/* oj.c * Copyright (c) 2012, Peter Ohler * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of Peter Ohler nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "oj.h" #include "parse.h" #include "hash.h" #include "odd.h" #include "encode.h" typedef struct _YesNoOpt { VALUE sym; char *attr; } *YesNoOpt; void Init_oj(); VALUE Oj = Qnil; ID oj_add_value_id; ID oj_array_append_id; ID oj_array_end_id; ID oj_array_start_id; ID oj_as_json_id; ID oj_error_id; ID oj_file_id; ID oj_fileno_id; ID oj_ftype_id; ID oj_hash_end_id; ID oj_hash_key_id; ID oj_hash_set_id; ID oj_hash_start_id; ID oj_iconv_id; ID oj_instance_variables_id; ID oj_json_create_id; ID oj_length_id; ID oj_new_id; ID oj_parse_id; ID oj_pos_id; ID oj_read_id; ID oj_readpartial_id; ID oj_replace_id; ID oj_stat_id; ID oj_string_id; ID oj_to_hash_id; ID oj_to_json_id; ID oj_to_s_id; ID oj_to_sym_id; ID oj_to_time_id; ID oj_tv_nsec_id; ID oj_tv_sec_id; ID oj_tv_usec_id; ID oj_utc_id; ID oj_utc_offset_id; ID oj_utcq_id; ID oj_write_id; static ID has_key_id; VALUE oj_bag_class; VALUE oj_bigdecimal_class; VALUE oj_cstack_class; VALUE oj_date_class; VALUE oj_datetime_class; VALUE oj_parse_error_class; VALUE oj_stream_writer_class; VALUE oj_string_writer_class; VALUE oj_stringio_class; VALUE oj_struct_class; VALUE oj_slash_string; static VALUE allow_gc_sym; static VALUE ascii_only_sym; static VALUE ascii_sym; static VALUE auto_define_sym; static VALUE auto_sym; static VALUE bigdecimal_as_decimal_sym; static VALUE bigdecimal_load_sym; static VALUE bigdecimal_sym; static VALUE circular_sym; static VALUE class_cache_sym; static VALUE compat_sym; static VALUE create_id_sym; static VALUE escape_mode_sym; static VALUE float_prec_sym; static VALUE float_sym; static VALUE indent_sym; static VALUE json_sym; static VALUE mode_sym; static VALUE newline_sym; static VALUE nilnil_sym; static VALUE null_sym; static VALUE object_sym; static VALUE quirks_mode_sym; static VALUE ruby_sym; static VALUE sec_prec_sym; static VALUE strict_sym; static VALUE symbol_keys_sym; static VALUE time_format_sym; static VALUE unix_sym; static VALUE unix_zone_sym; static VALUE use_to_json_sym; static VALUE xmlschema_sym; static VALUE xss_safe_sym; static VALUE array_nl_sym; static VALUE create_additions_sym; static VALUE object_nl_sym; static VALUE space_before_sym; static VALUE space_sym; static VALUE symbolize_names_sym; static VALUE mimic = Qnil; #if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT rb_encoding *oj_utf8_encoding = 0; #else VALUE oj_utf8_encoding = Qnil; #endif #if USE_PTHREAD_MUTEX pthread_mutex_t oj_cache_mutex; #elif USE_RB_MUTEX VALUE oj_cache_mutex = Qnil; #endif static const char json_class[] = "json_class"; struct _Options oj_default_options = { 0, // indent No, // circular No, // auto_define No, // sym_key JSONEsc, // escape_mode ObjectMode, // mode Yes, // class_cache UnixZTime, // time_format Yes, // bigdec_as_num AutoDec, // bigdec_load Yes, // to_json No, // nilnil Yes, // allow_gc Yes, // quirks_mode json_class, // create_id 10, // create_id_len 9, // sec_prec 15, // float_prec "%0.15g", // float_fmt { // dump_opts false, //use "", // indent "", // before_sep "", // after_sep "", // hash_nl "", // array_nl 0, // indent_size 0, // before_size 0, // after_size 0, // hash_size 0, // array_size } }; static VALUE define_mimic_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self); /* call-seq: default_options() => Hash * * Returns the default load and dump options as a Hash. The options are * - indent: [Fixnum|String|nil] number of spaces to indent each element in an JSON document, zero or nil is no newline between JSON elements, negative indicates no newline between top level JSON elements in a stream, a String indicates the string should be used for indentation * - circular: [true|false|nil] support circular references while dumping * - auto_define: [true|false|nil] automatically define classes if they do not exist * - symbol_keys: [true|false|nil] use symbols instead of strings for hash keys * - escape_mode: [:newline|:json|:xss_safe|:ascii|nil] determines the characters to escape * - class_cache: [true|false|nil] cache classes for faster parsing (if dynamically modifying classes or reloading classes then don't use this) * - mode: [:object|:strict|:compat|:null] load and dump modes to use for JSON * - time_format: [:unix|:unix_zone|:xmlschema|:ruby] time format when dumping in :compat and :object mode * - bigdecimal_as_decimal: [true|false|nil] dump BigDecimal as a decimal number or as a String * - bigdecimal_load: [:bigdecimal|:float|:auto] load decimals as BigDecimal instead of as a Float. :auto pick the most precise for the number of digits. * - create_id: [String|nil] create id for json compatible object encoding, default is 'json_create' * - second_precision: [Fixnum|nil] number of digits after the decimal when dumping the seconds portion of time * - float_precision: [Fixnum|nil] number of digits of precision when dumping floats, 0 indicates use Ruby * - use_to_json: [true|false|nil] call to_json() methods on dump, default is false * - nilnil: [true|false|nil] if true a nil input to load will return nil and not raise an Exception * - allow_gc: [true|false|nil] allow or prohibit GC during parsing, default is true (allow) * - quirks_mode: [true,|false|nil] Allow single JSON values instead of documents, default is true (allow) * - indent_str: [String|nil] String to use for indentation, overriding the indent option is not nil * - space: [String|nil] String to use for the space after the colon in JSON object fields * - space_before: [String|nil] String to use before the colon separator in JSON object fields * - object_nl: [String|nil] String to use after a JSON object field value * - array_nl: [String|nil] String to use after a JSON array value * @return [Hash] all current option settings. */ static VALUE get_def_opts(VALUE self) { VALUE opts = rb_hash_new(); if (0 == oj_default_options.dump_opts.indent_size) { rb_hash_aset(opts, indent_sym, INT2FIX(oj_default_options.indent)); } else { rb_hash_aset(opts, indent_sym, rb_str_new2(oj_default_options.dump_opts.indent_str)); } rb_hash_aset(opts, sec_prec_sym, INT2FIX(oj_default_options.sec_prec)); rb_hash_aset(opts, circular_sym, (Yes == oj_default_options.circular) ? Qtrue : ((No == oj_default_options.circular) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, class_cache_sym, (Yes == oj_default_options.class_cache) ? Qtrue : ((No == oj_default_options.class_cache) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, auto_define_sym, (Yes == oj_default_options.auto_define) ? Qtrue : ((No == oj_default_options.auto_define) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, symbol_keys_sym, (Yes == oj_default_options.sym_key) ? Qtrue : ((No == oj_default_options.sym_key) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, bigdecimal_as_decimal_sym, (Yes == oj_default_options.bigdec_as_num) ? Qtrue : ((No == oj_default_options.bigdec_as_num) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, use_to_json_sym, (Yes == oj_default_options.to_json) ? Qtrue : ((No == oj_default_options.to_json) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, nilnil_sym, (Yes == oj_default_options.nilnil) ? Qtrue : ((No == oj_default_options.nilnil) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, allow_gc_sym, (Yes == oj_default_options.allow_gc) ? Qtrue : ((No == oj_default_options.allow_gc) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, quirks_mode_sym, (Yes == oj_default_options.quirks_mode) ? Qtrue : ((No == oj_default_options.quirks_mode) ? Qfalse : Qnil)); rb_hash_aset(opts, float_prec_sym, INT2FIX(oj_default_options.float_prec)); switch (oj_default_options.mode) { case StrictMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, strict_sym); break; case CompatMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, compat_sym); break; case NullMode: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, null_sym); break; case ObjectMode: default: rb_hash_aset(opts, mode_sym, object_sym); break; } switch (oj_default_options.escape_mode) { case NLEsc: rb_hash_aset(opts, escape_mode_sym, newline_sym); break; case JSONEsc: rb_hash_aset(opts, escape_mode_sym, json_sym); break; case XSSEsc: rb_hash_aset(opts, escape_mode_sym, xss_safe_sym); break; case ASCIIEsc: rb_hash_aset(opts, escape_mode_sym, ascii_sym); break; default: rb_hash_aset(opts, escape_mode_sym, json_sym); break; } switch (oj_default_options.time_format) { case XmlTime: rb_hash_aset(opts, time_format_sym, xmlschema_sym); break; case RubyTime: rb_hash_aset(opts, time_format_sym, ruby_sym); break; case UnixZTime: rb_hash_aset(opts, time_format_sym, unix_zone_sym); break; case UnixTime: default: rb_hash_aset(opts, time_format_sym, unix_sym); break; } switch (oj_default_options.bigdec_load) { case BigDec: rb_hash_aset(opts, bigdecimal_load_sym, bigdecimal_sym);break; case FloatDec: rb_hash_aset(opts, bigdecimal_load_sym, float_sym); break; case AutoDec: default: rb_hash_aset(opts, bigdecimal_load_sym, auto_sym); break; } rb_hash_aset(opts, create_id_sym, (0 == oj_default_options.create_id) ? Qnil : rb_str_new2(oj_default_options.create_id)); rb_hash_aset(opts, space_sym, (0 == oj_default_options.dump_opts.after_size) ? Qnil : rb_str_new2(oj_default_options.dump_opts.after_sep)); rb_hash_aset(opts, space_before_sym, (0 == oj_default_options.dump_opts.before_size) ? Qnil : rb_str_new2(oj_default_options.dump_opts.before_sep)); rb_hash_aset(opts, object_nl_sym, (0 == oj_default_options.dump_opts.hash_size) ? Qnil : rb_str_new2(oj_default_options.dump_opts.hash_nl)); rb_hash_aset(opts, array_nl_sym, (0 == oj_default_options.dump_opts.array_size) ? Qnil : rb_str_new2(oj_default_options.dump_opts.array_nl)); return opts; } /* call-seq: default_options=(opts) * * Sets the default options for load and dump. * @param [Hash] opts options to change * @param [Fixnum|String|nil] :indent number of spaces to indent each element in a JSON document or the String to use for identation. * @param [true|false|nil] :circular support circular references while dumping * @param [true|false|nil] :auto_define automatically define classes if they do not exist * @param [true|false|nil] :symbol_keys convert hash keys to symbols * @param [true|false|nil] :class_cache cache classes for faster parsing * @param [:newline|:json|:xss_safe|:ascii|nil] :escape mode encodes all high-bit characters as * escaped sequences if :ascii, :json is standand UTF-8 JSON encoding, * :newline is the same as :json but newlines are not escaped, * and :xss_safe escapes &, <, and >, and some others. * @param [true|false|nil] :bigdecimal_as_decimal dump BigDecimal as a decimal number or as a String * @param [:bigdecimal|:float|:auto|nil] :bigdecimal_load load decimals as BigDecimal instead of as a Float. :auto pick the most precise for the number of digits. * @param [:object|:strict|:compat|:null] load and dump mode to use for JSON * :strict raises an exception when a non-supported Object is * encountered. :compat attempts to extract variable values from an * Object using to_json() or to_hash() then it walks the Object's * variables if neither is found. The :object mode ignores to_hash() * and to_json() methods and encodes variables using code internal to * the Oj gem. The :null mode ignores non-supported Objects and * replaces them with a null. * @param [:unix|:xmlschema|:ruby] time format when dumping in :compat mode * :unix decimal number denoting the number of seconds since 1/1/1970, * :unix_zone decimal number denoting the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 plus the utc_offset in the exponent , * :xmlschema date-time format taken from XML Schema as a String, * :ruby Time.to_s formatted String * @param [String|nil] :create_id create id for json compatible object encoding * @param [Fixnum|nil] :second_precision number of digits after the decimal when dumping the seconds portion of time * @param [Fixnum|nil] :float_precision number of digits of precision when dumping floats, 0 indicates use Ruby * @param [true|false|nil] :use_to_json call to_json() methods on dump, default is false * @param [true|false|nil] :nilnil if true a nil input to load will return nil and not raise an Exception * @param [true|false|nil] :allow_gc allow or prohibit GC during parsing, default is true (allow) * @param [true|false|nil] :quirks_mode allow single JSON values instead of documents, default is true (allow) * @param [String|nil] :space String to use for the space after the colon in JSON object fields * @param [String|nil] :space_before String to use before the colon separator in JSON object fields * @param [String|nil] :object_nl String to use after a JSON object field value * @param [String|nil] :array_nl String to use after a JSON array value * @return [nil] */ static VALUE set_def_opts(VALUE self, VALUE opts) { Check_Type(opts, T_HASH); oj_parse_options(opts, &oj_default_options); return Qnil; } void oj_parse_options(VALUE ropts, Options copts) { struct _YesNoOpt ynos[] = { { circular_sym, &copts->circular }, { auto_define_sym, &copts->auto_define }, { symbol_keys_sym, &copts->sym_key }, { class_cache_sym, &copts->class_cache }, { bigdecimal_as_decimal_sym, &copts->bigdec_as_num }, { use_to_json_sym, &copts->to_json }, { nilnil_sym, &copts->nilnil }, { allow_gc_sym, &copts->allow_gc }, { quirks_mode_sym, &copts->quirks_mode }, { Qnil, 0 } }; YesNoOpt o; volatile VALUE v; size_t len; if (T_HASH != rb_type(ropts)) { return; } if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(ropts, has_key_id, 1, indent_sym)) { v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, indent_sym); switch (rb_type(v)) { case T_NIL: copts->dump_opts.indent_size = 0; *copts->dump_opts.indent_str = '\0'; copts->indent = 0; break; case T_FIXNUM: copts->dump_opts.indent_size = 0; *copts->dump_opts.indent_str = '\0'; copts->indent = FIX2INT(v); break; case T_STRING: if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.indent_str) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "indent string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.indent_str)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.indent_str, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.indent_size = (uint8_t)len; copts->indent = 0; break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "indent must be a Fixnum, String, or nil."); break; } } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, float_prec_sym))) { int n; if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":float_precision must be a Fixnum."); } Check_Type(v, T_FIXNUM); n = FIX2INT(v); if (0 >= n) { *copts->float_fmt = '\0'; copts->float_prec = 0; } else { if (20 < n) { n = 20; } sprintf(copts->float_fmt, "%%0.%dg", n); copts->float_prec = n; } } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, sec_prec_sym))) { int n; if (rb_cFixnum != rb_obj_class(v)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":second_precision must be a Fixnum."); } n = NUM2INT(v); if (0 > n) { n = 0; } else if (9 < n) { n = 9; } copts->sec_prec = n; } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, mode_sym))) { if (object_sym == v) { copts->mode = ObjectMode; } else if (strict_sym == v) { copts->mode = StrictMode; } else if (compat_sym == v) { copts->mode = CompatMode; } else if (null_sym == v) { copts->mode = NullMode; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":mode must be :object, :strict, :compat, or :null."); } } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, time_format_sym))) { if (unix_sym == v) { copts->time_format = UnixTime; } else if (unix_zone_sym == v) { copts->time_format = UnixZTime; } else if (xmlschema_sym == v) { copts->time_format = XmlTime; } else if (ruby_sym == v) { copts->time_format = RubyTime; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":time_format must be :unix, :unix_zone, :xmlschema, or :ruby."); } } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, escape_mode_sym))) { if (newline_sym == v) { copts->escape_mode = NLEsc; } else if (json_sym == v) { copts->escape_mode = JSONEsc; } else if (xss_safe_sym == v) { copts->escape_mode = XSSEsc; } else if (ascii_sym == v) { copts->escape_mode = ASCIIEsc; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":encoding must be :newline, :json, :xss_safe, or :ascii."); } } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, bigdecimal_load_sym))) { if (bigdecimal_sym == v || Qtrue == v) { copts->bigdec_load = BigDec; } else if (float_sym == v) { copts->bigdec_load = FloatDec; } else if (auto_sym == v || Qfalse == v) { copts->bigdec_load = AutoDec; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":bigdecimal_load must be :bigdecimal, :float, or :auto."); } } if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(ropts, has_key_id, 1, create_id_sym)) { v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, create_id_sym); if (Qnil == v) { if (json_class != oj_default_options.create_id) { xfree((char*)oj_default_options.create_id); } copts->create_id = NULL; copts->create_id_len = 0; } else if (T_STRING == rb_type(v)) { const char *str = StringValuePtr(v); len = RSTRING_LEN(v); if (len != copts->create_id_len || 0 != strcmp(copts->create_id, str)) { copts->create_id = ALLOC_N(char, len + 1); strcpy((char*)copts->create_id, str); copts->create_id_len = len; } } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":create_id must be string."); } } for (o = ynos; 0 != o->attr; o++) { if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, o->sym))) { if (Qtrue == v) { *o->attr = Yes; } else if (Qfalse == v) { *o->attr = No; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s must be true or false.", rb_id2name(SYM2ID(o->sym))); } } } if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(ropts, has_key_id, 1, space_sym)) { if (Qnil == (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, space_sym))) { copts->dump_opts.after_size = 0; *copts->dump_opts.after_sep = '\0'; } else { rb_check_type(v, T_STRING); if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.after_sep) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "space string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.after_sep)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.after_sep, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.after_size = (uint8_t)len; } } if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(ropts, has_key_id, 1, space_before_sym)) { if (Qnil == (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, space_before_sym))) { copts->dump_opts.before_size = 0; *copts->dump_opts.before_sep = '\0'; } else { rb_check_type(v, T_STRING); if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.before_sep) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "sapce_before string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.before_sep)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.before_sep, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.before_size = (uint8_t)len; } } if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(ropts, has_key_id, 1, object_nl_sym)) { if (Qnil == (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, object_nl_sym))) { copts->dump_opts.hash_size = 0; *copts->dump_opts.hash_nl = '\0'; } else { rb_check_type(v, T_STRING); if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.hash_nl) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "object_nl string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.hash_nl)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.hash_nl, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.hash_size = (uint8_t)len; } } if (Qtrue == rb_funcall(ropts, has_key_id, 1, array_nl_sym)) { if (Qnil == (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, array_nl_sym))) { copts->dump_opts.array_size = 0; *copts->dump_opts.array_nl = '\0'; } else { rb_check_type(v, T_STRING); if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.array_nl) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "array_nl string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.array_nl)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.array_nl, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.array_size = (uint8_t)len; } } copts->dump_opts.use = (0 < copts->dump_opts.indent_size || 0 < copts->dump_opts.after_size || 0 < copts->dump_opts.before_size || 0 < copts->dump_opts.hash_size || 0 < copts->dump_opts.array_size); // This is here only for backwards compatibility with the original Oj. v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, ascii_only_sym); if (Qtrue == v) { copts->escape_mode = ASCIIEsc; } else if (Qfalse == v) { copts->escape_mode = JSONEsc; } } /* Document-method: strict_load * call-seq: strict_load(json, options) => Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, Float, true, false, or nil * * Parses a JSON document String into an Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, Float, * true, false, or nil. It parses using a mode that is strict in that it maps * each primitive JSON type to a similar Ruby type. The :create_id is not * honored in this mode. Note that a Ruby Hash is used to represent the JSON * Object type. These two are not the same since the JSON Object type can have * repeating entries with the same key and Ruby Hash can not. * * When used with a document that has multiple JSON elements the block, if * any, will be yielded to. If no block then the last element read will be * returned. * * Raises an exception if the JSON is malformed or the classes specified are not * valid. If the input is not a valid JSON document (an empty string is not a * valid JSON document) an exception is raised. * * A block can also be provided with a single argument. That argument will be * the parsed JSON document. This is useful when parsing a string that includes * multiple JSON documents. * * @param [String|IO] json JSON String or an Object that responds to read() * @param [Hash] options load options (same as default_options) */ /* Document-method: compat_load * call-seq: compat_load(json, options) => Object, Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, Float, true, false, or nil * * Parses a JSON document String into an Object, Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, * Float, true, false, or nil. It parses using a mode that is generally * compatible with other Ruby JSON parsers in that it will create objects based * on the :create_id value. It is not compatible in every way to every other * parser though as each parser has it's own variations. * * When used with a document that has multiple JSON elements the block, if * any, will be yielded to. If no block then the last element read will be * returned. * * Raises an exception if the JSON is malformed or the classes specified are not * valid. If the input is not a valid JSON document (an empty string is not a * valid JSON document) an exception is raised. * * A block can also be provided with a single argument. That argument will be * the parsed JSON document. This is useful when parsing a string that includes * multiple JSON documents. * * @param [String|IO] json JSON String or an Object that responds to read() * @param [Hash] options load options (same as default_options) */ /* Document-method: object_load * call-seq: object_load(json, options) => Object, Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, Float, true, false, or nil * * Parses a JSON document String into an Object, Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, * Float, true, false, or nil. In the :object mode the JSON should have been * generated by Oj.dump(). The parser will reconstitute the original marshalled * or dumped Object. The :auto_define and :circular options have meaning with * this parsing mode. * * When used with a document that has multiple JSON elements the block, if * any, will be yielded to. If no block then the last element read will be * returned. * * Raises an exception if the JSON is malformed or the classes specified are not * valid. If the input is not a valid JSON document (an empty string is not a * valid JSON document) an exception is raised. * * Note: Oj is not able to automatically deserialize all classes that are a * subclass of a Ruby Exception. Only exception that take one required string * argument in the initialize() method are supported. This is an example of how * to write an Exception subclass that supports both a single string intializer * and an Exception as an argument. Additional optional arguments can be added * as well. * * The reason for this restriction has to do with a design decision on the part * of the Ruby developers. Exceptions are special Objects. They do not follow the * rules of other Objects. Exceptions have 'mesg' and a 'bt' attribute. Note that * these are not '@mesg' and '@bt'. They can not be set using the normal C or * Ruby calls. The only way I have found to set the 'mesg' attribute is through * the initializer. Unfortunately that means any subclass that provides a * different initializer can not be automatically decoded. A way around this is * to use a create function but this example shows an alternative. * * A block can also be provided with a single argument. That argument will be * the parsed JSON document. This is useful when parsing a string that includes * multiple JSON documents. * * @param [String|IO] json JSON String or an Object that responds to read() * @param [Hash] options load options (same as default_options) */ /* call-seq: load(json, options) => Object, Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, Float, true, false, or nil * * Parses a JSON document String into a Object, Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, * Float, true, false, or nil according to the default mode or the mode * specified. Raises an exception if the JSON is malformed or the classes * specified are not valid. If the string input is not a valid JSON document (an * empty string is not a valid JSON document) an exception is raised. * * When used with a document that has multiple JSON elements the block, if * any, will be yielded to. If no block then the last element read will be * returned. * * This parser operates on string and will attempt to load files into memory if * a file object is passed as the first argument. A stream input will be parsed * using a stream parser but others use the slightly faster string parser. * * A block can also be provided with a single argument. That argument will be * the parsed JSON document. This is useful when parsing a string that includes * multiple JSON documents. * * @param [String|IO] json JSON String or an Object that responds to read() * @param [Hash] options load options (same as default_options) */ static VALUE load(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { Mode mode = oj_default_options.mode; if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments to load()."); } if (2 <= argc) { VALUE ropts = argv[1]; VALUE v; Check_Type(ropts, T_HASH); if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, mode_sym))) { if (object_sym == v) { mode = ObjectMode; } else if (strict_sym == v) { mode = StrictMode; } else if (compat_sym == v) { mode = CompatMode; } else if (null_sym == v) { mode = NullMode; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":mode must be :object, :strict, :compat, or :null."); } } } switch (mode) { case StrictMode: return oj_strict_parse(argc, argv, self); case NullMode: case CompatMode: return oj_compat_parse(argc, argv, self); case ObjectMode: default: break; } return oj_object_parse(argc, argv, self); } /* Document-method: load_file * call-seq: load_file(path, options) => Object, Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, Float, true, false, or nil * * Parses a JSON document String into a Object, Hash, Array, String, Fixnum, * Float, true, false, or nil according to the default mode or the mode * specified. Raises an exception if the JSON is malformed or the classes * specified are not valid. If the string input is not a valid JSON document (an * empty string is not a valid JSON document) an exception is raised. * * When used with a document that has multiple JSON elements the block, if * any, will be yielded to. If no block then the last element read will be * returned. * * If the input file is not a valid JSON document (an empty file is not a valid * JSON document) an exception is raised. * * This is a stream based parser which allows a large or huge file to be loaded * without pulling the whole file into memory. * * A block can also be provided with a single argument. That argument will be * the parsed JSON document. This is useful when parsing a string that includes * multiple JSON documents. * * @param [String] path path to a file containing a JSON document * @param [Hash] options load options (same as default_options) */ static VALUE load_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { char *path; int fd; Mode mode = oj_default_options.mode; struct _ParseInfo pi; if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments to load()."); } Check_Type(*argv, T_STRING); pi.options = oj_default_options; pi.handler = Qnil; if (2 <= argc) { VALUE ropts = argv[1]; VALUE v; Check_Type(ropts, T_HASH); if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, mode_sym))) { if (object_sym == v) { mode = ObjectMode; } else if (strict_sym == v) { mode = StrictMode; } else if (compat_sym == v) { mode = CompatMode; } else if (null_sym == v) { mode = NullMode; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, ":mode