v0.1.1 - Jan 15, 2013 ---------------------- ### Fixed * Added less engine support and test (#69) * Support for fonts & other AssetPack.supported_formats file format. (#50) * Deal with multiple static files with same name but different extensions (ex. fonts). v0.1.0 - Jan 14, 2013 ---------------------- ### Changed * Using `file` utility instead `identify` utility. (#26) ### Fixed * Deal with different encodings in combined assets. (#47) * Serve files with dots in name. (#32, #66) * Deal with character encoding issues in ruby 1.8. (#51) * Add missing depedency for development unit test. (#63) * Deal with binary files copy (ex. images), fix errors like `"\x89" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8"`. (#38, #67) v0.0.11 - Feb 21, 2012 ---------------------- ### Added: * Support for 'prebuild' to build on startup. * Support for SVG files. * Implement UglifyJS support. (#18) * Implement ignored files. (#17) * Added support classic-style Sinatra apps. (#22) ### Changed: * Built files from 'rake assetpack:build' now match the mtimes of their sources. (#12) * Update the readme with a note on SASS compression. * Use regular expression route matcher instead of splat pattern for Padrino compatibility. (#19) * Made and