module Numo; module Linalg module Blas FIXNAME = { cnrm2: :csnrm2, znrm2: :dznrm2, } # Call BLAS function prefixed with BLAS char ([sdcz]) # defined from data-types of arguments. # @param [Symbol] func function name without BLAS char. # @param args arguments passed to Blas function. # @param kwargs keyword arguments passed to Blas function. # @example # c =, a, b) def, *args, **kwargs) fn = (Linalg.blas_char(*args) + func.to_s).to_sym fn = FIXNAME[fn] || fn if kwargs.empty? # This conditional branch is necessary to prevent ArgumentError # that occurs in Ruby 2.6 or earlier. send(fn, *args) else send(fn, *args, **kwargs) end end end module Lapack FIXNAME = { corgqr: :cungqr, zorgqr: :zungqr, } # Call LAPACK function prefixed with BLAS char ([sdcz]) # defined from data-types of arguments. # @param [Symbol,String] func function name without BLAS char. # @param args arguments passed to Lapack function. # @param kwargs keyword arguments passed to Lapack function. # @example # s =, a) def, *args, **kwargs) fn = (Linalg.blas_char(*args) + func.to_s).to_sym fn = FIXNAME[fn] || fn if kwargs.empty? # This conditional branch is necessary to prevent ArgumentError # that occurs in Ruby 2.6 or earlier. send(fn, *args) else send(fn, *args, **kwargs) end end end BLAS_CHAR = { SFloat => "s", DFloat => "d", SComplex => "c", DComplex => "z", } module_function def blas_char(*args) t = Float args.each do |a| k = case a when NArray a.class when Array NArray.array_type(a) end if k && k < NArray t = k::UPCAST[t] || t::UPCAST[k] end end BLAS_CHAR[t] || raise(TypeError,"invalid data type for BLAS/LAPACK") end # module methods ## Matrix and vector products # Dot product. # @param a [Numo::NArray] matrix or vector (>= 1-dimensinal NArray) # @param b [Numo::NArray] matrix or vector (>= 1-dimensinal NArray) # @return [Numo::NArray] result of dot product def dot(a, b) a = NArray.asarray(a) b = NArray.asarray(b) case a.ndim when 1 case b.ndim when 1 func = blas_char(a, b) =~ /c|z/ ? :dotu : :dot, a, b) else if b.contiguous? trans = 't' else if b.fortran_contiguous? trans = 'n' b = b.transpose else trans = 't' b = b.dup end end, b, a, trans:trans) end else case b.ndim when 1 if a.contiguous? trans = 'n' else if a.fortran_contiguous? trans = 't' a = a.transpose else trans = 'n' a = a.dup end end, a, b, trans:trans) else if a.contiguous? transa = 'n' else if a.fortran_contiguous? transa = 't' a = a.transpose else transa = 'n' a = a.dup end end if b.contiguous? transb = 'n' else if b.fortran_contiguous? transb='t' b = b.transpose else transb='n' b = b.dup end end, a, b, transa:transa, transb:transb) end end end # Matrix product. # @param a [Numo::NArray] matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param b [Numo::NArray] matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @return [Numo::NArray] result of matrix product def matmul(a, b), a, b) end # Compute a square matrix `a` to the power `n`. # # * If n > 0: return `a**n`. # * If n == 0: return identity matrix. # * If n < 0: return `(a*\*-1)*\*n.abs`. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] square matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray). # @param n [Integer] the exponent. # @example # i = Numo::DFloat[[0, 1], [-1, 0]] # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[2,2] # [[0, 1], # [-1, 0]] # Numo::Linalg.matrix_power(i,3) # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[2,2] # [[0, -1], # [1, 0]] # Numo::Linalg.matrix_power(i,0) # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[2,2] # [[1, 0], # [0, 1]] # Numo::Linalg.matrix_power(i,-3) # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[2,2] # [[0, 1], # [-1, 0]] # # q = Numo::DFloat.zeros(4,4) # q[0..1,0..1] = -i # q[2..3,2..3] = i # q # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[4,4] # [[-0, -1, 0, 0], # [1, -0, 0, 0], # [0, 0, 0, 1], # [0, 0, -1, 0]] # Numo::Linalg.matrix_power(q,2) # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[4,4] # [[-1, 0, 0, 0], # [0, -1, 0, 0], # [0, 0, -1, 0], # [0, 0, 0, -1]] def matrix_power(a, n) a = NArray.asarray(a) m,k = a.shape[-2..