require 'pippa' require 'digest/md5' # Utility functions for use in specs module Utilities # Return contents of the zip code map exemplars. def get_test_map(fmt)"#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/data/zipcodes.#{fmt}", 'rb') { |f| } end # Return a count of byte differences between two strings. def diff_count(a, b) return nil unless a.length == b.length n, b_iterator = 0, b.bytes a.bytes {|ia| n += 1 unless ia == } n end end # Set configuration parameters of RSpec. RSpec.configure do |config| config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true # config.filter_run :focus config.order = 'random' # Make the module above available in tests. config.include(Utilities) end