= Comatose
Version:: 2.0 (uber-alpha)
Author:: M@ McCray
Website:: comatose.rubyforge.org
Email:: matt at elucidata dot net
*Comatose* is a micro CMS designed for being embedded into existing Rails
It's intended for simple CMS support. Comatose supports
* Nested pages
* Versioning
* Page markup in Textile, Markdown, RDoc, or easily add your own
* Page processing through Liquid or ERb
* Generators for easy installation/migration
* Completely self-contained within plugin folder
It's meant to be lean, mean, easily embedded, and easy to re-skin for
existing applications. If you need something more, I would recommend
looking into Radiant.
For more information, see the 'Getting Started' guide: http://comatose.rubyforge.org
=== Requirements
* Rails 2+ (2.1)
* acts_as_list and acts_as_tree plugins are required
=== Development Notes
*NOTE*: This is an active branch of Comatose that is built specifically for Rails 2.1.
I will *probably* remove any legacy support.
* Make comatose fully self-contained, which means removing acts_as_(tree|list)
* Move to gem plugin
* Comatose.configure needs to be an initializer (update docs)
* Go through bugs on 1x branch from google code and ensure they are fixed
* Give access to all the default rails helpers to Comatose Pages by default?
== Installation
*Note*: See the 'Upgrading' section if you already have an older version of
the comatose plugin installed.
$ ./script/plugin source http://mattmccray.com/svn/rails/plugins
$ ./script/plugin install comatose
$ ./script/generate comatose_migration
$ rake migrate
Open your routes.rb and add the comatose root route at the
map.comatose_root ''
That's it, you're ready to go! You should be able to browse to and start adding pages to your CMS.
Browsing to will render your comatose pages if
routing doesn't match any of your controllers.
== Upgrading
*NOTE*: This is an experimental 2.0 branch, so upgrading is possible at
the moment, but these instructions may not work for much longer.
If you are upgrading from an older version of Comatose (version 0.3,
0.4, 0.5, or 0.6), then you will need to re-install the comatose
plugin and run:
$ ./script/plugin remove comatose
$ ./script/plugin install comatose
$ ./script/generate comatose_migration --upgrade --from=VERSION
$ rake migrate
*Note*: Be sure to set the --from parameter to the version of
Comatose you last had installed. Also, you only need to first two digits,
including the dot, of the version you are upgrading from. For example, if
you're upgrading from version 0.6.9 you can use:
$ ./script/generate comatose_migration --upgrade --from=0.6
This will create the upgrade migration(s) for you. It just adds the new
fields, so you can keep the original migration comatose created.
== Configuration
You configure Comatose in your `config/environment.rb` file. Here is an example
configuration block:
Comatose.configure do |config|
# Sets the text in the Admin UI's title area
config.admin_title = "Site Content"
config.admin_sub_title = "Content for the rest of us..."
Here's an example that uses the AuthentiationSystem as generated by the
restful_authentication plugin:
Comatose.configure do |config|
# Includes AuthenticationSystem in the ComatoseController
config.includes << :authenticated_system
# admin
config.admin_title = "Comatose - TESTING"
config.admin_sub_title = "Content for the rest of us..."
# Includes AuthenticationSystem in the ComatoseAdminController
config.admin_includes << :authenticated_system
# Calls :login_required as a before_filter
config.admin_authorization = :login_required
# Returns the author name (login, in this case) for the current user
config.admin_get_author do
== Extra Credit
This plugin includes the work of many wonderful contributors to the Railsphere.
Following are the specific libraries that are distributed with Comatose. If I've
missed someone/something please let me know.
* Liquid (http://home.leetsoft.com/liquid) by Tobias Luetke (http://blog.leetsoft.com)
* RedCloth (http://whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/redcloth) by why the lucky stiff (http://whytheluckystiff.net)
* Acts as Versioned (http://ar-versioned.rubyforge.org) by Rick Olsen (http://weblog.techno-weenie.net)
* Behaviors (http://behaviors.rubyforge.org) by Atomic Object LLC -- very nice BDD-like testing library
== Feedback
I’ve released Comatose under the MIT license. Which basically means you
can use it however you want.
Don't forget to read the 'Getting Started' guide located on the RubyForge
project site: http://comatose.rubyforge.org/getting-started-guide
If you like it, hate it, or have some ideas for new features, let me know!
darthapo at gmail dot com