# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- =begin Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Takashi SUGA You may use and/or modify this file according to the license described in the LICENSE.txt file included in this archive. =end # # 本ライブラリのための諸々の部品 # module When::Parts # # TZInfo::Timezone クラスを本ライブラリから使用するためのラッパークラス # class Timezone # # When::V::Timezone と Qhwn::Parts::Timezone の抽象基底 # module Base # 標準時間帯の時計 # @return [When::TM::Clock] attr_reader :standard # 夏時間帯の時計 # @return [When::TM::Clock] attr_reader :daylight # 夏時間帯と標準時間帯の時間差 # @return [When::TM:IntervalLength] attr_reader :tz_difference # When::TM::TemporalPosition の時間帯を変更して複製する # # @param [When::TM::CalDate, When::TM::DateAndTime, When::TM::JulianDate] date # @param [Hash] options see {When::TM::TemporalPosition._instance} # # @return [When::TM::DateAndTime, When::TM::JulianDate] # def ^(date, options={}) date = When::TM::Position.any_other(date, options) options = date._attr.merge({:clock=>self}).merge(options) return When::TM::JulianDate.dynamical_time(date.dynamical_time, options) unless date.frame.kind_of?(When::TM::Calendar) date.frame.jul_trans(When::TM::JulianDate.dynamical_time(date.dynamical_time), options) end end class << self include Resource::Pool # @private alias :_get :[] # オブジェクト参照 # # @param [String] label 識別名 ( "America/New_York" など) # # @return [When::Parts::Timezone] 時間帯オブジェクト # def [](label) ref = _get(label) return ref if ref return nil unless label =~ /\A[A-Z]/i self[label] = self.new(label) rescue NameError raise NameError, 'Prease install TZInfo - gem install tzinfo' end alias :get :[] # TZInfo でサポートしている Timezone の連想配列 # # @return [Hash] { String => TZInfo::CountryTimezone } # [ String - 時間帯ID ] # [ TZInfo::CountryTimezone - 時間帯オブジェクト(proxy for autoload) ] # def tz_info return @tz_info if @tz_info zones = {} TZInfo::Country.all.each do |c| c.zone_info.each do |z| zones[z.identifier] ||= {} zones[z.identifier][c.code] = z end end @tz_info = {} zones.each_pair do |id, hash| if hash.keys.size == 1 @tz_info[id] = hash[hash.keys[0]] else hash.each_pair do |c, z| @tz_info["#{id}(#{c})"] = z end end end @tz_info end end include Base # ラップしている TZInfo::Timezone インスタンス # @return [TZInfo::Timezone] attr_reader :timezone # ユニーク識別名 # @return [String] def label @timezone.identifier end # 時間帯を代表する都市の経度 / 度 # @return [Rational] def longitude self.class.tz_info[label].longitude end # 時間帯を代表する都市の緯度 / 度 # @return [Rational] def latitude self.class.tz_info[label].latitude end # 時間帯を代表する都市の空間位置 # @return [When::Coordinates::Spatial] def location return @location if @location tzinfo = self.class.tz_info[label] longitude = When::Coordinates.to_dms(tzinfo.longitude, 'EW') latitude = When::Coordinates.to_dms(tzinfo.latitude, 'NS') @location = When.Resource("_l:long=#{longitude}&lat=#{latitude}&label=#{label}") end # 時分秒のインデクス # @return [Array] attr_reader :indices # オブジェクト生成 # # @param [String] identifier 識別名 ( "America/New_York" など) # def initialize(identifier) id, query = identifier.split('?', 2) @timezone = TZInfo::Timezone.get(id) unless TZInfo::TimeOrDateTime.method_defined?(:_to_datetime) if TZInfo::RubyCoreSupport.respond_to?(:datetime_new) TZInfo::TimeOrDateTime.class_eval %Q{ alias :_to_datetime :to_datetime ::Rational def to_datetime unless @datetime u = usec s = u == 0 ? sec : Rational(sec * 1000000 + u, 1000000) @datetime = TZInfo::RubyCoreSupport.datetime_new(year, mon, mday, hour, min, s, 0, Date::GREGORIAN) end @datetime end } else TZInfo::TimeOrDateTime.class_eval %Q{ alias :_to_datetime :to_datetime def to_datetime @datetime ||= DateTime.new(year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, 0, Date::GREGORIAN) end } end end dst, std = _offsets(Time.now.to_i) options = query ? Hash[*(query.split('&').map {|item| item.split('=',2)}.flatten)] : {} @standard = When::TM::Clock.new(options.merge({:zone=>std, :tz_prop=>self})) if std == dst @daylight = @standard @tz_difference = 0 else @daylight = When::TM::Clock.new(options.merge({:zone=>dst, :tz_prop=>self})) @tz_difference = @standard.universal_time - @daylight.universal_time end @indices = When::Coordinates::DefaultTimeIndices end # @private def _daylight(time) frame, cal_date, clk_time = time clocks = {} options = {} %w(border location).each do |attr| value = @standard.instance_variable_get("@#{attr}") next unless value value = value.dup unless value.kind_of?(When::Parts::Resource) && value.registered? options[attr] = value end if clk_time time = frame.to_universal_time(cal_date, clk_time, @standard) offsets = _offsets((time/When::TM::Duration::SECOND).floor) offsets.each do |offset| clocks[offset] ||= When::TM::Clock.new(options.merge({:zone=>offset, :tz_prop=>self})) return clocks[offsets[0]] if @timezone.period_for_utc( (frame.to_universal_time(cal_date, clk_time, clocks[offset])/When::TM::Duration::SECOND).floor).dst? end end offset = @timezone.period_for_utc((time/When::TM::Duration::SECOND).floor).utc_total_offset clocks[offset] || When::TM::Clock.new(options.merge({:zone=>offset, :tz_prop=>self})) end # @private def _need_validate true end private def _offsets(time) now = @timezone.period_for_utc(time) past = @timezone.period_for_utc(now.utc_start-1) if now.utc_start future = @timezone.period_for_utc(now.utc_end) if now.utc_end std = now.utc_offset dst = now.utc_total_offset [past, future].each do |period| next unless period std = period.utc_offset if std > period.utc_offset dst = period.utc_total_offset if dst < period.utc_total_offset end [dst, std] end # その他のメソッド # When::Parts::GeometricComplex で定義されていないメソッドは # 処理を first (type: When::TM::(Temporal)Position) に委譲する # def method_missing(name, *args, &block) self.class.module_eval %Q{ def #{name}(*args, &block) timezone.send("#{name}", *args, &block) end } unless When::Parts::MethodCash.escape(name) timezone.send(name, *args, &block) end end end