must be :object, :strict, :compat, or :null."); } } } path = StringValuePtr(*argv); if (0 == (fd = open(path, O_RDONLY))) { rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "%s", strerror(errno)); } switch (mode) { case StrictMode: oj_set_strict_callbacks(&pi); return oj_pi_sparse(argc, argv, &pi, fd); case NullMode: case CompatMode: oj_set_compat_callbacks(&pi); return oj_pi_sparse(argc, argv, &pi, fd); case ObjectMode: default: break; } oj_set_object_callbacks(&pi); return oj_pi_sparse(argc, argv, &pi, fd); } /* call-seq: safe_load(doc) * * Loads a JSON document in strict mode with :auto_define and :symbol_keys * turned off. This function should be safe to use with JSON received on an * unprotected public interface. * * @param [String|IO] doc JSON String or IO to load * @return [Hash|Array|String|Fixnum|Bignum|BigDecimal|nil|True|False] */ static VALUE safe_load(VALUE self, VALUE doc) { struct _ParseInfo pi; VALUE args[1]; pi.options = oj_default_options; pi.options.auto_define = No; pi.options.sym_key = No; pi.options.mode = StrictMode; oj_set_strict_callbacks(&pi); *args = doc; return oj_pi_parse(1, args, &pi, 0, 0, 1); } /* call-seq: saj_parse(handler, io) * * Parses an IO stream or file containing a JSON document. Raises an exception * if the JSON is malformed. This is a callback parser that calls the methods in * the handler if they exist. A sample is the Oj::Saj class which can be used as * a base class for the handler. * * @param [Oj::Saj] handler responds to Oj::Saj methods * @param [IO|String] io IO Object to read from */ /* call-seq: sc_parse(handler, io) * * Parses an IO stream or file containing a JSON document. Raises an exception * if the JSON is malformed. This is a callback parser (Simple Callback Parser) * that calls the methods in the handler if they exist. A sample is the * Oj::ScHandler class which can be used as a base class for the handler. This * callback parser is slightly more efficient than the Saj callback parser and * requires less argument checking. * * @param [Oj::ScHandler] handler responds to Oj::ScHandler methods * @param [IO|String] io IO Object to read from */ /* call-seq: dump(obj, options) => json-string * * Dumps an Object (obj) to a string. * @param [Object] obj Object to serialize as an JSON document String * @param [Hash] options same as default_options */ static VALUE dump(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { char buf[4096]; struct _Out out; struct _Options copts = oj_default_options; VALUE rstr; if (2 == argc) { oj_parse_options(argv[1], &copts); } out.buf = buf; out.end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 10; out.allocated = 0; oj_dump_obj_to_json(*argv, &copts, &out); if (0 == out.buf) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Not enough memory."); } rstr = rb_str_new2(out.buf); rstr = oj_encode(rstr); if (out.allocated) { xfree(out.buf); } return rstr; } /* call-seq: to_file(file_path, obj, options) * * Dumps an Object to the specified file. * @param [String] file_path file path to write the JSON document to * @param [Object] obj Object to serialize as an JSON document String * @param [Hash] options formating options * @param [Fixnum] :indent format expected * @param [true|false] :circular allow circular references, default: false */ static VALUE to_file(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { struct _Options copts = oj_default_options; if (3 == argc) { oj_parse_options(argv[2], &copts); } Check_Type(*argv, T_STRING); oj_write_obj_to_file(argv[1], StringValuePtr(*argv), &copts); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: to_stream(io, obj, options) * * Dumps an Object to the specified IO stream. * @param [IO] io IO stream to write the JSON document to * @param [Object] obj Object to serialize as an JSON document String * @param [Hash] options formating options * @param [Fixnum] :indent format expected * @param [true|false] :circular allow circular references, default: false */ static VALUE to_stream(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { struct _Options copts = oj_default_options; if (3 == argc) { oj_parse_options(argv[2], &copts); } oj_write_obj_to_stream(argv[1], *argv, &copts); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: register_odd(clas, create_object, create_method, *members) * * Registers a class as special. This is useful for working around subclasses of * primitive types as is done with ActiveSupport classes. The use of this * function should be limited to just classes that can not be handled in the * normal way. It is not intended as a hook for changing the output of all * classes as it is not optimized for large numbers of classes. * * @param [Class|Module] clas Class or Module to be made special * @param [Object] create_object object to call the create method on * @param [Symbol] create_method method on the clas that will create a new * instance of the clas when given all the member values in the * order specified. * @param [Symbol|String] members methods used to get the member values from * instances of the clas */ static VALUE register_odd(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { if (3 > argc) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "incorrect number of arguments."); } switch (rb_type(*argv)) { case T_CLASS: case T_MODULE: break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "expected a class or module."); break; } Check_Type(argv[2], T_SYMBOL); if (MAX_ODD_ARGS < argc - 2) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "too many members."); } oj_reg_odd(argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argc - 3, argv + 3, false); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: register_odd_raw(clas, create_object, create_method, dump_method) * * Registers a class as special and expect the output to be a string that can be * included in the dumped JSON directly. This is useful for working around * subclasses of primitive types as is done with ActiveSupport classes. The use * of this function should be limited to just classes that can not be handled in * the normal way. It is not intended as a hook for changing the output of all * classes as it is not optimized for large numbers of classes. Be careful with * this option as the JSON may be incorrect if invalid JSON is returned. * * @param [Class|Module] clas Class or Module to be made special * @param [Object] create_object object to call the create method on * @param [Symbol] create_method method on the clas that will create a new * instance of the clas when given all the member values in the * order specified. * @param [Symbol|String] dump_method method to call on the object being * serialized to generate the raw JSON. */ static VALUE register_odd_raw(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { if (3 > argc) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "incorrect number of arguments."); } switch (rb_type(*argv)) { case T_CLASS: case T_MODULE: break; default: rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "expected a class or module."); break; } Check_Type(argv[2], T_SYMBOL); if (MAX_ODD_ARGS < argc - 2) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "too many members."); } oj_reg_odd(argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], 1, argv + 3, true); return Qnil; } static void str_writer_free(void *ptr) { StrWriter sw; if (0 == ptr) { return; } sw = (StrWriter)ptr; xfree(sw->out.buf); xfree(sw->types); xfree(ptr); } /* Document-class: Oj::StringWriter * * Supports building a JSON document one element at a time. Build the document * by pushing values into the document. Pushing an array or an object will * create that element in the JSON document and subsequent pushes will add the * elements to that array or object until a pop() is called. When complete * calling to_s() will return the JSON document. Note tha calling to_s() before * construction is complete will return the document in it's current state. */ static void str_writer_init(StrWriter sw) { sw->opts = oj_default_options; sw->depth = 0; sw->types = ALLOC_N(char, 256); sw->types_end = sw->types + 256; *sw->types = '\0'; sw->keyWritten = 0; sw->out.buf = ALLOC_N(char, 4096); sw->out.end = sw->out.buf + 4086; sw->out.allocated = 1; sw->out.cur = sw->out.buf; *sw->out.cur = '\0'; sw->out.circ_cnt = 0; sw->out.hash_cnt = 0; sw->out.opts = &sw->opts; sw->out.indent = sw->opts.indent; sw->out.depth = 0; } /* call-seq: new(options) * * Creates a new StringWriter. * @param [Hash] options formating options */ static VALUE str_writer_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = ALLOC(struct _StrWriter); str_writer_init(sw); if (1 == argc) { oj_parse_options(argv[0], &sw->opts); } sw->out.indent = sw->opts.indent; return Data_Wrap_Struct(oj_string_writer_class, 0, str_writer_free, sw); } /* call-seq: push_key(key) * * Pushes a key onto the JSON document. The key will be used for the next push * if currently in a JSON object and ignored otherwise. If a key is provided on * the next push then that new key will be ignored. * @param [String] key the key pending for the next push */ static VALUE str_writer_push_key(VALUE self, VALUE key) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); rb_check_type(key, T_STRING); oj_str_writer_push_key(sw, StringValuePtr(key)); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: push_object(key=nil) * * Pushes an object onto the JSON document. Future pushes will be to this object * until a pop() is called. * @param [String] key the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE str_writer_push_object(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); switch (argc) { case 0: oj_str_writer_push_object(sw, 0); break; case 1: if (Qnil == argv[0]) { oj_str_writer_push_object(sw, 0); } else { rb_check_type(argv[0], T_STRING); oj_str_writer_push_object(sw, StringValuePtr(argv[0])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_object'."); break; } if (rb_block_given_p()) { rb_yield(Qnil); oj_str_writer_pop(sw); } return Qnil; } /* call-seq: push_array(key=nil) * * Pushes an array onto the JSON document. Future pushes will be to this object * until a pop() is called. * @param [String] key the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE str_writer_push_array(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); switch (argc) { case 0: oj_str_writer_push_array(sw, 0); break; case 1: if (Qnil == argv[0]) { oj_str_writer_push_array(sw, 0); } else { rb_check_type(argv[0], T_STRING); oj_str_writer_push_array(sw, StringValuePtr(argv[0])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_object'."); break; } if (rb_block_given_p()) { rb_yield(Qnil); oj_str_writer_pop(sw); } return Qnil; } /* call-seq: push_value(value, key=nil) * * Pushes a value onto the JSON document. * @param [Object] value value to add to the JSON document * @param [String] key the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE str_writer_push_value(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { switch (argc) { case 1: oj_str_writer_push_value((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), *argv, 0); break; case 2: if (Qnil == argv[1]) { oj_str_writer_push_value((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), *argv, 0); } else { rb_check_type(argv[1], T_STRING); oj_str_writer_push_value((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), *argv, StringValuePtr(argv[1])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_value'."); break; } return Qnil; } /* call-seq: push_json(value, key=nil) * * Pushes a string onto the JSON document. The String must be a valid JSON * encoded string. No additional checking is done to verify the validity of the * string. * @param [String] value JSON document to add to the JSON document * @param [String] key the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE str_writer_push_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { rb_check_type(argv[0], T_STRING); switch (argc) { case 1: oj_str_writer_push_json((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), StringValuePtr(*argv), 0); break; case 2: if (Qnil == argv[1]) { oj_str_writer_push_json((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), StringValuePtr(*argv), 0); } else { rb_check_type(argv[1], T_STRING); oj_str_writer_push_json((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), StringValuePtr(*argv), StringValuePtr(argv[1])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_json'."); break; } return Qnil; } /* call-seq: pop() * * Pops up a level in the JSON document closing the array or object that is * currently open. */ static VALUE str_writer_pop(VALUE self) { oj_str_writer_pop((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self)); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: pop_all() * * Pops all level in the JSON document closing all the array or object that is * currently open. */ static VALUE str_writer_pop_all(VALUE self) { oj_str_writer_pop_all((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self)); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: reset() * * Reset the writer back to the empty state. */ static VALUE str_writer_reset(VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); sw->depth = 0; *sw->types = '\0'; sw->keyWritten = 0; sw->out.cur = sw->out.buf; *sw->out.cur = '\0'; return Qnil; } /* call-seq: to_s() * * Returns the JSON document string in what ever state the construction is at. */ static VALUE str_writer_to_s(VALUE self) { StrWriter sw = (StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self); VALUE rstr = rb_str_new(sw->out.buf, sw->out.cur - sw->out.buf); return oj_encode(rstr); } // StreamWriter /* Document-class: Oj::StreamWriter * * Supports building a JSON document one element at a time. Build the IO stream * document by pushing values into the document. Pushing an array or an object * will create that element in the JSON document and subsequent pushes will add * the elements to that array or object until a pop() is called. */ static void stream_writer_free(void *ptr) { StreamWriter sw; if (0 == ptr) { return; } sw = (StreamWriter)ptr; xfree(sw->sw.out.buf); xfree(sw->sw.types); xfree(ptr); } static void stream_writer_write(StreamWriter sw) { ssize_t size = sw->sw.out.cur - sw->sw.out.buf; switch (sw->type) { case STRING_IO: rb_funcall(sw->stream, oj_write_id, 1, rb_str_new(sw->sw.out.buf, size)); break; case STREAM_IO: rb_funcall(sw->stream, oj_write_id, 1, rb_str_new(sw->sw.out.buf, size)); break; case FILE_IO: if (size != write(sw->fd, sw->sw.out.buf, size)) { rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "Write failed. [%d:%s]\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "expected an IO Object."); } } static void stream_writer_reset_buf(StreamWriter sw) { sw->sw.out.cur = sw->sw.out.buf; *sw->sw.out.cur = '\0'; } /* call-seq: new(io, options) * * Creates a new StreamWriter. * @param [IO] io stream to write to * @param [Hash] options formating options */ static VALUE stream_writer_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StreamWriterType type = STREAM_IO; int fd = 0; VALUE stream = argv[0]; VALUE clas = rb_obj_class(stream); StreamWriter sw; #if !IS_WINDOWS VALUE s; #endif if (oj_stringio_class == clas) { type = STRING_IO; #if !IS_WINDOWS } else if (rb_respond_to(stream, oj_fileno_id) && Qnil != (s = rb_funcall(stream, oj_fileno_id, 0)) && 0 != (fd = FIX2INT(s))) { type = FILE_IO; #endif } else if (rb_respond_to(stream, oj_write_id)) { type = STREAM_IO; } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "expected an IO Object."); } sw = ALLOC(struct _StreamWriter); str_writer_init(&sw->sw); if (2 == argc) { oj_parse_options(argv[1], &sw->sw.opts); } sw->sw.out.indent = sw->sw.opts.indent; sw->stream = stream; sw->type = type; sw->fd = fd; return Data_Wrap_Struct(oj_stream_writer_class, 0, stream_writer_free, sw); } /* call-seq: push_key(key) * * Pushes a key onto the JSON document. The key will be used for the next push * if currently in a JSON object and ignored otherwise. If a key is provided on * the next push then that new key will be ignored. * @param [String] key the key pending for the next push */ static VALUE stream_writer_push_key(VALUE self, VALUE key) { StreamWriter sw = (StreamWriter)DATA_PTR(self); rb_check_type(key, T_STRING); stream_writer_reset_buf(sw); oj_str_writer_push_key(&sw->sw, StringValuePtr(key)); stream_writer_write(sw); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: push_object(key=nil) * * Pushes an object onto the JSON document. Future pushes will be to this object * until a pop() is called. * @param [String] key the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE stream_writer_push_object(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StreamWriter sw = (StreamWriter)DATA_PTR(self); stream_writer_reset_buf(sw); switch (argc) { case 0: oj_str_writer_push_object(&sw->sw, 0); break; case 1: if (Qnil == argv[0]) { oj_str_writer_push_object(&sw->sw, 0); } else { rb_check_type(argv[0], T_STRING); oj_str_writer_push_object(&sw->sw, StringValuePtr(argv[0])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_object'."); break; } stream_writer_write(sw); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: push_array(key=nil) * * Pushes an array onto the JSON document. Future pushes will be to this object * until a pop() is called. * @param [String] key the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE stream_writer_push_array(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StreamWriter sw = (StreamWriter)DATA_PTR(self); stream_writer_reset_buf(sw); switch (argc) { case 0: oj_str_writer_push_array(&sw->sw, 0); break; case 1: if (Qnil == argv[0]) { oj_str_writer_push_array(&sw->sw, 0); } else { rb_check_type(argv[0], T_STRING); oj_str_writer_push_array(&sw->sw, StringValuePtr(argv[0])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_object'."); break; } stream_writer_write(sw); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: push_value(value, key=nil) * * Pushes a value onto the JSON document. * @param [Object] value value to add to the JSON document * @param [String] key the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE stream_writer_push_value(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StreamWriter sw = (StreamWriter)DATA_PTR(self); stream_writer_reset_buf(sw); switch (argc) { case 1: oj_str_writer_push_value((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), *argv, 0); break; case 2: if (Qnil == argv[0]) { oj_str_writer_push_value((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), *argv, 0); } else { rb_check_type(argv[1], T_STRING); oj_str_writer_push_value((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), *argv, StringValuePtr(argv[1])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_value'."); break; } stream_writer_write(sw); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: push_json(value, key=nil) * * Pushes a string onto the JSON document. The String must be a valid JSON * encoded string. No additional checking is done to verify the validity of the * string. * @param [Object] value value to add to the JSON document * @param [String] key the key if adding to an object in the JSON document */ static VALUE stream_writer_push_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { StreamWriter sw = (StreamWriter)DATA_PTR(self); rb_check_type(argv[0], T_STRING); stream_writer_reset_buf(sw); switch (argc) { case 1: oj_str_writer_push_json((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), StringValuePtr(*argv), 0); break; case 2: if (Qnil == argv[0]) { oj_str_writer_push_json((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), StringValuePtr(*argv), 