module Recog class Nizer # Default certainty ratings where none are specified in the fingerprint itself DEFAULT_OS_CERTAINTY = 0.85 # Most frequent weights are 0.9, 1.0, and 0.5 DEFAULT_SERVICE_CERTAINTY = 0.85 # Most frequent weight is 0.85 # Non-weighted host attributes that can be extracted from fingerprint matches HOST_ATTRIBUTES = %W{ host.domain host.ip host.mac host.time hw.device hw.product hw.vendor } @@db_manager = nil @@db_sorted = false # # Load fingerprints from a specific file or directory # This will not preserve any fingerprints that have already been loaded # @param path [String] Path to file or directory of XML fingerprints def self.load_db(path = nil) if path @@db_manager = else @@db_manager = end # Sort the databases, no behavior or result change for those calling # Nizer.match or Nizer.multi_match as they have a single DB @@db_manager.databases.sort! { |a, b| b.preference <=> a.preference } @@db_sorted = true end # # Destroy the current DBManager object def self.unload_db @@db_manager = nil @@db_sorted = false end # # Display the fingerprint databases in the order in which they will be used # to match banners. This is useful for fingerprint tuning and debugging. def self.display_db_order self.load_db unless @@db_manager puts format('%s %-22s %-8s %s', 'Preference', 'Database', 'Type', 'Protocol') @@db_manager.databases.each do |db| puts format('%10.3f %-22s %-8s %s', db.preference, db.match_key, db.database_type, db.protocol) end end # # 2016.11 - Rewritten to be wrapper around #match_db_all, functionality # and results must remain unchanged. # # Locate a database that corresponds with the `match_key` and attempt to # find a matching {Fingerprint fingerprint}, stopping at the first hit. # Returns `nil` when no matching database or fingerprint is found. # # @param match_key [String] Fingerprint DB name, e.g. 'smb.native_os' # @param match_string [String] String to match # @return (see Fingerprint#match) or nil def self.match(match_key, match_string) filter = { match_key: match_key, multi_match: false } matches = self.match_all_db(match_string, filter) matches[0] end # # @param match_key [String] Fingerprint DB name, e.g. 'smb.native_os' # @param match_string [String] String to match # @return [Array] Array of Fingerprint#match or empty array def self.multi_match(match_key, match_string) filter = { match_key: match_key, multi_match: true } self.match_all_db(match_string, filter) end # # Search all fingerprint dbs and attempt to find matching # {Fingerprint fingerprint}s. It will return the first match found # unless the :multi_match option is used to request all matches. # Returns an array of all matching fingerprints or an empty array. # # @param match_string [String] Service banner to match # @param [Hash] filters This hash contains filters used to limit the # results to just those from specific types of fingerprints. # The values that these filters match come from the 'fingerprints' top # level element in the fingerprint DB XML or, in the case of 'protocol', # this value can be overridden at the individual fingerprint level by # setting a value for 'service.protocol' # # With the exception of 'match_key', the filters below match the # 'fingerprints' attributes with the same name. # @option filters [String] :match_key Value from XML 'matches' or file name # @option filters [String] :database_type fprint db type: service, util.os, etc. # @option filters [String] :protocol Protocol (ftp, smtp, etc.) # @option filters [Boolean] :multi_match Return all matches instead of first # @return [Array] Array of Fingerprint#match or empty array def self.match_all_db(match_string, filters = {}) match_string = match_string.to_s.unpack('C*').pack('C*') matches = # array to hold all fingerprint matches self.load_db unless @@db_manager @@db_manager.databases.each do |db| next if filters[:match_key] && !filters[:match_key].eql?(db.match_key) next if filters[:database_type] && !filters[:database_type].eql?(db.database_type) db.fingerprints.each do |fp| m = fp.match(match_string) if m # Filter on protocol after match since each individual fp # can contain its own 'protocol' value that overrides the # one set at the DB level. matches.push(m) unless filters[:protocol] && !filters[:protocol].eql?