-1] unless m==k raise NArray::ShapeError, "input must be a square array" end unless Integer===n raise ArgumentError, "exponent must be an integer" end if n == 0 return a.class.eye(m) elsif n < 0 a = inv(a) n = n.abs end if n <= 3 r = a (n-1).times do r = matmul(r,a) end else while (n & 1) == 0 a = matmul(a,a) n >>= 1 end r = a while n != 0 a = matmul(a,a) n >>= 1 if (n & 1) != 0 r = matmul(r,a) end end end r end ## factorization # Computes a QR factorization of a complex M-by-N matrix A: A = Q \* R. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-n matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param mode [String] # - "reduce" -- returns both Q and R, # - "r" -- returns only R, # - "economic" -- returns both Q and R but computed in economy-size, # - "raw" -- returns QR and TAU used in LAPACK. # @return [r] if mode:"r" # @return [[q,r]] if mode:"reduce" or "economic" # @return [[qr,tau]] if mode:"raw" (LAPACK geqrf result) def qr(a, mode:"reduce") qr,tau, =, a) *shp,m,n = qr.shape r = (m >= n && %w[economic raw].include?(mode)) ? qr[false, 0...n, true].triu : qr.triu mode = mode.to_s.downcase case mode when "r" return r when "raw" return [qr,tau] when "reduce","economic" # skip else raise ArgumentError, "invalid mode:#{mode}" end if m < n q, =, qr[false, 0...m], tau) elsif mode == "economic" q, =, qr, tau) else qqr = qr.class.zeros(*(shp+[m,m])) qqr[false,0...n] = qr q, =, qqr, tau) end return [q,r] end # Computes the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a M-by-N matrix A, # and the left and/or right singular vectors. The SVD is written # # A = U * SIGMA * transpose(V) # # where SIGMA is an M-by-N matrix which is zero except for its # min(m,n) diagonal elements, U is an M-by-M orthogonal matrix, and # V is an N-by-N orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements of SIGMA # are the singular values of A; they are real and non-negative, and # are returned in descending order. The first min(m,n) columns of U # and V are the left and right singular vectors of A. Note that the # routine returns V**T, not V. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-n matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param driver [String or Symbol] choose LAPACK solver from 'svd', # 'sdd'. (optional, default='svd') # @param job [String or Symbol] # - 'A': all M columns of U and all N rows of V\*\*T are returned in # the arrays U and VT. # - 'S': the first min(M,N) columns of U and the first min(M,N) # rows of V\*\*T are returned in the arrays U and VT. # - 'N': no columns of U or rows of V\*\*T are computed. # @return [[sigma,u,vt]] SVD result. Array def svd(a, driver:'svd', job:'A') unless /^[ASN]/i =~ job raise ArgumentError, "invalid job: #{job.inspect}" end case driver.to_s when /^(ge)?sdd$/i, "turbo", a, jobz:job)[0..2] when /^(ge)?svd$/i, a, jobu:job, jobvt:job)[0..2] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid driver: #{driver}" end end # Computes the Singular Values of a M-by-N matrix A. # The SVD is written # # A = U * SIGMA * transpose(V) # # where SIGMA is an M-by-N matrix which is zero except for its # min(m,n) diagonal elements. The diagonal elements of SIGMA # are the singular values of A; they are real and non-negative, and # are returned in descending order. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-n matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param driver [String or Symbol] choose LAPACK solver from 'svd', # 'sdd'. (optional, default='svd') # @return [Numo::NArray] returns SIGMA (singular values). def svdvals(a, driver:'svd') case driver.to_s when /^(ge)?sdd$/i, "turbo", a, jobz:'N')[0] when /^(ge)?svd$/i, a, jobu:'N', jobvt:'N')[0] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid driver: #{driver}" end end # Computes an orthonormal basis for the range of matrix A. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-n matrix A (>= 2-dimensional NArray). # @param rcond [Float] (optional) # rcond is used to determine the effective rank of A. # Singular values `s[i] <= rcond * s.max` are treated as zero. # If rcond < 0, machine precision is used instead. # @return [Numo::NArray] The orthonormal basis for the range of matrix A. def orth(a, rcond: -1) raise NArray::ShapeError, '2-d array is required' if a.ndim < 2 s, u, = svd(a) tol = s.max * (rcond.nil? || rcond < 0 ? a.class::EPSILON * a.shape.max : rcond) k = (s > tol).count u[true, 0...k] end # Computes an orthonormal basis for the null space of matrix A. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-n matrix A (>= 2-dimensional NArray). # @param rcond [Float] (optional) # rcond is used to determine the effective rank of A. # Singular values `s[i] <= rcond * s.max` are treated as zero. # If rcond < 0, machine precision is used instead. # @return [Numo::NArray] The orthonormal basis for the null space of matrix A. def null_space(a, rcond: -1) raise NArray::ShapeError, '2-d array is required' if a.ndim < 2 s, _u, vh = svd(a) tol = s.max * (rcond.nil? || rcond < 0 ? a.class::EPSILON * a.shape.max : rcond) k = (s > tol).count return if k == vh.shape[0] r = vh[k..-1, true].transpose.dup blas_char(vh) =~ /c|z/ ? r.conj : r end # Computes an LU factorization of a M-by-N matrix A # using partial pivoting with row interchanges. # # The factorization has the form # # A = P * L * U # # where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit # diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper # triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). # # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-n matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param permute_l [Bool] (optional) If true, perform the matrix product of P and L. # @return [[p,l,u]] if permute_l == false # @return [[pl,u]] if permute_l == true # # - **p** [Numo::NArray] -- The permutation matrix P. # - **l** [Numo::NArray] -- The factor L. # - **u** [Numo::NArray] -- The factor U. def lu(a, permute_l: false) raise NArray::ShapeError, '2-d array is required' if a.ndim < 2 m, n = a.shape k = [m, n].min lu, ip = lu_fact(a) l = lu.tril.tap { |mat| mat[mat.diag_indices(0)] = 1.0 }[true, 0...k] u = lu.triu[0...k, 0...n] p = Numo::DFloat.eye(m).tap do |mat| ip.to_a.each_with_index { |i, j| mat[true, [i - 1, j]] = mat[true, [j, i - 1]].dup } end permute_l ? [, u] : [p, l, u] end # Computes an LU factorization of a M-by-N matrix A # using partial pivoting with row interchanges. # # The factorization has the form # # A = P * L * U # # where P is a permutation matrix, L is lower triangular with unit # diagonal elements (lower trapezoidal if m > n), and U is upper # triangular (upper trapezoidal if m < n). # # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-n matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @return [[lu, ipiv]] # - **lu** [Numo::NArray] -- The factors L and U from the factorization # `A = P*L*U`; the unit diagonal elements of L are not stored. # - **ipiv** [Numo::NArray] -- The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= min(M,N), # row i of the matrix was interchanged with row IPIV(i). def lu_fact(a), a)[0..1] end # Computes the inverse of a matrix using the LU factorization # computed by Numo::Linalg.lu_fact. # # This method inverts U and then computes inv(A) by solving the system # # inv(A)*L = inv(U) # # for inv(A). # # @param lu [Numo::NArray] matrix containing the factors L and U # from the factorization `A = P*L*U` as computed by # Numo::Linalg.lu_fact. # @param ipiv [Numo::NArray] The pivot indices from # Numo::Linalg.lu_fact; for 1<=i<=N, row i of the matrix was # interchanged with row IPIV(i). # @return [Numo::NArray] the inverse of the original matrix A. def lu_inv(lu, ipiv), lu, ipiv)[0] end # Solves a system of linear equations # # A * X = B or A**T * X = B # # with a N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization computed by # Numo::Linalg.lu_fact # # @param lu [Numo::NArray] matrix containing the factors L and U # from the factorization `A = P*L*U` as computed by # Numo::Linalg.lu_fact. # @param ipiv [Numo::NArray] The pivot indices from # Numo::Linalg.lu_fact; for 1<=i<=N, row i of the matrix was # interchanged with row IPIV(i). # @param b [Numo::NArray] the right hand side matrix B. # @param trans [String or Symbol] # Specifies the form of the system of equations: # - If 'N': `A * X = B` (No transpose). # - If 'T': `A*\*T* X = B` (Transpose). # - If 'C': `A*\*T* X = B` (Conjugate transpose = Transpose). # @return [Numo::NArray] the solution matrix X. def lu_solve(lu, ipiv, b, trans:"N"), lu, ipiv, b, trans:trans)[0] end # Computes the LDLt or Bunch-Kaufman factorization of a symmetric/Hermitian matrix A. # The factorization has the form # # A = U*D*U**T or A = L*D*L**T # # where U (or L) is a product of permutation and unit upper (lower) triangular matrices # and D is symmetric and block diagonal with 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 diagonal blocks. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-m matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param uplo [String or Symbol] optional, default='U'. Access upper or ('U') lower ('L') triangle. # @param hermitian [Bool] optional, default=true. If true, hermitian matrix is assumed. # (omitted when real-value matrix is given) # # @return [[lu,d,perm]] # # - **lu** [Numo::NArray] -- The permutated upper (lower) triangular matrix U (L). # - **d** [Numo::NArray] -- The block diagonal matrix D. # - **perm** [Numo::NArray] -- The row-permutation index for changing lu into triangular form. def ldl(a, uplo: 'U', hermitian: true) raise NArray::ShapeError, '2-d array is required' if a.ndim < 2 raise NArray::ShapeError, 'matrix a is not square matrix' if a.shape[0] != a.shape[1] is_complex = blas_char(a) =~ /c|z/ func = is_complex && hermitian ? 'hetrf' : 'sytrf' lud, ipiv, =, a, uplo: uplo) lu = (uplo == 'U' ? lud.triu : lud.tril).tap { |mat| mat[mat.diag_indices(0)] = 1.0 } d = lud[lud.diag_indices(0)].diag m = a.shape[0] n = m - 1 changed_2x2 = false perm = m.times do |t| i = uplo == 'U' ? t : n - t j = uplo == 'U' ? i - 1 : i + 1; r = uplo == 'U' ? 0..i : i..n; if ipiv[i] > 0 k = ipiv[i] - 1 lu[[k, i], r] = lu[[i, k], r].dup perm[[k, i]] = perm[[i, k]].dup elsif j.between?(0, n) && ipiv[i] == ipiv[j] && !changed_2x2 k = ipiv[i].abs - 1 d[j, i] = lud[j, i] d[i, j] = is_complex && hermitian ? lud[j, i].conj : lud[j, i] lu[j, i] = 0.0 lu[[k, j], r] = lu[[j, k], r].dup perm[[k, j]] = perm[[j, k]].dup changed_2x2 = true next end changed_2x2 = false end [lu, d, perm.sort_index] end # Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric/Hermitian # positive definite matrix A. The factorization has the form # # A = U**H * U, if UPLO = 'U', or # A = L * L**H, if UPLO = 'L', # # where U is an upper triangular matrix and L is a lower triangular matrix. # @param a [Numo::NArray] n-by-n symmetric matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param uplo [String or Symbol] optional, default='U'. Access upper # or ('U') lower ('L') triangle. # @return [Numo::NArray] The factor U or L. def cholesky(a, uplo: 'U') raise NArray::ShapeError, '2-d array is required' if a.ndim < 2 raise NArray::ShapeError, 'matrix a is not square matrix' if a.shape[0] != a.shape[1] factor =, a, uplo: uplo)[0] if uplo == 'U' factor.triu else # TODO: Use the tril method if the verision of Numo::NArray # in the runtime dependency list becomes or higher. m, = a.shape factor * Numo::DFloat.ones(m, m).triu.transpose end end # Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric/Hermitian # positive definite matrix A. The factorization has the form # # A = U**H * U, if UPLO = 'U', or # A = L * L**H, if UPLO = 'L', # # where U is an upper triangular matrix and L is a lower triangular matrix. # @param a [Numo::NArray] n-by-n symmetric matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param uplo [String or Symbol] optional, default='U'. Access upper # or ('U') lower ('L') triangle. # @return [Numo::NArray] The matrix which has the Cholesky factor in upper or lower triangular part. # Remain part consists of random values. def cho_fact(a, uplo:'U'), a, uplo:uplo)[0] end # Computes the inverse of a symmetric/Hermitian # positive definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization # `A = U**T*U` or `A = L*L**T` computed by Linalg.cho_fact. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] the triangular factor U or L from the # Cholesky factorization, as computed by Linalg.cho_fact. # @param uplo [String or Symbol] optional, default='U'. Access upper # or ('U') lower ('L') triangle. # @return [Numo::NArray] the upper or lower triangle of the # (symmetric) inverse of A. def cho_inv(a, uplo:'U'), a, uplo:uplo)[0] end # Solves a system of linear equations # A*X = B # with a symmetric/Hermitian positive definite matrix A # using the Cholesky factorization # `A = U**T*U` or `A = L*L**T` computed by Linalg.cho_fact. # @param a [Numo::NArray] the triangular factor U or L from the # Cholesky factorization, as computed by Linalg.cho_fact. # @param b [Numo::NArray] the right hand side matrix B. # @param uplo [String or Symbol] optional, default='U'. Access upper # or ('U') lower ('L') triangle. # @return [Numo::NArray] the solution matrix X. def cho_solve(a, b, uplo:'U'), a, b, uplo:uplo)[0] end ## Matrix eigenvalues # Computes the eigenvalues and, optionally, the left and/or right # eigenvectors for a square nonsymmetric matrix A. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] square nonsymmetric matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param left [Bool] (optional) If true, left eigenvectors are computed. # @param right [Bool] (optional) If true, right eigenvectors are computed. # @return [[w,vl,vr]] # - **w** [Numo::NArray] -- The eigenvalues. # - **vl** [Numo::NArray] -- The left eigenvectors if left is true, otherwise nil. # - **vr** [Numo::NArray] -- The right eigenvectors if right is true, otherwise nil. def eig(a, left:false, right:true) jobvl, jobvr = left, right case blas_char(a) when /c|z/ w, vl, vr, info =, a, jobvl:jobvl, jobvr:jobvr) else wr, wi, vl, vr, info =, a, jobvl:jobvl, jobvr:jobvr) w = wr + wi * Complex::I vl = _make_complex_eigvecs(w,vl) if left vr = _make_complex_eigvecs(w,vr) if right end [w,vl,vr] #.compact end # Obtains the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors # by solving an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem # for a square symmetric / Hermitian matrix. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] square symmetric matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param b [Numo::NArray] (optional) square symmetric matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # If nil, identity matrix is assumed. # @param vals_only [Bool] (optional) If false, eigenvectors are computed. # @param vals_range [Range] (optional) # The range of indices of the eigenvalues (in ascending order) and corresponding eigenvectors to be returned. # If nil or 0...N (N is the size of the matrix a), all eigenvalues and eigenvectors are returned. # @param uplo [String or Symbol] (optional, default='U') # Access upper ('U') or lower ('L') triangle. # @param turbo [Bool] (optional) If true, divide and conquer algorithm is used. # @return [[w,v]] # - **w** [Numo::NArray] -- The eigenvalues. # - **v** [Numo::NArray] -- The eigenvectors if vals_only is false, otherwise nil. def eigh(a, b=nil, vals_only:false, vals_range:nil, uplo:'U', turbo:false) jobz = vals_only ? 'N' : 'V' # jobz: Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors. b = a.class.eye(a.shape[0]) if b.nil? func = blas_char(a, b) =~ /c|z/ ? 'hegv' : 'sygv' if vals_range.nil? func << 'd' if turbo v, u_, w, =, a, b, uplo: uplo, jobz: jobz) v = nil if vals_only [w, v] else func << 'x' il = vals_range.first(1)[0] iu = vals_range.last(1)[0] a_, b_, w, v, =, a, b, uplo: uplo, jobz: jobz, range: 'I', il: il + 1, iu: iu + 1) v = nil if vals_only [w, v] end end # Computes the eigenvalues only for a square nonsymmetric matrix A. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] square nonsymmetric matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @return [Numo::NArray] eigenvalues def eigvals(a) jobvl, jobvr = 'N','N' case blas_char(a) when /c|z/ w, =, a, jobvl:jobvl, jobvr:jobvr) else wr, wi, =, a, jobvl:jobvl, jobvr:jobvr) w = wr + wi * Complex::I end w end # Obtains the eigenvalues by solving an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem # for a square symmetric / Hermitian matrix. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] square symmetric/hermitian matrix # (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param b [Numo::NArray] (optional) square symmetric matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # If nil, identity matrix is assumed. # @param vals_range [Range] (optional) # The range of indices of the eigenvalues (in ascending order) to be returned. # If nil or 0...N (N is the size of the matrix a), all eigenvalues are returned. # @param uplo [String or Symbol] (optional, default='U') # Access upper ('U') or lower ('L') triangle. # @return [Numo::NArray] eigenvalues def eigvalsh(a, b=nil, vals_range:nil, uplo:'U', turbo:false) eigh(a, b, vals_only: true, vals_range: vals_range, uplo: uplo, turbo: turbo).first end ## Norms and other numbers # Compute matrix