require 'yard' require 'pp' # YARD support # yard is our documentation tool # so that we can sort them class YARD::CodeObjects::MethodObject def <=>(other) self.path <=> other.path end end class YARD::Tags::Library ## # Adds the ability to 'tag' methods. # # For instance, you can search through all the # methods tagged with 'permissions' and see what # needs to be changed when you change your permission # style. # # @param [String] text the text following the '@tags', which contains # which tags the method should belong to def tags_tag(text) # long version neeeded because active_support is greedy "tags", text.split(/,\s*/) end end namespace :yard do desc 'Force a rebuild of the documentation' task :full_doc => [ :todo ] do text_files = ["SCHEDULE.markdown", "AUTHORS", "STYLE", "TODO.markdown", "LICENSE"] options = ["--private", "--protected", "-q", "-r"] ruby_files = ["lib/**/**/**/*.rb", "lib/**/**/*.rb", "lib/**/*.rb", "lib/*.rb"] sh "yardoc #{options.join(" ")} #{ruby_files.join(" ")} - #{text_files.join(" ")}" end :doc do |yard| yard.options = ['--no-output', '--private', '--protected', '--use-cache'] end def docd_method_percent(klass) total = klass.meths.size.to_f undocd = {|m| m.docstring.empty? }.size.to_f ? 0.0 : (undocd / total) end desc 'Generate a TODO file by searching for @todo tags' task :todo => [ :doc ] do"TODO.markdown","w") do |out| classes = YARD::Registry.all(:class) classes.each do |klass| need_todo_section = false klass_todo = [] klass.tags.each do |tag| if tag.tag_name.to_s == "todo" need_todo_section = true klass_todo << tag.text end end method_todo_section = false method_todos = {} klass.meths(:inherited => false).each do |meth| meth.tags.each do |tag| if tag.tag_name.to_s == "todo" need_todo_section = true method_todo_section = true (method_todos[meth] ||= []) << # @todo puts info in #name, not #text end end end if need_todo_section klassname = klass.path.gsub(/\_/,"\\_") out << klassname << "\n" out << ("=" * klassname.size) << "\n" klass_todo.each {|todo| out << " - #{todo}\n"} out << "\n" method_todos.each do |meth, todos| methname = meth.path.gsub(/\_/,"\\_") out << methname << "\n" out << ("-" * methname.size) << "\n" todos.each do |todo| out << " - " << todo << "\n" end out << "\n" end out << "\n" end end end end # rake yard:search[ranks] desc 'Search the methods for the specified tag' task :search => [ :doc ] task :search, :tag do |task, args| tag = args[:tag] methods = YARD::Registry.all(:method) meths = do |m| m.tags.any? {|t| t.text.include? tag } end puts meths.sort end desc 'Find undocumented methods' task :undocd => [ :doc ] do methods = YARD::Registry.all(:method) meths = {|m| m.docstring.empty? } puts meths.sort end desc 'Find untagged methods' task :untagged => [ :doc ] do methods = YARD::Registry.all(:method) meths = {|m| m.tags.empty? } puts meths.sort end desc 'Put the list of methods and their parameters.' task :undocd_params => [ :doc ] do methods = YARD::Registry.all(:method) missing_params = [] methods.each do |meth| meth.parameters.each do |name, default| next if name.to_s =~ /options/ #@options will remove the param for it found = false meth.tags.each do |tag| if tag.tag_name.to_s == "param" && == name.to_s found = true break end end missing_params << meth.path+" argument: #{name}" unless found end end puts missing_params.inspect end desc 'Find the classes with the highest percent on documented methods' task :percent_undocd => [ :doc ] do klasses = YARD::Registry.all(:class) ks = {|k| [k, docd_method_percent(k)] } #pp ks sorted = ks.sort {|(_, percent), (_, percent2)| percent <=> percent2 } sorted.each do |(k, p)| print k, ' => ', p * 100, '%', "\n" unless p == 0.0 end end end