module Daemons class Reporter attr_reader :options def initialize(options) @options = options if !options[:shush] $stdout.sync = true end end def output_message(message) if !options[:shush] puts message end end def changing_process_privilege(user, group = user) output_message "Changing process privilege to #{user}:#{group}" end def deleted_found_pidfile(pid, f) output_message "pid-file for killed process #{pid} found (#{f}), deleting." end def process_started(app_name, pid) output_message "#{app_name}: process with pid #{pid} started." end def backtrace_not_supported output_message 'option :backtrace is not supported with :mode => :exec, ignoring' end def stopping_process(app_name, pid, sig, wait) output_message "#{app_name}: trying to stop process with pid #{pid}#{' forcefully :(' if sig == 'KILL'} sending #{sig} and waiting #{wait}s ..." $stdout.flush end def cannot_stop_process(app_name, pid) output_message "#{app_name}: unable to forcefully kill process with pid #{pid}." $stdout.flush end def stopped_process(app_name, pid) output_message "#{app_name}: process with pid #{pid} successfully stopped." $stdout.flush end def status(app_name, running, pid_exists, pid) output_message "#{app_name}: #{running ? '' : 'not '}running#{(running and pid_exists) ? ' [pid ' + pid.to_s + ']' : ''}#{(pid_exists and not running) ? ' (but pid-file exists: ' + pid.to_s + ')' : ''}" end end end