or vector norm. # # | ord | matrix norm | vector norm | # | ----- | ---------------------- | --------------------------- | # | nil | Frobenius norm | 2-norm | # | 'fro' | Frobenius norm | - | # | 'inf' | x.abs.sum(axis:-1).max | x.abs.max | # | 0 | - | ( 0).sum | # | 1 | x.abs.sum(axis:-2).max | same as below | # | 2 | 2-norm (max sing_vals) | same as below | # | other | - | (x.abs**ord).sum**(1.0/ord) | # # @param a [Numo::NArray] matrix or vector (>= 1-dimensinal NArray) # @param ord [String or Symbol] Order of the norm . # @param axis [Integer or Array] Applied axes (optional). # @param keepdims [Bool] If true, the applied axes are left in # result with size one (optional). # @return [Numo::NArray] norm result def norm(a, ord=nil, axis:nil, keepdims:false) a = Numo::NArray.asarray(a) # check axis if axis case axis when Integer axis = [axis] when Array if axis.size < 1 || axis.size > 2 raise ArgmentError, "axis option should be 1- or 2-element array" end else raise ArgumentError, "invalid option for axis: #{axis}" end # swap axes if a.ndim > 1 idx = (0...a.ndim).to_a tmp = [] axis.each do |i| x = idx[i] if x.nil? raise ArgmentError, "axis contains same dimension" end tmp << x idx[i] = nil end idx.compact! idx.concat(tmp) a = a.transpose(*idx) end else case a.ndim when 0 raise ArgumentError, "zero-dimensional array" when 1 axis = [-1] else axis = [-2,-1] end end # calculate norm case axis.size when 1 # vector k = keepdims ord ||= 2 # default case ord.to_s when "0" r = a.class.cast(, keepdims:k) when "1" r = a.abs.sum(axis:-1, keepdims:k) when "2" r =, a, keepdims:k) when /^-?\d+$/ o = ord.to_i r = (a.abs**o).sum(axis:-1, keepdims:k)**(1.0/o) when /^inf(inity)?$/i r = a.abs.max(axis:-1, keepdims:k) when /^-inf(inity)?$/i r = a.abs.min(axis:-1, keepdims:k) else raise ArgumentError, "ord (#{ord}) is invalid for vector norm" end when 2 # matrix if keepdims fixdims = [true] * a.ndim axis.each do |i| if i < -a.ndim || i >= a.ndim raise ArgmentError, "axis (%d) is out of range", i end fixdims[i] = :new end end ord ||= "fro" # default case ord.to_s when "1" r, =, a, '1') when "-1" r = a.abs.sum(axis:-2).min(axis:-1) when "2" svd, =, a, jobu:'N', jobvt:'N') r = svd.max(axis:-1) when "-2" svd, =, a, jobu:'N', jobvt:'N') r = svd.min(axis:-1) when /^f(ro)?$/i r, =, a, 'F') when /^inf(inity)?$/i r, =, a, 'I') when /^-inf(inity)?$/i r = a.abs.sum(axis:-1).min(axis:-1) else raise ArgumentError, "ord (#{ord}) is invalid for matrix norm" end if keepdims if NArray===r r = r[*fixdims] else r =,1).store(r) end end end return r end # Compute the condition number of a matrix # using the norm with one of the following order. # # | ord | matrix norm | # | ----- | ---------------------- | # | nil | 2-norm using SVD | # | 'fro' | Frobenius norm | # | 'inf' | x.abs.sum(axis:-1).max | # | 1 | x.abs.sum(axis:-2).max | # | 2 | 2-norm (max sing_vals) | # # @param a [Numo::NArray] matrix or vector (>= 1-dimensinal NArray) # @param ord [String or Symbol] Order of the norm. # @return [Numo::NArray] cond result # @example # a = Numo::DFloat[[1, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]] # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[3,3] # [[1, 0, -1], # [0, 1, 0], # [1, 0, 1]] # LA = Numo::Linalg # LA.cond(a) # => 1.4142135623730951 # LA.cond(a, 'fro') # => 3.1622776601683795 # LA.cond(a, 'inf') # => 2.0 # LA.cond(a, '-inf') # => 1.0 # LA.cond(a, 1) # => 2.0 # LA.cond(a, -1) # => 1.0 # LA.cond(a, 2) # => 1.4142135623730951 # LA.cond(a, -2) # => 0.7071067811865475 # (LA.svdvals(a)).min*(LA.svdvals(LA.inv(a))).min # => 0.7071067811865475 def cond(a,ord=nil) if ord.nil? s = svdvals(a) s[false, 0]/s[false, -1] else norm(a, ord, axis:[-2,-1]) * norm(inv(a), ord, axis:[-2,-1]) end end # Determinant of a matrix # # @param a [Numo::NArray] matrix (>= 2-dimensional NArray) # @return [Float or Complex or Numo::NArray] def det(a) lu, piv, =, a) idx =[-1]).seq(1)) m = piv.eq(idx).count_false(axis:-1) % 2 sign = m * -2 + 1 * sign end # Natural logarithm of the determinant of a matrix # # @param a [Numo::NArray] matrix (>= 2-dimensional NArray) # @return [[sign,logdet]] # - **sign** -- A number representing the sign of the determinant. # - **logdet** -- The natural log of the absolute value of the determinant. def