class DataBuilder def self.gaussian(mean, stddev) theta = 2 * Math::PI * rho = Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(1 - scale = stddev * rho return [0, mean + scale * Math.cos(theta)].max end def self.random_title if rand < 0.5 "#{Faker::Hacker.ingverb} #{Faker::Hacker.adjective} #{Faker::Hacker.noun}" else Faker::Book.title end end def! Post.destroy_all Comment.destroy_all Author.destroy_all authors = ([ "Shay Sides", "Teodoro Rainey", "Norman Hanley", "Raleigh Townes", "Samatha Doan", "Valeria Seward", "Jewel Cervantes", "Fallon Clapp", "Kenna Marlow", "Maurine Butterfield", "Teresa Gonzales", "Becky Silva", "Frank Robertson", "Alex Hamilton", "Emilio Powell", "Jerry Zimmerman", ] + { }).map do |name| Author.create!(name: name) end titles = [ "The 17 Cutest Ways To Eat A Burrito Of The Post-Y2K Era", "22 Problems Only Cover Bands Will Understand", "The 26 Most Beloved Things Of The '80s", "The 18 Greatest Facts Of 2013", "39 Real Estate Moguls Who Absolutely Nailed It In 2013", "34 Painful Truths Only NFL Linebackers Will Understand", "The 43 Most Important Punctuation Marks In South America", "The 25 Most Picturesque HBO Shows Of The Last 10 Years", "The 45 Best Oprah-Grams From The Ocean Floor", "20 Tweets That Look Like Miley Cyrus", "The 44 iPhone Apps That Look Like Channing Tatum", "The 14 Most Wanted Truths Of All Time", "The 37 Most Courageous Horses Of The '90s" ] + { random_title } author_likeability = authors.each_with_object({}) do |author, h| average_likes = gaussian(10, 5) stddev_likes = gaussian(10, 2.5) h[author] = [average_likes, stddev_likes] end likeability_for = { |h, author| h[author] = { |hh, title| l = author_likeability[author] hh[title] = [l[0] * (1+rand), l[1]] } } titles.each do |title| if rand < 0.5 author = authors.sample else author_index = gaussian(authors.length/2, authors.length/4).to_i author = authors[author_index % authors.length] end post = Post.create!( title: title, created_at: gaussian(100, 40).days.ago, likes: gaussian(*likeability_for[author][title]).to_i, author: author ) gaussian(8, 4).to_i.times do Comment.create!(post: post, likes: gaussian(5, 2).to_i, author: authors.sample, created_at: post.created_at + gaussian(10, 5).days) end end end end