook is assigned to a chef_server source" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo" cookbook "foo", chef_server: "https://mychefserver.example.com" EOH end it "sets the source of the cookbook to the git URL" do expected_cb_spec = ChefDK::Policyfile::CookbookLocationSpecification.new("foo", ">= 0.0.0", { chef_server: "https://mychefserver.example.com" }, storage_config) expect(policyfile.cookbook_location_specs).to eq("foo" => expected_cb_spec) end end end describe "assigning a cookbook to conflicting sources" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH run_list "foo" cookbook "foo", path: "local_cookbooks/foo" cookbook "foo", chef_server: "https://mychefserver.example.com" EOH end it "has a conflicting sources error" do expected = <<~EOH Cookbook 'foo' assigned to conflicting sources Previous source: {:path=>"local_cookbooks/foo"} Conflicts with: {:chef_server=>"https://mychefserver.example.com"} EOH expect(policyfile.errors.size).to eq(1) expect(policyfile.errors.first).to eq(expected) end end describe "defining attributes" do let(:policyfile_rb) do <<-EOH name "policy-with-attrs" run_list "foo" # basic attribute setting: default["foo"] = "bar" # auto-vivify default["abc"]["def"]["ghi"] = "xyz" # literal data structures default["baz"] = { "more_nested_stuff" => "yup" } # Array literals work and we merge rather than overwrite: default["baz"]["an_array"] = ["a", "b", "c"] # all the same stuff works with overrides: override["foo"] = "bar" override["abc"]["def"]["ghi"] = "xyz" override["baz_override"] = { "more_nested_stuff" => "yup" } override["baz_override"]["an_array"] = ["a", "b", "c"] EOH end let(:expected_combined_default_attrs) do { "foo" => "bar", "abc" => { "def" => { "ghi" => "xyz" } }, "baz" => { "more_nested_stuff" => "yup", "an_array" => %w{a b c}, }, } end let(:expected_combined_override_attrs) do { "foo" => "bar", "abc" => { "def" => { "ghi" => "xyz" } }, "baz_override" => { "more_nested_stuff" => "yup", "an_array" => %w{a b c}, }, } end it "defines default attributes" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expect(policyfile.default_attributes).to eq(expected_combined_default_attrs) end it "defines override attributes" do expect(policyfile.errors).to eq([]) expect(policyfile.override_attributes).to eq(expected_combined_override_attrs) end end end end