module Sigh class LocalManage LIST = "list" CLEANUP = "cleanup" def self.start(options, args) command, clean_expired, clean_pattern, force = get_inputs(options, args) if command == LIST list_profiles elsif command == CLEANUP cleanup_profiles(clean_expired, clean_pattern, force) end end def self.install_profile(profile) UI.message "Installing provisioning profile..." profile_path = File.expand_path("~") + "/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/" uuid = ENV["SIGH_UUID"] || ENV["SIGH_UDID"] profile_filename = uuid + ".mobileprovision" destination = profile_path + profile_filename # If the directory doesn't exist, make it first unless FileUtils.mkdir_p(profile_path) end # copy to Xcode provisioning profile directory FileUtils.copy profile, destination if File.exist? destination UI.success "Profile installed at \"#{destination}\"" else UI.user_error!("Failed installation of provisioning profile at location: #{destination}") end end def self.get_inputs(options, _args) clean_expired = options.clean_expired clean_pattern = /#{options.clean_pattern}/ if options.clean_pattern force = options.force command = (!clean_expired.nil? || !clean_pattern.nil?) ? CLEANUP : LIST return command, clean_expired, clean_pattern, force end def self.list_profiles profiles = load_profiles now = soon = ( + 30).to_datetime profiles_valid = { |profile| profile["ExpirationDate"] > now && profile["ExpirationDate"] > soon } if profiles_valid.count > 0 UI.message "Provisioning profiles installed" UI.message "Valid:" profiles_valid.each do |profile| UI.message profile_info(profile).green end end profiles_soon = { |profile| profile["ExpirationDate"] > now && profile["ExpirationDate"] < soon } if profiles_soon.count > 0 UI.message "" UI.message "Expiring within 30 days:" profiles_soon.each do |profile| UI.message profile_info(profile).yellow end end profiles_expired = { |profile| profile["ExpirationDate"] < now } if profiles_expired.count > 0 UI.message "" UI.message "Expired:" profiles_expired.each do |profile| UI.message profile_info(profile).red end end UI.message "" UI.message "Summary" UI.message "#{profiles.count} installed profiles" UI.message "#{profiles_expired.count} are expired".red if profiles_expired.count > 0 UI.message "#{profiles_soon.count} are valid but will expire within 30 days".yellow UI.message "#{profiles_valid.count} are valid".green UI.message "You can remove all expired profiles using `fastlane sigh manage -e`" if profiles_expired.count > 0 end def self.profile_info(profile) if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? "#{profile['Name']} - #{File.basename profile['Path']}" else profile['Name'] end end def self.cleanup_profiles(expired = false, pattern = nil, force = nil) now = profiles = { |profile| (expired && profile["ExpirationDate"] < now) || (!pattern.nil? && profile["Name"] =~ pattern) } UI.message "The following provisioning profiles are either expired or matches your pattern:" profiles.each do |profile| UI.message profile["Name"].red end delete = force unless delete if UI.user_error! "On a CI server, cleanup cannot be used without the --force option" else delete = agree("Delete these provisioning profiles #{profiles.length}? (y/n) ", true) end end if delete profiles.each do |profile| File.delete profile["Path"] end UI.success "\n\nDeleted #{profiles.length} profiles" end end def self.load_profiles UI.message "Loading Provisioning profiles from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/" profiles_path = File.expand_path("~") + "/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/*.mobileprovision" profile_paths = Dir[profiles_path] profiles = [] profile_paths.each do |profile_path| profile = Plist.parse_xml(`security cms -D -i '#{profile_path}' 2> /dev/null`) # /dev/null: profile['Path'] = profile_path profiles << profile end profiles = profiles.sort_by { |profile| profile["Name"].downcase } return profiles end end end