# MongodbLogger [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/le0pard/mongodb_logger.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/le0pard/mongodb_logger) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/le0pard/mongodb_logger/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/le0pard/mongodb_logger) MongodbLogger is a alternative logger for Rails or Rack based app, which log all requests of you application into MongoDB database. It: * simple to integrate into existing Rails application; * allow to store all logs from web cluster into one scalable storage - MongoDB; * flexible schema of MongoDB allow to store and search any information from logs; * web panel allow filter logs, build graphs using MapReduce by information from logs; ## Rails support Please note the latest version is compatible with rails 3.1.x or newer. For rails 3.0.x latest version 0.2.8. Doesn't support the Rails version below 3. ## Installation 1. Add the following to your Gemfile then refresh your dependencies by executing "bundle install" (or just simple "bundle"): gem "mongodb_logger" 1. Add adapter in Gemfile. Supported mongo and moped (mongoid). For example: gem "mongo" gem "bson_ext" or gem "moped" 1. Add the following line to your ApplicationController: include MongodbLogger::Base 1. For use with Heroku you need to prevent the rails\_log\_stdout plugin from being added by Heroku for rails 3: mkdir vendor/plugins/rails_log_stdout touch vendor/plugins/rails_log_stdout/.gitkeep For Rails 4 just remove from Gemfile "rails_12factor" gem. 1. Add MongodbLogger settings to database.yml for each environment in which you want to use the MongodbLogger. The MongodbLogger will also look for a separate mongodb\_logger.yml or mongoid.yml (if you are using mongoid) before looking in database.yml. In the mongodb\_logger.yml and mongoid.yml case, the settings should be defined without the 'mongodb\_logger' subkey. database.yml: development: adapter: postgresql database: my_app_development username: postgres mongodb_logger: database: my_app # required (the only required setting) capsize: <%= 10.megabytes %> # default: 250MB host: localhost # default: localhost port: 27017 # default: 27017 username: null # default: null, username for MongoDB Auth password: null # default: null, password for MongoDB Auth replica_set: true # default: false - Adds retries for ConnectionFailure during voting for replica set master write_options: # default: {w: 0, wtimeout: 200} - write options for inserts (w - wait for insert to propagate to "w" numbers of nodes) w: 0 wtimeout: 200 application_name: my_app # default: Rails.application disable_file_logging: false # default: false - disable logging into filesystem (only in MongoDB) collection: some_name # default: Rails.env + "_log" - name of MongoDB collection mongodb\_logger.yml: development: database: my_app capsize: <%= 10.megabytes %> host: localhost port: 27017 replica_set: true Also you can use "url" parameter for setup connection to mongodb: development: url: mongodb://username:password@localhost:27017/my_app capsize: <%= 10.megabytes %> 1. For using with MongoDB Replica Set (more info you can read by this link [http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Sets](http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Sets)). In config set list of [host, port] in key "hosts": development: database: my_app capsize: <%= 10.megabytes %> host: localhost port: 27017 hosts: - - - 27018 - - - 27019 1. For assets pipeline you can generate all js/css file into folder by rake task: rake mongodb_logger:assets:compile[public/assets] ## Assets pipeline For capistrano possible compile assets by receipt. Add this to config/deploy.rb: require 'mongodb_logger/capistrano' set :mongodb_logger_assets_dir, "public/assets" # where to put mongodb assets after 'deploy:update_code', 'mongodb_logger:precompile' Also you can serve assets from rails app. You need just mount it separately: mount MongodbLogger::Server.new, :at => "/mongodb", :as => :mongodb mount MongodbLogger::Assets.instance, :at => "/mongodb/assets", :as => :mongodb_assets # assets ## Usage After success instalation of gem, a new MongoDB document (record) will be created for each request on your application, by default will record the following information: Runtime, IP Address, Request Time, Controller, Method, Action, Params, Application Name and All messages sent to the logger. The structure of the MongoDB document looks like this: { 'action' : action_name, 'application_name' : application_name (rails root), 'controller' : controller_name, 'ip' : ip_address, 'messages' : { 'info' : [ ], 'debug' : [ ], 'error' : [ ], 'warn' : [ ], 'fatal' : [ ] }, 'params' : { }, 'path' : path, 'request_time' : date_of_request, 'runtime' : elapsed_execution_time_in_milliseconds, 'url' : full_url, 'method' : request method (GET, POST, OPTIONS), 'session' : information from session, 'is_exception' : true only for exceptions (in other cases this field miss) } Beyond that, if you want to add extra information to the base of the document (let's say something like user\_id on every request that it's available), you can just call the Rails.logger.add\_metadata method on your logger like so (for example from a before\_filter): # make sure we're using the MongodbLogger in this environment Rails.logger.add_metadata(user_id: @current_user.id) if Rails.logger.respond_to?