require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'spec_helper') describe Slate::Parser do before do Slate.configure { |c| c.endpoint = "http://graphite" } end it "should raise an exception if it cannot parse" do expect { Slate::Parser.parse(nil) }.to raise_error(Slate::NotParseable) expect { Slate::Parser.parse("bob") }.to raise_error(Slate::NotParseable) end it "should parse a basic target" do target ="stats.web01.response_time") Slate::Parser.parse(%q{ "stats.web01.response_time" {} }).to_s.should == target.to_s end it "should be able to parse a target with one function" do target ="stats.web01.response_time") do |t| t.add_function :sum end Slate::Parser.parse(%q{ "stats.web01.response_time" { sum } }).to_s.should == target.to_s end it "should be able to parse a target with one function and single arg" do target ="stats.web01.response_time") do |t| t.add_function :summarize, "5min" end Slate::Parser.parse(%q{ "stats.web01.response_time" { summarize "5min" } }).to_s.should == target.to_s end it "should be able to parse a target with one function and single integer arg" do target ="stats.web01.response_time") do |t| t.add_function :aliasByNode, 3 end Slate::Parser.parse(%q{ "stats.web01.response_time" { aliasByNode 3 } }).to_s.should == target.to_s end it "should be able to parse a target with one function and multiple args" do target ="stats.web01.response_time") do |t| t.add_function :summarize, "5min", "avg" end Slate::Parser.parse(%q{ "stats.web01.response_time" { summarize "5min", "avg" } }).to_s.should == target.to_s end it "should be able to parse a target with multiple functions" do target ="stats.web01.response_time") do |t| t.add_function :sum t.add_function :summarize, "5min", "avg" end Slate::Parser.parse(%q{ "stats.web01.response_time" { sum summarize "5min", "avg" } }).to_s.should == target.to_s end it "should be able to parse a really complex target" do nested_target ="stats_counts.rack.*.status_code.*") do |t| t.add_function :exclude, "missing" t.add_function :sum end target ="stats_counts.rack.*.status_code.success") do |t| t.add_function :sum t.add_function :asPercent, nested_target end Slate::Parser.parse(%q{ "stats_counts.rack.*.status_code.success" { sum asPercent "stats_counts.rack.*.status_code.*" { exclude "missing" sum } } }).to_s.should == target.to_s end end