require 'rubygems' require 'ffi' $VERBOSE = true class A # a suh-weet rdoc def go(a=5) a = 33 end def self.go22(b=5) b = 3 end end =begin doctest_require: '../lib/ri_for' >> $VERBOSE = true >> output = A.ri_for(:go, :want_the_description_returned => true).join(' ') >> output.include? 'a = 33' => true >> RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' || output.include?('suh-weet') => true >> output =, :want_the_description_returned => true).join(' ') >> output.include? 'a = 33' => true >> RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' || output.include?('suh-weet') => true >> output = A.ri_for(:go22, :want_the_description_returned => true).join(' ') >> output.include? 'b = 3' => true it should return you something useful >> A.ri_for(:go22) == nil => false >> A.ri_for(:go) == nil => false it should work with Module, too >> FFI::Library.ri_for(:attach_function) == nil => false =end =begin doctest: it should return true if you run it against a "real" class >> String.desc_class(:want_output => true).length > 1 => true >> class A; end >> A.desc_class(:want_output => true).length > 1 => true it shouldn't report itself as an ancestor of itself >> A.desc_class(:want_output => true).grep(/ancestors/).include? '[A]' => false also lists constants >> A.desc_class(:want_output => true, :verbose => true).grep(/constants/i) => [] # should be none since we didn't add any constants to A >> class A; B = 3; end >> A.desc_class(:want_output => true, :verbose => true).grep(/constants/i).length => 1 # should be none since we didn't add any constants to A should work with sub methods >> String.ri_for(:strip) doctest_require: '../lib/ri_for' =end =begin doctest: >> require 'pathname' it should display the name >> Pathname.instance_method(:children).desc(:want_the_description_returned => true).grep(/children/).size > 0 => true # ["#"] >> Pathname.instance_method(:children).desc(:want_the_description_returned => true).grep(/Dir.foreach/).size > 0 => true # the code itself and arity >> Pathname.instance_method(:children).desc(:want_the_description_returned => true).grep(/arity/) => ["sig: Pathname#children arity -1 arity: -1"] # todo: one that is guaranteed to exit you early [no docs at all ever] wurx with class methods >> class A; def self.go(a = 3); a=5; end; end >> class A; def go2(a=4) a =7; end; end >> A.ri_for(:go) >> A.ri_for(:go2) >> File.ri_for :delete =end