(:add_metadata) ## Callback on exceptions For send email or do something on exception you can add callback: MongodbLogger::Base.configure do |config| config.on_log_exception do |mongo_record| # do something with this data, for example - send email (better - by background job) end end In this callback send record without "\_id", because logger not wait for insert response from MongoDB. ## Disable mongodb_logger To disable MongodbLogger you can use option disable. But this should be set before rails load (for example in Rails app the top of "config/application.rb"): MongodbLogger::Base.configure do |config| config.disable = true end or MongodbLogger::Base.disable = true ## Migrate to another size of capped collection If you need change capper collection size, you should change the "capsize" key in mongodb\_config and run this task for migration: rake mongodb_logger:migrate ## Rack Middleware If you want use MongodbLogger in Rack app which is mounted to your Rails app, you can try to use rack middleware: use MongodbLogger::RackMiddleware ## Rails::Engine If you want use MongodbLogger with some of Rails::Engine, you can do this (example for Spree): Spree::BaseController.send :include, MongodbLogger::Base Spree::Admin::BaseController.send :include, MongodbLogger::Base # for admin ## The Front End To setup web interface in you Rails application, first of all create autoload file in you Rails application File: you\_rails\_app/config/initializers/mongodb\_logger.rb (example) require 'mongodb_logger/server' # required # this secure you web interface by basic auth, but you can skip this, if you no need this MongodbLogger::Server.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password| [username, password] == ['admin', 'password'] end and just mount MongodbLogger::Server in rails routes: File: you\_rails\_app/config/routes.rb mount MongodbLogger::Server.new, :at => "/mongodb" Now you can see web interface by url "http://localhost:3000/mongodb" If you've installed MongodbLogger as a gem and want running the front end without Rails application, you can do it by this command: mongodb_logger_web config.yml where config.yml is config, similar to config of Rails apps, but without Rails.env. Example: database: app_logs_dev host: localhost port: 27017 collection: development_log # set for see development logs parameter "collection" should be set, if your set custom for your Rails application or start this front end not for production enviroment (by default taken "production\_log" collection, in Rails application gem generate "#{Rails.env}\_log" collection, if it is not defined in config). It's a thin layer around rackup so it's configurable as well: mongodb_logger_web config.yml -p 8282 ### Passenger, Unicorn, Thin, etc. Using Passenger, Unicorn, Thin, etc? MongodbLogger ships with a `config.ru` you can use. See guide: * Passenger Apache: * Passenger Nginx: * Unicorn: * Thin: Don't forget setup MONGODBLOGGERCONFIG env variable, which provide information about MongodbLogger config. Example starting with unicorn: MONGODBLOGGERCONFIG=examples/server_config.yml unicorn ## Demo Application with MongodbLogger Demo: [http://demo-mongodb-logger.catware.org/](http://demo-mongodb-logger.catware.org/) Demo Sources: [https://github.com/le0pard/mongodb_logger_example_heroku](https://github.com/le0pard/mongodb_logger_example_heroku) ## Querying via the Rails console And now, for a couple quick examples on getting ahold of this log data... First, here's how to get a handle on the MongoDB from within a Rails console: >> db = Rails.logger.mongo_adapter.connection => # >> collection = Rails.logger.mongo_adapter.collection => # Once you've got the collection, you can find all requests for a specific user (with id): >> cursor = collection.find(:user_id => '12355') => # >> cursor.count => 5 Find all requests that took more that one second to complete: >> collection.find({:runtime => {'$gt' => 1000}}).count => 3 Find all order#show requests with a particular order id (id=order\_id): >> collection.find({"controller" => "order", "action"=> "show", "params.id" => order_id}) Find all requests with an exception that contains "RoutingError" in the message or stack trace: >> collection.find({"messages.error" => /RoutingError/}) Find all requests with errors: >> collection.find({"is_exception" => true}) Find all requests with a request\_date greater than '11/18/2010 22:59:52 GMT' >> collection.find({:request_time => {'$gt' => Time.utc(2010, 11, 18, 22, 59, 52)}}) Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Phil Burrows, CustomInk (based on https://github.com/customink/central_logger) and Leopard released under the MIT license