require 'spec_helper' class PageObjectTestPageObject include PageObject end class CustomPlatform end describe PageObject do let(:watir_browser) { mock_watir_browser } let(:selenium_browser) { mock_selenium_browser } let(:watir_page_object) { } let(:selenium_page_object) { } context "when created with a watir-webdriver browser" do it "should include the WatirPageObject module" do watir_page_object.platform.should be_kind_of PageObject::WatirPageObject end end context "when created with a selenium browser" do it "should include the SeleniumPageObject module" do selenium_page_object.platform.should be_kind_of Object::PageObject::Platforms::Selenium::PageObject end end context "when created with a non_bundled adapter" do let(:custom_adapter) { mock_adapter(:custom_browser, CustomPlatform) } it "should be an instance of whatever that objects adapter is" do mock_adapters({:custom_adapter=>custom_adapter}) custom_page_object = custom_page_object.platform.should be custom_adapter.create_page_object end end context "when created with an object we do not understand" do it "should throw an error" do expect {"blah") }.to raise_error end end describe "page level functionality" do context "for all drivers" do it "should try a second time after sleeping when attach to window fails" do watir_page_object.platform.should_receive(:attach_to_window).once.and_throw "error" watir_page_object.platform.should_receive(:attach_to_window) watir_page_object.attach_to_window("blah") end it "should call initialize_page if it exists" do class CallbackPage include PageObject attr_reader :initialize_page def initialize_page @initialize_page = true end end @page = @page.initialize_page.should be_true end end context "when using WatirPageObject" do it "should display the page text" do watir_browser.should_receive(:text).and_return("browser text") watir_page_object.text.should == "browser text" end it "should display the html of the page" do watir_browser.should_receive(:html).and_return("Some Sample HTML") watir_page_object.html.should == "Some Sample HTML" end it "should display the title of the page" do watir_browser.should_receive(:title).and_return("I am the title of a page") watir_page_object.title.should == "I am the title of a page" end it "should be able to navigate to a page" do watir_browser.should_receive(:goto).with("") watir_page_object.navigate_to("") end it "should wait until a block returns true" do watir_browser.should_receive(:wait_until).with(5, "too long") watir_page_object.wait_until(5, "too long") end it "should override alert popup behavior" do watir_browser.should_receive(:alert) watir_page_object.alert do end end it "should override confirm popup behavior" do watir_browser.should_receive(:confirm) watir_page_object.confirm(true) do end end it "should override prompt popup behavior" do watir_browser.should_receive(:prompt) watir_page_object.prompt("blah") do end end it "should switch to a new window with a given title" do watir_browser.should_receive(:window).with(:title => /My\ Title/).and_return(watir_browser) watir_browser.should_receive(:use) watir_page_object.attach_to_window(:title => "My Title") end it "should switch to a new window with a given url" do watir_browser.should_receive(:window).with(:url => /success\.html/).and_return(watir_browser) watir_browser.should_receive(:use) watir_page_object.attach_to_window(:url => "success.html") end it "should refresh the page contents" do watir_browser.should_receive(:refresh) watir_page_object.refresh end it "should know how to go back" do watir_browser.should_receive(:back) watir_page_object.back end it "should know how to go forward" do watir_browser.should_receive(:forward) watir_page_object.forward end end context "when using SeleniumPageObject" do it "should display the page text" do selenium_browser.stub_chain(:find_element, :text).and_return("browser text") selenium_page_object.text.should == "browser text" end it "should display the html of the page" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:page_source).and_return("Some Sample HTML") selenium_page_object.html.should == "Some Sample HTML" end it "should display the title of the page" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:title).and_return("I am the title of a page") selenium_page_object.title.should == "I am the title of a page" end it "should be able to navigate to a page" do selenium_browser.stub_chain(:navigate, :to).with('') selenium_page_object.navigate_to('') end it "should wait until a block returns true" do wait = double('wait') Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.should_receive(:new).with({:timeout => 5, :message => 'too long'}).and_return(wait) wait.should_receive(:until) selenium_page_object.wait_until(5, 'too long') end it "should override alert popup behavior" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:execute_script).twice selenium_page_object.alert do end end it "should override confirm popup behavior" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:execute_script).twice selenium_page_object.confirm(true) do end end it "should override prompt popup behavior" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:execute_script).twice selenium_page_object.prompt("blah") do end end it "should switch to a new window with a given title" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:window_handles).and_return(["win1"]) selenium_browser.should_receive(:switch_to).twice.and_return(selenium_browser) selenium_browser.should_receive(:window).twice.with("win1").and_return(selenium_browser) selenium_browser.should_receive(:title).and_return("My Title") selenium_page_object.attach_to_window(:title => "My Title") end it "should switch to a new window with a given url" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:window_handles).and_return(["win1"]) selenium_browser.should_receive(:switch_to).twice.and_return(selenium_browser) selenium_browser.should_receive(:window).twice.with("win1").and_return(selenium_browser) selenium_browser.should_receive(:current_url).and_return("page.html") selenium_page_object.attach_to_window(:url => "page.html") end it "should refresh the page contents" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:navigate).and_return(selenium_browser) selenium_browser.should_receive(:refresh) selenium_page_object.refresh end it "should know how to go back" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:navigate).and_return(selenium_browser) selenium_browser.should_receive(:back) selenium_page_object.back end it "should know how to go forward" do selenium_browser.should_receive(:navigate).and_return(selenium_browser) selenium_browser.should_receive(:forward) selenium_page_object.forward end end end end