# encoding: utf-8 module Backup class Logger ## # Outputs a messages to the console and writes it to the backup.log def self.message(string) puts loggify(:message, string, :green) to_file loggify(:message, string) end ## # Outputs an error to the console and writes it to the backup.log def self.error(string) puts loggify(:error, string, :red) to_file loggify(:error, string) end ## # Outputs a notice to the console and writes it to the backup.log def self.warn(string) puts loggify(:warning, string, :yellow) to_file loggify(:warning, string) end ## # Silently logs data to the log file def self.silent(string) to_file loggify(:silent, string) end ## # Returns the time in [YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS] format def self.time Time.now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") end ## # Builds the string in a log format with the date/time, the type (colorized) # based on whether it's a message, notice or error, and the message itself. # ANSI color codes are only used in the console, and are not written to the log # since it doesn't do anything and just adds more unnecessary bloat to the log file def self.loggify(type, string, color = false) return "[#{time}][#{type}] #{string}" unless color "[#{time}][#{send(color, type)}] #{string}" end ## # Writes (appends) a string to the backup.log file def self.to_file(string) File.open(File.join(LOG_PATH, 'backup.log'), 'a') do |file| file.write("#{string}\n") end end ## # Invokes the #colorize method with the provided string # and the color code "32" (for green) def self.green(string) colorize(string, 32) end ## # Invokes the #colorize method with the provided string # and the color code "33" (for yellow) def self.yellow(string) colorize(string, 33) end ## # Invokes the #colorize method the with provided string # and the color code "31" (for red) def self.red(string) colorize(string, 31) end ## # Wraps the provided string in colorizing tags to provide # easier to view output to the client def self.colorize(string, code) "\e[#{code}m#{string}\e[0m" end end end