slogdet(a) lu, piv, =, a) idx =[-1]).seq(1)) m = piv.eq(idx).count_false(axis:-1) % 2 sign = m * -2 + 1 lud = lu.diagonal if (lud.eq 0).any? return 0, (-Float::INFINITY) end lud_abs = lud.abs sign *= (lud/lud_abs).prod [sign, NMath.log(lud_abs).sum(axis:-1)] end # Compute matrix rank of array using SVD # *Rank* is the number of singular values greater than *tol*. # # @param m [Numo::NArray] matrix (>= 2-dimensional NArray) # @param tol [Float] threshold below which singular values are # considered to be zero. If *tol* is nil, # `tol = sing_vals.max() * m.shape.max * EPSILON`. # @param driver [String or Symbol] choose LAPACK solver from 'svd', # 'sdd'. (optional, default='svd') def matrix_rank(m, tol:nil, driver:'svd') m = Numo::NArray.asarray(m) if m.ndim < 2 ? 1 : 0 else case driver.to_s when /^(ge)?sdd$/, "turbo" s =, m, jobz:'N')[0] when /^(ge)?svd$/ s =, m, jobu:'N', jobvt:'N')[0] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid driver: #{driver}" end tol ||= s.max(axis:-1, keepdims:true) * (m.shape[-2..-1].max * s.class::EPSILON) (s > tol).count(axis:-1) end end ## Solving equations and inverting matrices # Solves linear equation `a * x = b` for `x` # from square matrix `a` # @param a [Numo::NArray] n-by-n square matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param b [Numo::NArray] n-by-nrhs right-hand-side matrix (>= # 1-dimensinal NArray) # @param driver [String or Symbol] choose LAPACK diriver from # 'gen','sym','her' or 'pos'. (optional, default='gen') # @param uplo [String or Symbol] optional, default='U'. Access upper # or ('U') lower ('L') triangle. (omitted when driver:"gen") # @return [Numo::NArray] The solusion matrix/vector X. def solve(a, b, driver:"gen", uplo:'U') case driver.to_s when /^gen?(sv)?$/i # returns lu, x, ipiv, info, a, b)[1] when /^(sym?|her?|pos?)(sv)?$/i func = driver[0..1].downcase+"sv", a, b, uplo:uplo)[1] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid driver: #{driver}" end end # Inverse matrix from square matrix `a` # @param a [Numo::NArray] n-by-n square matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param driver [String or Symbol] choose LAPACK diriver # ('ge'|'sy'|'he'|'po') + ("sv"|"trf") # (optional, default='getrf') # @param uplo [String or Symbol] optional, default='U'. Access upper # or ('U') lower ('L') triangle. (omitted when driver:"ge") # @return [Numo::NArray] The inverse matrix. # @example # Numo::Linalg.inv(a,driver:'getrf') # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[2,2] # [[-2, 1], # [1.5, -0.5]] #,driver:'getrf')) # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[2,2] # [[1, 0], # [8.88178e-16, 1]] def inv(a, driver:"getrf", uplo:'U') case driver when /(ge|sy|he|po)sv$/ d = $1 b = a.new_zeros.eye solve(a, b, driver:d, uplo:uplo) when /(ge|sy|he)tr[fi]$/ d = $1 lu, piv = lu_fact(a) lu_inv(lu, piv) when /potr[fi]$/ lu = cho_fact(a, uplo:uplo) cho_inv(lu, uplo:uplo) else raise ArgumentError, "invalid driver: #{driver}" end end # Computes the minimum-norm solution to a linear least squares # problem: # # minimize 2-norm(| b - A*x |) # # using the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A. # A is an M-by-N matrix which may be rank-deficient. # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-n matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param b [Numo::NArray] m-by-nrhs right-hand-side matrix b # (>= 1-dimensinal NArray) # @param driver [String or Symbol] choose LAPACK driver from # 'lsd','lss','lsy' (optional, default='lsd') # @param rcond [Float] (optional, default=-1) # RCOND is used to determine the effective rank of A. # Singular values `S(i) <= RCOND*S(1)` are treated as zero. # If RCOND < 0, machine precision is used instead. # @return [[x, resids, rank, s]] # - **x** -- The solution matrix/vector X. # - **resids** -- Sums of residues, squared 2-norm for each column in # `b - a x`. If matrix_rank(a) < N or > M, or 'gelsy' is used, # this is an empty array. # - **rank** -- The effective rank of A, i.e., # the number of singular values which are greater than RCOND*S(1). # - **s** -- The singular values of A in decreasing order. # Returns nil if 'gelsy' is used. def lstsq(a, b, driver:'lsd', rcond:-1) a = NArray.asarray(a) b = NArray.asarray(b) b_orig = nil if b.shape.size==1 b_orig = b b = b_orig[true,:new] end m = a.shape[-2] n = a.shape[-1] #nrhs = b.shape[-1] if m != b.shape[-2] raise NArray::ShapeError, "size mismatch: A-row and B-row" end if m < n # need to extend b matrix shp = b.shape shp[-2] = n b2 = b.class.zeros(*shp) b2[false,0...m,true] = b b = b2 end case driver.to_s when /^(ge)?lsd$/i # x, s, rank, info x, s, rank, =, a, b, rcond:rcond) when /^(ge)?lss$/i # v, x, s, rank, info _, x, s, rank, =, a, b, rcond:rcond) when /^(ge)?lsy$/i jpvt = Int32.zeros(*a[false,0,true].shape) # v, x, jpvt, rank, info _, x, _, rank, =, a, b, jpvt, rcond:rcond) s = nil else raise ArgumentError, "invalid driver: #{driver}" end resids = nil if m > n if /ls(d|s)$/i =~ driver case rank when n resids = (x[n..-1,true].abs**2).sum(axis:0) when NArray resids = (x[false,n..-1,true].abs**2).sum(axis:-2) ## NArray does not suppurt this yet. # resids = x[false,0,true].new_zeros # mask = rank.eq(n) # resids[mask,true] = (x[mask,n..-1,true].abs**2).sum(axis:-2) end end x = x[false,0...n,true] end if b_orig && b_orig.shape.size==1 x = x[true,0] resids &&= resids[false,0] end [x, resids, rank, s] end # Compute the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse of a matrix # using svd or lstsq. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] m-by-n matrix A (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param driver [String or Symbol] choose LAPACK driver from # SVD ('svd', 'sdd') or Least square ('lsd','lss','lsy') # (optional, default='svd') # @param rcond [Float] (optional, default=-1) # RCOND is used to determine the effective rank of A. # Singular values `S(i) <= RCOND*S(1)` are treated as zero. # If RCOND < 0, machine precision is used instead. # @return [Numo::NArray] # @example # a =,3).rand_norm # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[5,3] # [[-0.581255, -0.168354, 0.586895], # [-0.595142, -0.802802, -0.326106], # [0.282922, 1.68427, 0.918499], # [-0.0485384, -0.464453, -0.992194], # [0.413794, -0.60717, -0.699695]] # b = Numo::Linalg.pinv(a,driver:"svd") # => Numo::DFloat(view)#shape=[3,5] # [[-0.360863, -0.813125, -0.353367, -0.891963, 0.877253], # [-0.227645, 0.162939, 0.696655, 0.787685, -0.469346], # [0.408671, -0.308323, -0.337807, -1.13833, 0.228051]] # ( # => 5.551115123125783e-16 def pinv(a, driver:"svd", rcond:nil) a = NArray.asarray(a) if a.ndim < 2 raise NArray::ShapeError, "2-d array is required" end case driver when /^(ge)?s[dv]d$/ s, u, vh = svd(a, driver:driver, job:'S') if rcond.nil? || rcond < 0 rcond = ((SFloat===s) ? 1e3 : 1e6) * s.class::EPSILON elsif ! Numeric === rcond raise ArgumentError, "rcond must be Numeric" end cond = (s > rcond * s.max(axis:-1, keepdims:true)) if cond.all? r = s.reciprocal else r = s.new_zeros r[cond] = s[cond].reciprocal end u *= r[false,:new,true] dot(u,vh).conj.swapaxes(-2,-1) when /^(ge)?ls[dsy]$/ b = a.class.eye(a.shape[-2]) x, = lstsq(a, b, driver:driver, rcond:rcond) x else raise ArgumentError, "#{driver.inspect} is not one of drivers: "+ "svd, sdd, lsd, lss, lsy" end end # Compute the matrix exponential using Pade approximation method. # # @param a [Numo::NArray] square matrix (>= 2-dimensinal NArray) # @param ord [Integer] order of approximation # @return [Numo::NArray] # @example # a = Numo::Linalg.expm(Numo::DFloat.zeros([2,2])) # => Numo::DFloat#shape=[2,2] # [[1, 0], # [0, 1]] # b = Numo::Linalg.expm(Numo::DFloat[[1, 2], [-1, 3]] * Complex::I) # => Numo::DComplex#shape=[2,2] # [[0.426459+1.89218i, -2.13721-0.978113i], # [1.06861+0.489056i, -1.71076+0.914063i]] def expm(a, ord=8) raise NArray::ShapeError, 'matrix a is not square matrix' if a.shape[0] != a.shape[1] inf_norm = norm(a, 'inf') n_squarings = ? 0 : [0, Math.log2(inf_norm).ceil.to_i].max a = a / (2**n_squarings) sz_mat = a.shape[0] c = 1 s = -1 x = Numo::DFloat.eye(sz_mat) n = Numo::DFloat.eye(sz_mat) d = Numo::DFloat.eye(sz_mat) (1..ord).each do |k| c *= (ord - k + 1).fdiv((2 * ord - k + 1) * k) x = cx = c * x n += cx d += s * cx s *= -1 end res = solve(d, n) n_squarings.times { res = } res end # @!visibility private def _make_complex_eigvecs(w, vin) # :nodoc: v = w.class.cast(vin) # broadcast to vin.shape m = ((w.imag > 0) | Bit.zeros(*vin.shape)).where v[m].imag = vin[m+1] v[m+1] = v[m].conj v end private_class_method :_make_complex_eigvecs end end