# Messaging API supporting acknowledgements and request-response [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/salemove/node-freddy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/salemove/node-freddy) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/salemove/freddy/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/salemove/freddy) ## Setup * Inject the appropriate logger and set up connection parameters: ```ruby logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) freddy = Freddy.build(logger, host: 'localhost', port: 5672, user: 'guest', pass: 'guest') ``` ## Delivering messages ### Simple delivery #### Send and forget Sends a `message` to the given `destination`. If there is no consumer then the message stays in the queue until somebody consumes it. ```ruby freddy.deliver(destination, message) ``` #### Expiring messages Sends a `message` to the given `destination`. If nobody consumes the message in `timeout` seconds then the message is discarded. This is useful for showing notifications that must happen in a certain timeframe but where we don't really care if it reached the destination or not. ```ruby freddy.deliver(destination, message, timeout: 5) ``` ### Request delivery #### Expiring messages Sends a `message` to the given `destination`. Has a default timeout of 3 and discards the message from the queue if a response hasn't been returned in that time. ```ruby response = freddy.deliver_with_response(destination, message) ``` #### Persistant messages Sends a `message` to the given `destination`. Keeps the message in the queue if a timeout occurs. ```ruby response = freddy.deliver_with_response(destination, message, timeout: 4, delete_on_timeout: false) ``` #### Errors `deliver_with_response` raises an error if an error is returned. This can be handled by rescuing from `Freddy::InvalidRequestError` and `Freddy::TimeoutError` as: ```ruby begin response = freddy.deliver_with_response 'Q', {} # ... rescue Freddy::InvalidRequestError => e e.response # => { error: 'InvalidRequestError', message: 'Some error message' } rescue Freddy::TimeoutError => e e.response # => { error: 'RequestTimeout', message: 'Timed out waiting for response' } ``` ## Responding to messages ```ruby freddy.respond_to destination do |message, msg_handler| # ... end ``` The callback is called with 2 arguments * the parsed message (note that in the message all keys are symbolized) * the `MessageHandler` (described further down) ## The MessageHandler When responding to messages the MessageHandler is given as the second argument. The following operations are supported: * responding with a successful response ```ruby msg_handler.success(response = nil) ``` * responding with an error response ```ruby msg_handler.error(error: "Couldn't process message") ``` ## Tapping into messages When it's necessary to receive messages but not consume them, consider tapping. ```ruby freddy.tap_into pattern do |message, destination| ``` * `destination` refers to the destination that the message was sent to * Note that it is not possible to respond to the message while tapping. * When tapping the following wildcards are supported in the `pattern` : * `#` matching 0 or more words * `*` matching exactly one word Examples: ```ruby freddy.tap_into "i.#.free" ``` receives messages that are delivered to `"i.want.to.break.free"` ```ruby freddy.tap_into "somebody.*.love" ``` receives messages that are delivered to `somebody.to.love` but doesn't receive messages delivered to `someboy.not.to.love` ## The ResponderHandler When responding to a message or tapping the ResponderHandler is returned. ```ruby responder_handler = freddy.respond_to .... ``` The following operations are supported: * stop responding ```ruby responder_handler.cancel ``` * join the current thread to the responder thread ```ruby responder_handler.join ``` * delete the destination ```ruby responder_handler.destroy_destination ``` * Primary use case is in tests to not leave dangling destinations. It deletes the destination even if there are responders for the same destination in other parts of the system. Use with caution in production code. ## Notes about concurrency The underlying bunny implementation uses 1 responder thread by default. This means that if there is a time-consuming process or a sleep call in a responder then other responders will not receive messages concurrently. This is especially devious when using `deliver_with_response` in a responder because `deliver_with_response` creates a new anonymous responder which will not receive the response if the parent responder uses a sleep call. To resolve this problem *freddy* creates separate threads for processing. Read more from . ## Credits **freddy** was originally written by [Urmas Talimaa] as part of SaleMove development team. ![SaleMove Inc. 2012][SaleMove Logo] **freddy** is maintained and funded by [SaleMove, Inc]. The names and logos for **SaleMove** are trademarks of SaleMove, Inc. [Urmas Talimaa]: https://github.com/urmastalimaa?source=c "Urmas" [SaleMove, Inc]: http://salemove.com/ "SaleMove Website" [SaleMove Logo]: http://app.salemove.com/assets/logo.png "SaleMove Inc. 2012" [Apache License]: http://choosealicense.com/licenses/apache/ "Apache License"