0); } else { rb_check_type(argv[1], T_STRING); oj_str_writer_push_json((StrWriter)DATA_PTR(self), StringValuePtr(*argv), StringValuePtr(argv[1])); } break; default: rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of argument to 'push_json'."); break; } stream_writer_write(sw); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: pop() * * Pops up a level in the JSON document closing the array or object that is * currently open. */ static VALUE stream_writer_pop(VALUE self) { StreamWriter sw = (StreamWriter)DATA_PTR(self); stream_writer_reset_buf(sw); oj_str_writer_pop(&sw->sw); stream_writer_write(sw); return Qnil; } /* call-seq: pop_all() * * Pops all level in the JSON document closing all the array or object that is * currently open. */ static VALUE stream_writer_pop_all(VALUE self) { StreamWriter sw = (StreamWriter)DATA_PTR(self); stream_writer_reset_buf(sw); oj_str_writer_pop_all(&sw->sw); stream_writer_write(sw); return Qnil; } // Mimic JSON section static VALUE mimic_dump(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { char buf[4096]; struct _Out out; struct _Options copts = oj_default_options; VALUE rstr; out.buf = buf; out.end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 10; out.allocated = 0; oj_dump_obj_to_json(*argv, &copts, &out); if (0 == out.buf) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Not enough memory."); } rstr = rb_str_new2(out.buf); rstr = oj_encode(rstr); if (2 <= argc && Qnil != argv[1]) { VALUE io = argv[1]; VALUE args[1]; *args = rstr; rb_funcall2(io, oj_write_id, 1, args); rstr = io; } if (out.allocated) { xfree(out.buf); } return rstr; } // This is the signature for the hash_foreach callback also. static int mimic_walk(VALUE key, VALUE obj, VALUE proc) { switch (rb_type(obj)) { case T_HASH: rb_hash_foreach(obj, mimic_walk, proc); break; case T_ARRAY: { size_t cnt = RARRAY_LEN(obj); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { mimic_walk(Qnil, rb_ary_entry(obj, i), proc); } break; } default: break; } if (Qnil == proc) { if (rb_block_given_p()) { rb_yield(obj); } } else { #if HAS_PROC_WITH_BLOCK VALUE args[1]; *args = obj; rb_proc_call_with_block(proc, 1, args, Qnil); #else rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "Calling a Proc with a block not supported in this version. Use func() {|x| } syntax instead."); #endif } return ST_CONTINUE; } static VALUE mimic_load(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { struct _ParseInfo pi; VALUE obj; VALUE p = Qnil; pi.options = oj_default_options; oj_set_compat_callbacks(&pi); obj = oj_pi_parse(argc, argv, &pi, 0, 0, 0); if (2 <= argc) { p = argv[1]; } mimic_walk(Qnil, obj, p); return obj; } static VALUE mimic_dump_load(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { if (1 > argc) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)"); } else if (T_STRING == rb_type(*argv)) { return mimic_load(argc, argv, self); } else { return mimic_dump(argc, argv, self); } return Qnil; } static VALUE mimic_generate_core(int argc, VALUE *argv, Options copts) { char buf[4096]; struct _Out out; VALUE rstr; out.buf = buf; out.end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 10; out.allocated = 0; if (2 == argc && Qnil != argv[1]) { VALUE ropts = argv[1]; VALUE v; size_t len; if (T_HASH != rb_type(ropts)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "options must be a hash."); } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, indent_sym))) { // TBD fixnum also ok rb_check_type(v, T_STRING); if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.indent_str) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "indent string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.indent_str)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.indent_str, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.indent_size = (uint8_t)len; copts->dump_opts.use = true; } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, space_sym))) { rb_check_type(v, T_STRING); if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.after_sep) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "space string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.after_sep)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.after_sep, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.after_size = (uint8_t)len; copts->dump_opts.use = true; } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, space_before_sym))) { rb_check_type(v, T_STRING); if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.before_sep) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "space_before string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.before_sep)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.before_sep, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.before_size = (uint8_t)len; copts->dump_opts.use = true; } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, object_nl_sym))) { rb_check_type(v, T_STRING); if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.hash_nl) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "object_nl string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.hash_nl)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.hash_nl, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.hash_size = (uint8_t)len; copts->dump_opts.use = true; } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, array_nl_sym))) { rb_check_type(v, T_STRING); if (sizeof(copts->dump_opts.array_nl) <= (len = RSTRING_LEN(v))) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "array_nl string is limited to %lu characters.", sizeof(copts->dump_opts.array_nl)); } strcpy(copts->dump_opts.array_nl, StringValuePtr(v)); copts->dump_opts.array_size = (uint8_t)len; copts->dump_opts.use = true; } // :allow_nan is not supported as Oj always allows_nan // :max_nesting is always set to 100 } oj_dump_obj_to_json(*argv, copts, &out); if (0 == out.buf) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Not enough memory."); } rstr = rb_str_new2(out.buf); rstr = oj_encode(rstr); if (out.allocated) { xfree(out.buf); } return rstr; } static VALUE mimic_generate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { struct _Options copts = oj_default_options; return mimic_generate_core(argc, argv, &copts); } static VALUE mimic_pretty_generate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { struct _Options copts = oj_default_options; strcpy(copts.dump_opts.indent_str, " "); copts.dump_opts.indent_size = (uint8_t)strlen(copts.dump_opts.indent_str); strcpy(copts.dump_opts.before_sep, " "); copts.dump_opts.before_size = (uint8_t)strlen(copts.dump_opts.before_sep); strcpy(copts.dump_opts.after_sep, " "); copts.dump_opts.after_size = (uint8_t)strlen(copts.dump_opts.after_sep); strcpy(copts.dump_opts.hash_nl, "\n"); copts.dump_opts.hash_size = (uint8_t)strlen(copts.dump_opts.hash_nl); strcpy(copts.dump_opts.array_nl, "\n"); copts.dump_opts.array_size = (uint8_t)strlen(copts.dump_opts.array_nl); copts.dump_opts.use = true; return mimic_generate_core(argc, argv, &copts); } static VALUE mimic_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { struct _ParseInfo pi; VALUE args[1]; if (argc < 1) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments to parse."); } oj_set_compat_callbacks(&pi); pi.options = oj_default_options; pi.options.auto_define = No; pi.options.quirks_mode = No; if (2 <= argc) { VALUE ropts = argv[1]; VALUE v; if (T_HASH != rb_type(ropts)) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "options must be a hash."); } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, symbolize_names_sym))) { pi.options.sym_key = (Qtrue == v) ? Yes : No; } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, quirks_mode_sym))) { pi.options.quirks_mode = (Qtrue == v) ? Yes : No; } if (Qnil != (v = rb_hash_lookup(ropts, create_additions_sym))) { if (Qfalse == v) { oj_set_strict_callbacks(&pi); } } // :allow_nan is not supported as Oj always allows nan // :max_nesting is ignored as Oj has not nesting limit // :object_class is always Hash // :array_class is always Array } *args = *argv; return oj_pi_parse(1, args, &pi, 0, 0, 0); } static VALUE mimic_recurse_proc(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { rb_need_block(); mimic_walk(Qnil, obj, Qnil); return Qnil; } static VALUE no_op1(VALUE self, VALUE obj) { return Qnil; } static VALUE mimic_create_id(VALUE self, VALUE id) { Check_Type(id, T_STRING); if (0 != oj_default_options.create_id) { if (json_class != oj_default_options.create_id) { xfree((char*)oj_default_options.create_id); } oj_default_options.create_id = 0; oj_default_options.create_id_len = 0; } if (Qnil != id) { size_t len = RSTRING_LEN(id) + 1; oj_default_options.create_id = ALLOC_N(char, len); strcpy((char*)oj_default_options.create_id, StringValuePtr(id)); oj_default_options.create_id_len = len - 1; } return id; } static struct _Options mimic_object_to_json_options = { 0, // indent No, // circular No, // auto_define No, // sym_key JSONEsc, // escape_mode CompatMode, // mode No, // class_cache RubyTime, // time_format No, // bigdec_as_num FloatDec, // bigdec_load No, // to_json Yes, // nilnil Yes, // allow_gc Yes, // quirks_mode json_class, // create_id 10, // create_id_len 9, // sec_prec 15, // float_prec "%0.15g", // float_fmt { // dump_opts false, //use "", // indent "", // before_sep "", // after_sep "", // hash_nl "", // array_nl 0, // indent_size 0, // before_size 0, // after_size 0, // hash_size 0, // array_size } }; static VALUE mimic_object_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { char buf[4096]; struct _Out out; VALUE rstr; struct _Options copts = oj_default_options; out.buf = buf; out.end = buf + sizeof(buf) - 10; out.allocated = 0; // Have to turn off to_json to avoid the Active Support recursion problem. copts.to_json = No; // To be strict the mimic_object_to_json_options should