(m['service.protocol']) return matches unless filters[:multi_match] end end end matches end # # Consider an array of match outputs, choose the best result, taking into # account the granularity of OS vs Version vs SP vs Language. Only consider # fields relevant to the host (OS, name, mac address, etc). # def self.best_os_match(matches) # The result hash we return to the caller result = {} # Certain attributes should be evaluated separately host_attrs = {} # Bucket matches into matched OS product names os_products = {} matches.each do |m| # Count how many times each host attribute value is asserted (HOST_ATTRIBUTES & m.keys).each do |ha| host_attrs[ha] ||= {} host_attrs[ha][m[ha]] ||= 0 host_attrs[ha][m[ha]] += 1 end next unless m.has_key?('os.product') # Group matches by OS product and normalize certainty cm = m.dup cm['os.certainty'] = ( m['os.certainty'] || DEFAULT_OS_CERTAINTY ).to_f os_products[ cm['os.product'] ] ||= [] os_products[ cm['os.product'] ] << cm end # # Select the best host attribute value by highest frequency # host_attrs.keys.each do |hk| ranked_attr = host_attrs[hk].keys.sort do |a,b| host_attrs[hk][b] <=> host_attrs[hk][a] end result[hk] = ranked_attr.first end # Unable to guess the OS without OS matches unless os_products.keys.length > 0 return result end # # Select the best operating system name by combined certainty of all # matches within an os.product group. Multiple weak matches can # outweigh a single strong match by design. # ranked_os = os_products.keys.sort do |a,b| os_products[b].map{ |r| r['os.certainty'] }.inject(:+) <=> os_products[a].map{ |r| r['os.certainty'] }.inject(:+) end # Within the best match group, try to fill in missing attributes os_name = ranked_os.first # Find the best match within the winning group ranked_os_matches = os_products[os_name].sort do |a,b| b['os.certainty'] <=> a['os.certainty'] end # Fill in missing result values in descending order of best match ranked_os_matches.each do |rm| rm.each_pair do |k,v| result[k] ||= v end end result end # # Consider an array of match outputs, choose the best result, taking into # account the granularity of service. Only consider fields relevant to the # service. # def self.best_service_match(matches) # The result hash we return to the caller result = {} # Bucket matches into matched service product names service_products = {}{ |m| m.has_key?('service.product') }.each do |m| # Group matches by product and normalize certainty cm = m.dup cm['service.certainty'] = ( m['service.certainty'] || DEFAULT_SERVICE_CERTAINTY ).to_f service_products[ cm['service.product'] ] ||= [] service_products[ cm['service.product'] ] << cm end # Unable to guess the service without service matches unless service_products.keys.length > 0 return result end # # Select the best service name by combined certainty of all matches # within an service.product group. Multiple weak matches can # outweigh a single strong match by design. # ranked_service = service_products.keys.sort do |a,b| service_products[b].map{ |r| r['service.certainty'] }.inject(:+) <=> service_products[a].map{ |r| r['service.certainty'] }.inject(:+) end # Within the best match group, try to fill in missing attributes service_name = ranked_service.first # Find the best match within the winning group ranked_service_matches = service_products[service_name].sort do |a,b| b['service.certainty'] <=> a['service.certainty'] end # Fill in missing service values in descending order of best match ranked_service_matches.each do |rm|{ |k| k.index('service.') == 0 }.each do |k| result[k] ||= rm[k] end end result end end end =begin Current key names: apache.variant apache.variant.version cookie host.domain host.ip host.mac host.time hw.device hw.product hw.vendor imail.eval junction.cookie linux.kernel.version loadbalancer.poolname mdaemon.unregistered metainfo.version metainfo.version.version ms.nttp.version notes.intl openssh.comment openssh.cvepatch os.arch os.certainty os.device os.edition os.product os.vendor os.version os.version.version os.version.version.version pureftpd.config qpopper.version sendmail.config.version sendmail.hpux.phne.version sendmail.vendor.version service.certainty service.component.product service.component.vendor service.component.version service.product service.vendor service.version service.version.version service.version.version.version service.version.version.version.version service.version.version.version.version.version siemens.model snmp.fpmib.oid.1 snmp.fpmib.oid.2 system.time system.time.format system.time.micros system.time.millis timeout zmailer.ident =end