libtheora  1.1.1
Data Fields
theora_comment Struct Reference

Comment header metadata. More...

#include <theora.h>

Data Fields

char ** user_comments
 An array of comment string vectors.
int * comment_lengths
 An array of corresponding string vector lengths in bytes.
int comments
 The total number of comment string vectors.
char * vendor
 The vendor string identifying the encoder, null terminated.

Detailed Description

Comment header metadata.

This structure holds the in-stream metadata corresponding to the 'comment' header packet.

Meta data is stored as a series of (tag, value) pairs, in length-encoded string vectors. The first occurence of the '=' character delimits the tag and value. A particular tag may occur more than once. The character set encoding for the strings is always UTF-8, but the tag names are limited to case-insensitive ASCII. See the spec for details.

In filling in this structure, theora_decode_header() will null-terminate the user_comment strings for safety. However, the bitstream format itself treats them as 8-bit clean, and so the length array should be treated as authoritative for their length.

Field Documentation

int* theora_comment::comment_lengths

An array of corresponding string vector lengths in bytes.

int theora_comment::comments

The total number of comment string vectors.

char** theora_comment::user_comments

An array of comment string vectors.

char* theora_comment::vendor

The vendor string identifying the encoder, null terminated.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: