# Copyright 2011-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. module AWS class SimpleWorkflow # @attr_reader [Symbol] child_policy The policy to use for the child # workflow executions if this workflow execution is terminated. # The return value will be one of the following values: # # * +:terminate+ - the child executions will be terminated. # # * +:request_cancel+ - a request to cancel will be attempted for each # child execution by recording a WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested # event in its history. It is up to the decider to take appropriate # actions when it receives an execution history with this event. # # * +:abandon+ - no action will be taken. The child executions will # continue to run. # # @attr_reader [String] start_to_close_timeout The total allowed # duration for this workflow execution. # # The return value will be formatted as an ISO 8601 duration (e.g. # 'PnYnMnDTnHnMnS'). # # @attr_reader [String] task_list The task list used for the decision # tasks generated for this workflow execution. # # @attr_reader [String] task_start_to_close_timeout The maximum duration # allowed for decision tasks for this workflow execution. # # The return value will be formatted as an ISO 8601 duration (e.g. # 'PnYnMnDTnHnMnS'). # # @attr_reader [Time,nil] closed_at The time when the workflow execution # was closed. Returns nil if this execution is not closed. # # @attr_reader [Time] started_at The time when the execution was started. # # @attr_reader [Time,nil] latest_activity_task_scheduled_at The time # when the last activity task was scheduled for this workflow execution. # You can use this information to determine if the workflow has not # made progress for an unusually long period of time and might # require a corrective action. # # @attr_reader [String,nil] latest_execution_context The latest execution # context provided by the decider for this workflow execution. A decider # can provide an execution context, which is a free form string, when # closing a decision task. # # @attr_reader [Hash] open_counts Returns a hash of counts, including: # +:open_timers+, +:open_child_workflow_executions+, +:open_decision_tasks+, # and +:open_activity_tasks+. # class WorkflowExecution < Resource def initialize domain, workflow_id, run_id, options = {} @domain = domain @workflow_id = workflow_id @run_id = run_id super end # @return [Domain] The domain this workflow execution was started in. attr_reader :domain # @return [String] The workflow id of this execution. attr_reader :workflow_id # @return [String] The run id of this execution. attr_reader :run_id config_attribute :child_policy, :to_sym => true config_attribute :execution_start_to_close_timeout, :duration => true config_attribute :task_list do translates_output{|v| v['name'] } end config_attribute :task_start_to_close_timeout, :duration => true info_attribute :cancel_requested info_attribute :close_status, :to_sym => true protected :close_status info_attribute :closed_at, :from => 'closeTimestamp', :timestamp => true info_attribute :execution_status, :to_sym => true protected :execution_status info_attribute :parent_details, :from => 'parent', :static => true protected :parent_details info_attribute :started_at, :from => 'startTimestamp', :timestamp => true, :static => true info_attribute :tag_list, :static => true protected :tag_list info_attribute :type_details, :from => 'workflowType', :static => true protected :type_details attribute :latest_activity_task_scheduled_at, :from => 'latestActivityTaskTimestamp', :timestamp => true attribute :latest_execution_context attribute :open_counts do translates_output do |hash| hash.inject({}) do |h,(k,v)| h[Core::Inflection.ruby_name(k).to_sym] = v; h end end end # list_workflow_executions provides ONLY type attributes provider( :list_open_workflow_executions, :list_closed_workflow_executions ) do |provider| provider.provides *info_attributes.keys provider.find do |resp| execution = { 'workflowId' => workflow_id, 'runId' => run_id } resp.data['executionInfos'].find do |desc| desc['execution'] == execution end end end # describe_workflow_execution provides ALL attributes provider(:describe_workflow_execution) do |provider| provider.provides *attributes.keys provider.find do |resp| execution = { 'workflowId' => workflow_id, 'runId' => run_id } d = resp.data if d['executionInfo']['execution'] == execution d.merge(d['executionInfo']).merge(d['executionConfiguration']) else nil end end end # @return [Symbol] Returns the status of this exeuction. Possible # return values are: # # * +:open+ - The execution is still running. # * +:completed+ - The execution was successfully completed. # * +:canceled+ - The execution was canceled, cancellation allows # the implementation to gracefully clean up before the execution # is closed. # * +:failed+ - The execution failed to complete. # and was automatically timed out. # * +:continued_as_new+ - The execution is logically continued. This # means the current execution was completed and a new execution # was started to carry on the workflow. # * +:terminated+ - The execution was force terminated. # * +:timed_out+ - The execution did not complete in the alloted # time and was automatically timed out. # def status AWS.memoize do execution_status == :open ? :open : (close_status || :closed) end end # @return [Boolean] Returns true if a request was made to cancel # this workflow execution. def cancel_requested? cancel_requested end # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the workflow execution is still open. def open? status == :open end # @return [Boolean] Returns true if the workflow execution is closed. def closed? !open? end # @return [Boolean] Returns true if this workflow execution has an # open decision task. def open_child_workflow_execution_count open_counts[:open_child_workflow_executions] end # @return [Integer] Returns the number of open activity tasks. def open_activity_task_count open_counts[:open_activity_tasks] end # @return [Integer] Returns the number of open timers. def open_timer_count open_counts[:open_timers] end # @return [Integer] Returns the number of closed activity tasks. def open_decision_task_count open_counts[:open_decision_tasks] end # @return [Array] Returns an array of tags assigned to this # execution. def tags tag_list || [] end # @return [HistoryEventCollection] Returns a collection that enumerates # history events for this workflow execution. def history_events HistoryEventCollection.new(self) end alias_method :events, :history_events # @return [WorkflowType] Returns the type of this workflow execution. def workflow_type type = self.type_details WorkflowType.new(domain, type['name'], type['version']) end # @return [WorkflowExecution,nil] Returns the parent workflow execution # (if there is one). def parent if parent = self.parent_details domain.workflow_executions[parent['workflowId'],parent['runId']] else nil end end # Records a WorkflowExecutionSignaled event in the workflow execution # history and creates a decision task for the workflow execution. # # workflow_execution.signal('signal_name', :input => '...') # # @param [String] signal_name The name of the signal. This name must be # meaningful to the target workflow. # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [String] :input (nil) Data to attach to the # WorkflowExecutionSignaled event in the target workflow # execution's history. # # @return [nil] # def signal signal_name, options = {} options[:run_id] = run_id domain.workflow_executions.signal(workflow_id, signal_name, options) end # Records a WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested event in the currently # running workflow execution. This logically requests the cancellation # of the workflow execution as a whole. It is up to the decider to # take appropriate actions when it receives an execution history # with this event. # # @note Because this action allows the workflow to properly clean up # and gracefully close, it should be used instead of {#terminate} # when possible. # # @return [nil] # def request_cancel options = { :run_id => run_id } domain.workflow_executions.request_cancel(workflow_id, options) end # Records a WorkflowExecutionTerminated event and forces closure of # the workflow execution. The child policy, registered with the # workflow type or specified when starting this execution, is applied # to any open child workflow executions of this workflow execution. # # @note If the workflow execution was in progress, it is terminated # immediately. # # @note You should consider canceling the workflow execution # instead because it allows the workflow to gracefully close # while terminate does not. # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Symbol] :child_policy (nil) # If set, specifies the policy to use for the child workflow # executions of the workflow execution being terminated. This # policy overrides the default child policy. Valid policies include: # # * +:terminate+ - the child executions will be terminated. # # * +:request_cancel+ - a request to cancel will be attempted for each # child execution by recording a WorkflowExecutionCancelRequested # event in its history. It is up to the decider to take appropriate # actions when it receives an execution history with this event. # # * +:abandon+ - no action will be taken. The child executions will # continue to run. # # @option options [String] :details (nil) Optional details for # terminating the workflow execution. # # @option options [String] :reason (nil) An optional descriptive # reason for terminating the workflow execution. # # @return [nil] # def terminate options = {} options[:run_id] = run_id domain.workflow_executions.terminate(workflow_id, options) end # Counts the number of executions that share the same workflow id. # # @note See {WorkflowExecutionCollection#count} for a broader count. # # @note This operation is eventually consistent. The results are best # effort and may not exactly reflect recent updates and changes. # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Symbol] :status (:open) Specifies that # status of the workflow executions to count. Defaults to # open workflows. # # * +:open+ # * +:closed+ # # @option options [Array