be used but people // seem to prefer the option of changing that. //oj_dump_obj_to_json(self, &mimic_object_to_json_options, &out); oj_dump_obj_to_json_using_params(self, &copts, &out, argc, argv); if (0 == out.buf) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Not enough memory."); } rstr = rb_str_new2(out.buf); rstr = oj_encode(rstr); if (out.allocated) { xfree(out.buf); } return rstr; } /* Document-method: mimic_JSON * call-seq: mimic_JSON() => Module * * Creates the JSON module with methods and classes to mimic the JSON gem. After * this method is invoked calls that expect the JSON module will use Oj instead * and be faster than the original JSON. Most options that could be passed to * the JSON methods are supported. The calls to set parser or generator will not * raise an Exception but will not have any effect. The method can also be * called after the json gem is loaded. The necessary methods on the json gem * will be replaced with Oj methods. * * Note that this also sets the default options of :mode to :compat and * :encoding to :ascii. */ static VALUE define_mimic_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE ext; VALUE dummy; // Either set the paths to indicate JSON has been loaded or replaces the // methods if it has been loaded. if (rb_const_defined_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("JSON"))) { mimic = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("JSON")); } else { mimic = rb_define_module("JSON"); } rb_define_module_function(rb_cObject, "JSON", mimic_dump_load, -1); if (rb_const_defined_at(mimic, rb_intern("Ext"))) { ext = rb_const_get_at(mimic, rb_intern("Ext")); } else { ext = rb_define_module_under(mimic, "Ext"); } if (!rb_const_defined_at(ext, rb_intern("Parser"))) { dummy = rb_define_class_under(ext, "Parser", rb_cObject); } if (!rb_const_defined_at(ext, rb_intern("Generator"))) { dummy = rb_define_class_under(ext, "Generator", rb_cObject); } // convince Ruby that the json gem has already been loaded dummy = rb_gv_get("$LOADED_FEATURES"); if (rb_type(dummy) == T_ARRAY) { rb_ary_push(dummy, rb_str_new2("json")); if (0 < argc) { VALUE mimic_args[1]; *mimic_args = *argv; rb_funcall2(Oj, rb_intern("mimic_loaded"), 1, mimic_args); } else { rb_funcall2(Oj, rb_intern("mimic_loaded"), 0, 0); } } dummy = rb_gv_get("$VERBOSE"); rb_gv_set("$VERBOSE", Qfalse); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "parser=", no_op1, 1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "generator=", no_op1, 1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "create_id=", mimic_create_id, 1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "dump", mimic_dump, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "load", mimic_load, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "restore", mimic_load, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "recurse_proc", mimic_recurse_proc, 1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "[]", mimic_dump_load, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "generate", mimic_generate, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "fast_generate", mimic_generate, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "pretty_generate", mimic_pretty_generate, -1); /* for older versions of JSON, the deprecated unparse methods */ rb_define_module_function(mimic, "unparse", mimic_generate, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "fast_unparse", mimic_generate, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "pretty_unparse", mimic_pretty_generate, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "parse", mimic_parse, -1); rb_define_module_function(mimic, "parse!", mimic_parse, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cObject, "to_json", mimic_object_to_json, -1); rb_gv_set("$VERBOSE", dummy); create_additions_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("create_additions")); rb_gc_register_address(&create_additions_sym); symbolize_names_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("symbolize_names")); rb_gc_register_address(&symbolize_names_sym); if (rb_const_defined_at(mimic, rb_intern("ParserError"))) { rb_funcall(mimic, rb_intern("remove_const"), 1, ID2SYM(rb_intern("ParserError"))); } rb_define_const(mimic, "ParserError", oj_parse_error_class); if (!rb_const_defined_at(mimic, rb_intern("State"))) { rb_define_class_under(mimic, "State", rb_cObject); } oj_default_options = mimic_object_to_json_options; oj_default_options.to_json = Yes; return mimic; } /* extern void oj_hash_test(); static VALUE hash_test(VALUE self) { oj_hash_test(); return Qnil; } */ #if !HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT static VALUE iconv_encoder(VALUE x) { VALUE iconv; rb_require("iconv"); iconv = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Iconv")); return rb_funcall(iconv, rb_intern("new"), 2, rb_str_new2("ASCII//TRANSLIT"), rb_str_new2("UTF-8")); } static VALUE iconv_rescue(VALUE x) { return Qnil; } #endif static VALUE protect_require(VALUE x) { rb_require("time"); rb_require("bigdecimal"); return Qnil; } void Init_oj() { int err = 0; Oj = rb_define_module("Oj"); oj_cstack_class = rb_define_class_under(Oj, "CStack", rb_cObject); oj_string_writer_class = rb_define_class_under(Oj, "StringWriter", rb_cObject); rb_define_module_function(oj_string_writer_class, "new", str_writer_new, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_key", str_writer_push_key, 1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_object", str_writer_push_object, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_array", str_writer_push_array, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_value", str_writer_push_value, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "push_json", str_writer_push_json, -1); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "pop", str_writer_pop, 0); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "pop_all", str_writer_pop_all, 0); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "reset", str_writer_reset, 0); rb_define_method(oj_string_writer_class, "to_s", str_writer_to_s, 0); oj_stream_writer_class = rb_define_class_under(Oj, "StreamWriter", rb_cObject); rb_define_module_function(oj_stream_writer_class, "new", stream_writer_new, -1); rb_define_method(oj_stream_writer_class, "push_key", stream_writer_push_key, 1); rb_define_method(oj_stream_writer_class, "push_object", stream_writer_push_object, -1); rb_define_method(oj_stream_writer_class, "push_array", stream_writer_push_array, -1); rb_define_method(oj_stream_writer_class, "push_value", stream_writer_push_value, -1); rb_define_method(oj_stream_writer_class, "push_json", stream_writer_push_json, -1); rb_define_method(oj_stream_writer_class, "pop", stream_writer_pop, 0); rb_define_method(oj_stream_writer_class, "pop_all", stream_writer_pop_all, 0); rb_require("time"); rb_require("date"); // On Rubinius the require fails but can be done from a ruby file. rb_protect(protect_require, Qnil, &err); #if NEEDS_RATIONAL rb_require("rational"); #endif rb_require("stringio"); #if HAS_ENCODING_SUPPORT oj_utf8_encoding = rb_enc_find("UTF-8"); #else // need an option to turn this on oj_utf8_encoding = rb_rescue(iconv_encoder, Qnil, iconv_rescue, Qnil); oj_utf8_encoding = Qnil; #endif //rb_define_module_function(Oj, "hash_test", hash_test, 0); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "default_options", get_def_opts, 0); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "default_options=", set_def_opts, 1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "mimic_JSON", define_mimic_json, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "load", load, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "load_file", load_file, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "safe_load", safe_load, 1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "strict_load", oj_strict_parse, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "compat_load", oj_compat_parse, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "object_load", oj_object_parse, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "dump", dump, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "to_file", to_file, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "to_stream", to_stream, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "register_odd", register_odd, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "register_odd_raw", register_odd_raw, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "saj_parse", oj_saj_parse, -1); rb_define_module_function(Oj, "sc_parse", oj_sc_parse, -1); oj_add_value_id = rb_intern("add_value"); oj_array_append_id = rb_intern("array_append"); oj_array_end_id = rb_intern("array_end"); oj_array_start_id = rb_intern("array_start"); oj_as_json_id = rb_intern("as_json"); oj_error_id = rb_intern("error"); oj_file_id = rb_intern("file?"); oj_fileno_id = rb_intern("fileno"); oj_ftype_id = rb_intern("ftype"); oj_hash_end_id = rb_intern("hash_end"); oj_hash_key_id = rb_intern("hash_key"); oj_hash_set_id = rb_intern("hash_set"); oj_hash_start_id = rb_intern("hash_start"); oj_iconv_id = rb_intern("iconv"); oj_instance_variables_id = rb_intern("instance_variables"); oj_json_create_id = rb_intern("json_create"); oj_length_id = rb_intern("length"); oj_new_id = rb_intern("new"); oj_parse_id = rb_intern("parse"); oj_pos_id = rb_intern("pos"); oj_read_id = rb_intern("read"); oj_readpartial_id = rb_intern("readpartial"); oj_replace_id = rb_intern("replace"); oj_stat_id = rb_intern("stat"); oj_string_id = rb_intern("string"); oj_to_hash_id = rb_intern("to_hash"); oj_to_json_id = rb_intern("to_json"); oj_to_s_id = rb_intern("to_s"); oj_to_sym_id = rb_intern("to_sym"); oj_to_time_id = rb_intern("to_time"); oj_tv_nsec_id = rb_intern("tv_nsec"); oj_tv_sec_id = rb_intern("tv_sec"); oj_tv_usec_id = rb_intern("tv_usec"); oj_utc_id = rb_intern("utc"); oj_utc_offset_id = rb_intern("utc_offset"); oj_utcq_id = rb_intern("utc?"); oj_write_id = rb_intern("write"); has_key_id = rb_intern("has_key?"); rb_require("oj/bag"); rb_require("oj/error"); rb_require("oj/mimic"); rb_require("oj/saj"); rb_require("oj/schandler"); oj_bag_class = rb_const_get_at(Oj, rb_intern("Bag")); oj_bigdecimal_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("BigDecimal")); oj_date_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Date")); oj_datetime_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("DateTime")); oj_parse_error_class = rb_const_get_at(Oj, rb_intern("ParseError")); oj_stringio_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("StringIO")); oj_struct_class = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Struct")); allow_gc_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("allow_gc")); rb_gc_register_address(&allow_gc_sym); ascii_only_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("ascii_only")); rb_gc_register_address(&ascii_only_sym); ascii_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("ascii")); rb_gc_register_address(&ascii_sym); auto_define_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("auto_define")); rb_gc_register_address(&auto_define_sym); auto_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("auto")); rb_gc_register_address(&auto_sym); array_nl_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("array_nl")); rb_gc_register_address(&array_nl_sym); bigdecimal_as_decimal_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("bigdecimal_as_decimal"));rb_gc_register_address(&bigdecimal_as_decimal_sym); bigdecimal_load_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("bigdecimal_load"));rb_gc_register_address(&bigdecimal_load_sym); bigdecimal_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("bigdecimal")); rb_gc_register_address(&bigdecimal_sym); circular_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("circular")); rb_gc_register_address(&circular_sym); class_cache_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("class_cache")); rb_gc_register_address(&class_cache_sym); compat_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("compat")); rb_gc_register_address(&compat_sym); create_id_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("create_id")); rb_gc_register_address(&create_id_sym); escape_mode_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("escape_mode")); rb_gc_register_address(&escape_mode_sym); float_prec_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("float_precision"));rb_gc_register_address(&float_prec_sym); float_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("float")); rb_gc_register_address(&float_sym); indent_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("indent")); rb_gc_register_address(&indent_sym); json_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("json")); rb_gc_register_address(&json_sym); mode_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("mode")); rb_gc_register_address(&mode_sym); newline_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("newline")); rb_gc_register_address(&newline_sym); nilnil_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("nilnil")); rb_gc_register_address(&nilnil_sym); null_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("null")); rb_gc_register_address(&null_sym); object_nl_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("object_nl")); rb_gc_register_address(&object_nl_sym); object_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("object")); rb_gc_register_address(&object_sym); quirks_mode_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("quirks_mode")); rb_gc_register_address(&quirks_mode_sym); ruby_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("ruby")); rb_gc_register_address(&ruby_sym); sec_prec_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("second_precision"));rb_gc_register_address(&sec_prec_sym); space_before_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("space_before"));rb_gc_register_address(&space_before_sym); space_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("space")); rb_gc_register_address(&space_sym); strict_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("strict")); rb_gc_register_address(&strict_sym); symbol_keys_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("symbol_keys")); rb_gc_register_address(&symbol_keys_sym); time_format_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("time_format")); rb_gc_register_address(&time_format_sym); unix_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("unix")); rb_gc_register_address(&unix_sym); unix_zone_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("unix_zone")); rb_gc_register_address(&unix_zone_sym); use_to_json_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("use_to_json")); rb_gc_register_address(&use_to_json_sym); xmlschema_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("xmlschema")); rb_gc_register_address(&xmlschema_sym); xss_safe_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern("xss_safe")); rb_gc_register_address(&xss_safe_sym); oj_slash_string = rb_str_new2("/"); rb_gc_register_address(&oj_slash_string); oj_default_options.mode = ObjectMode; oj_hash_init(); oj_odd_init(); #if USE_PTHREAD_MUTEX pthread_mutex_init(&oj_cache_mutex, 0); #elif USE_RB_MUTEX oj_cache_mutex = rb_mutex_new(); rb_gc_register_address(&oj_cache_mutex); #endif oj_init_doc(); } // mimic JSON documentation /* Document-module: JSON * * JSON is a JSON parser. This module when defined by the Oj module is a * faster replacement for the original. */ /* Document-module: JSON::Ext * * The Ext module is a placeholder in the mimic JSON module used for * compatibility only. */ /* Document-class: JSON::Ext::Parser * * The JSON::Ext::Parser is a placeholder in the mimic JSON module used for * compatibility only. */ /* Document-class: JSON::Ext::Generator * * The JSON::Ext::Generator is a placeholder in the mimic JSON module used for * compatibility only. */ /* Document-method: create_id= * call-seq: create_id=(id) -> String * * Sets the create_id tag to look for in JSON document. That key triggers the * creation of a class with the same name. * * @param [nil|String] id new create_id * @return the id */ /* Document-method: parser= * call-seq: parser=(parser) -> nil * * Does nothing other than provide compatibiltiy. * @param [Object] parser ignored */ /* Document-method: generator= * call-seq: generator=(generator) -> nil * * Does nothing other than provide compatibiltiy. * @param [Object] generator ignored */ /* Document-method: dump * call-seq: dump(obj, anIO=nil, limit = nil) -> String * * Encodes an object as a JSON String. * * @param [Object] obj object to convert to encode as JSON * @param [IO] anIO an IO that allows writing * @param [Fixnum] limit ignored */ /* Document-method: load * call-seq: load(source, proc=nil) -> Object * * Loads a Ruby Object from a JSON source that can be either a String or an * IO. If Proc is given or a block is providedit is called with each nested * element of the loaded Object. * * @param [String|IO] source JSON source * @param [Proc] proc to yield to on each element or nil */ /* Document-method: restore * call-seq: restore(source, proc=nil) -> Object * * Loads a Ruby Object from a JSON source that can be either a String or an * IO. If Proc is given or a block is providedit is called with each nested * element of the loaded Object. * * @param [String|IO] source JSON source * @param [Proc] proc to yield to on each element or nil */ /* Document-method: recurse_proc * call-seq: recurse_proc(obj, &proc) -> nil * * Yields to the proc for every element in the obj recursivly. * * @param [Hash|Array] obj object to walk * @param [Proc] proc to yield to on each element */ /* Document-method: [] * call-seq: [](obj, opts={}) -> Object * * If the obj argument is a String then it is assumed to be a JSON String and * parsed otherwise the obj is encoded as a JSON String. * * @param [String|Hash|Array] obj object to convert * @param [Hash] opts same options as either generate or parse */ /* Document-method: generate * call-seq: generate(obj, opts=nil) -> String * * Encode obj as a JSON String. The obj argument must be a Hash, Array, or * respond to to_h or to_json. Options other than those listed such as * +:allow_nan+ or +:max_nesting+ are ignored. * * @param [Object|Hash|Array] obj object to convert to a JSON String * @param [Hash] opts options * @param [String] :indent String to use for indentation * @param [String] :space String placed after a , or : delimiter * @param [String] :space_before String placed before a : delimiter * @param [String] :object_nl String placed after a JSON object * @param [String] :array_nl String placed after a JSON array */ /* Document-method: fast_generate * call-seq: fast_generate(obj, opts=nil) -> String * Same as generate(). * @see generate */ /* Document-method: pretty_generate * call-seq: pretty_generate(obj, opts=nil) -> String * Same as generate() but with different defaults for the spacing options. * @see generate */ /* Document-method: parse * call-seq: parse(source, opts=nil) -> Object * * Parses a JSON String or IO into a Ruby Object. Options other than those * listed such as +:allow_nan+ or +:max_nesting+ are ignored. +:object_class+ and * +:array_object+ are not supported. * * @param [String|IO] source source to parse * @param [Hash] opts options * @param [true|false] :symbolize_names flag indicating JSON object keys should be Symbols instead of Strings * @param [true|false] :create_additions flag indicating a key matching +create_id+ in a JSON object should trigger the creation of Ruby Object * @see create_id= */ /* Document-method: parse! * call-seq: parse!(source, opts=nil) -> Object * Same as parse(). * @see parse */