![]() |
# Class: JavaScriptGenerator [ "README", "AUTHORS", "COPYING", "lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/base.rb", "lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/form.rb", "lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/html.rb", "lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/tooltip.rb", "lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/scriptaculous.rb", "lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb", nil].each do JavaScriptGenerator.view_html BivouacHelpers.view_html BivouacHelpers::TooltipView.view_html BivouacHelpers::ScriptAculoUsView.view_html BivouacHelpers::BaseView.view_html BivouacHelpers::JavaScriptView.view_html BivouacHelpers::HtmlView.view_html BivouacHelpers::FormView.view_html end |
Writes raw JavaScript to the page.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 54 54: def <<(javascript) 55: @source << javascript 56: end
Returns a element reference by finding it through id in the DOM. This element can then be used for further method calls. Examples:
page['blank_slate'] # => $('blank_slate'); page['blank_slate'].show # => $('blank_slate').show(); page['blank_slate'].show('first').up # => $('blank_slate').show('first').up();
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 24 24: def []( id ) 25: # JavaScriptElementProxy.new(self, id) 26: end
Displays an alert dialog with the given message.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 59 59: def alert(message) 60: call( "alert", message ) 61: end
Assigns the JavaScript variable the given value.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 64 64: def assign( variable, value ) 65: record "#{variable} = #{value.inspect}" 66: end
Calls the JavaScript function, optionally with the given arguments.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 104 104: def call(function, *arguments) 105: record "#{function}(#{arguments_for_call(arguments)});\n" 106: end
Executes the content of the block after a delay of seconds. Example:
page.delay(20) do page.visual_effect :fade, 'notice' end
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 175 175: def delay(seconds = 1) 176: record "setTimeout(function() {\n\n" 177: yield 178: record "}, #{(seconds * 1000).to_i})" 179: end
Creates a script.aculo.us draggable element. See ActionView::Helpers::ScriptaculousHelper for more information.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 70 70: def draggable( id, options = {} ) 71: record @context.draggable_element_js( id, options ) + ";\n" 72: end
Creates a script.aculo.us drop receiving element. See ActionView::Helpers::ScriptaculousHelper for more information.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 76 76: def drop_receiving( id, options = {} ) 77: record @context.drop_receiving_element_js( id, options ) + ";\n" 78: end
Hides the visible DOM elements with the given ids.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 81 81: def hide( *ids ) 82: loop_on_multiple_args 'Element.hide', ids 83: end
Inserts HTML at the specified position relative to the DOM element identified by the given id.
position may be one of:
:top: | HTML is inserted inside the element, before the element‘s existing content. |
:bottom: | HTML is inserted inside the element, after the element‘s existing content. |
:before: | HTML is inserted immediately preceeding the element. |
:after: | HTML is inserted immediately following the element. |
data may be a string of HTML to insert.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 98 98: def insert_html(position, id, data) 99: insertion = position.to_s.camelize 100: call "new Insertion.#{insertion}", id, data 101: end
Redirects the browser to the given location.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 109 109: def redirect_to(location) 110: assign 'window.location.href', location 111: end
Removes the DOM elements with the given ids from the page.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 114 114: def remove(*ids) 115: loop_on_multiple_args 'Element.remove', ids 116: end
Replaces the "outer HTML" (i.e., the entire element, not just its contents) of the DOM element with the given id.
data may be a string of HTML to insert. For example:
# Replace the DOM element having ID 'person-45' with the # 'person' partial for the appropriate object. replace 'person-45', render( 'person', :object => @person )
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 139 139: def replace(id, data) 140: call 'Element.replace', id, data 141: end
Replaces the inner HTML of the DOM element with the given id.
data may be a string of HTML to insert
# Replace the HTML of the DOM element having ID 'person-45' with the # 'person' partial for the appropriate object. replace_html 'person-45', render( 'person', :object => @person )
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 126 126: def replace_html(id, data) 127: call 'Element.update', id, data 128: end
Returns a collection reference by finding it through a CSS pattern in the DOM. This collection can then be used for further method calls. Examples:
page.select('p') # => $$('p'); page.select('p.welcome b').first # => $$('p.welcome b').first(); page.select('p.welcome b').first.hide # => $$('p.welcome b').first().hide();
You can also use prototype enumerations with the collection. Observe:
page.select('#items li').each do |value| value.hide end # => $$('#items li').each(function(value) { value.hide(); });
Though you can call the block param anything you want, they are always rendered in the javascript as ‘value, index.’ Other enumerations, like collect() return the last statement:
page.select('#items li').collect('hidden') do |item| item.hide end # => var hidden = $$('#items li').collect(function(value, index) { return value.hide(); });
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 49 49: def select(pattern) 50: # JavaScriptElementCollectionProxy.new(self, pattern) 51: end
Shows hidden DOM elements with the given ids.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 144 144: def show(*ids) 145: loop_on_multiple_args 'Element.show', ids 146: end
Creates a script.aculo.us sortable element. Useful to recreate sortable elements after items get added or deleted.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 150 150: def sortable(id, options = {}) 151: record @context.sortable_element_js( id, options ) + ";\n" 152: end
Toggles the visibility of the DOM elements with the given ids.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 161 161: def toggle(*ids) 162: loop_on_multiple_args 'Element.toggle', ids 163: end
Creates a script.aculo.us unsortable element. Useful to recreate unsortable elements after items get added or deleted.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 156 156: def unsortable( id ) 157: record @context.unsortable_element_js( id ) + ";\n" 158: end
Starts a script.aculo.us visual effect.
[ show source ]
# File lib/bivouac/helpers/view/goh/javascript.rb, line 166 166: def visual_effect(name, element_id = false, js_options = {}) 167: record( @context.visual_effect( name, element_id, js_options ) + ";\n" ) 168: end