require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/files' describe Puppet::Transaction::Report do before :each do # Enable persistence during tests allow_any_instance_of(Puppet::Transaction::Persistence).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(true) end describe "when using the indirector" do it "should be able to delegate to the :processor terminus" do allow(Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection).to receive(:terminus_class).and_return(:processor) terminus = Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection.terminus(:processor) allow(Facter).to receive(:value).and_return("") report = expect(terminus).to receive(:process).with(report) end end describe "when dumping to YAML" do it "should not contain TagSet objects" do resource =, "Hello") ral_resource = resource.to_ral status = log = => :info, :message => "foo") report = report.add_resource_status(status) report << log expect(YAML.dump(report)).to_not match('Puppet::Util::TagSet') end end describe "inference checking" do include PuppetSpec::Files require 'puppet/configurer' def run_catalogs(resources1, resources2, noop1 = false, noop2 = false, &block) last_run_report = nil expect(Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection).to receive(:save) do |report, x| last_run_report = report true end.twice Puppet[:report] = true Puppet[:noop] = noop1 configurer = :catalog => new_catalog(resources1) yield block if block last_report = last_run_report Puppet[:noop] = noop2 configurer = :catalog => new_catalog(resources2) expect(last_report).not_to eq(last_run_report) return last_run_report end def new_blank_catalog"testing", Puppet.lookup(:environments).get(Puppet[:environment])) end def new_catalog(resources = []) new_cat = new_blank_catalog [resources].flatten.each do |resource| new_cat.add_resource(resource) end new_cat end def get_cc_count(report) report.metrics["resources"].values.each do |v| if v[0] == "corrective_change" return v[2] end end return nil end describe "for agent runs that contain" do it "notifies with catalog change" do report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:title => "testing", :message => "foo"), Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:title => "testing", :message => "foobar")) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["Notify[testing]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "notifies with no catalog change" do report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:title => "testing", :message => "foo"), Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:title => "testing", :message => "foo")) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["Notify[testing]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "new file resource" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs([], Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff")) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "removal of a file resource" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), []) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") expect(report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"]).to eq(nil) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with a title change" do file1 = tmpfile("test_file") file2 = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file1, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file2, :content => "mystuff")) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") expect(report.resource_statuses["File[#{file1}]"]).to eq(nil) rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file2}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with no catalog change" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff")) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(0) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with a new parameter" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff", :loglevel => :debug)) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(0) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with a removed parameter" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff", :loglevel => :debug), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff")) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(0) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with a property no longer managed" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file)) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(0) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with no catalog change, but file changed between runs" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff")) do, 'w') do |f| f.puts "some content" end end expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) end it "file with catalog change, but file changed between runs that matched catalog change" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "some content")) do, 'w') do |f| f.write "some content" end end expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(0) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with catalog change, but file changed between runs that did not match catalog change" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff1"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff2")) do, 'w') do |f| f.write "some content" end end expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) end it "file with catalog change" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff1"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff2")) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with ensure property set to present" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :present), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :present)) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(0) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with ensure property change file => absent" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :file), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :absent)) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with ensure property change present => absent" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :present), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :absent)) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "link with ensure property change present => absent", :unless => do file = tmpfile("test_file") FileUtils.symlink(file, tmpfile("test_link")) report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :present), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :absent)) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file with ensure property change absent => present" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :absent), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :ensure => :present)) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "new resource in catalog" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs([], Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff asdf")) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "exec with idempotence issue", :unless => || RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' do report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:title => "exec1", :command => "/bin/echo foo"), Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:title => "exec1", :command => "/bin/echo foo")) expect(report.status).to eq("changed") # Of note here, is that the main idempotence issues lives in 'returns' rs = report.resource_statuses["Exec[exec1]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) end it "exec with no idempotence issue", :unless => || RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' do report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:title => "exec1", :command => "echo foo", :path => "/bin", :unless => "ls"), Puppet::Type.type(:exec).new(:title => "exec1", :command => "echo foo", :path => "/bin", :unless => "ls")) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") # Of note here, is that the main idempotence issues lives in 'returns' rs = report.resource_statuses["Exec[exec1]"] expect( eq(0) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "noop on second run, file with no catalog change, but file changed between runs" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), false, true) do, 'w') do |f| f.puts "some content" end end expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect( eq(1) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) end it "noop on all subsequent runs, file with no catalog change, but file changed between run 1 and 2" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), false, true) do, 'w') do |f| f.puts "some content" end end expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect( eq(1) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) # Simply run the catalog twice again, but this time both runs are noop to # test if the corrective field is still set. report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), true, true) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect( eq(1) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) end it "noop on first run, file with no catalog change, but file changed between runs" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), true, false) do, 'w') do |f| f.puts "some content" end end expect(report.status).to eq("changed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect( eq(1) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) end it "noop on both runs, file with no catalog change, but file changed between runs" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), true, true) do, 'w') do |f| f.puts "some content" end end expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) end it "noop on 4 runs, file with no catalog change, but file changed between runs 1 and 2" do file = tmpfile("test_file") report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), true, true) do, 'w') do |f| f.puts "some content" end end expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "mystuff"), true, true) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(true) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(1) end it "noop on both runs, file already exists but with catalog change each time" do file = tmpfile("test_file"), 'w') do |f| f.puts "some content" end report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "a"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "b"), true, true) expect(report.status).to eq("unchanged") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file failure should not return corrective_change" do # Making the path a child path (with no parent) forces a failure file = tmpfile("test_file") + "/foo" report = run_catalogs(Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "a"), Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "b"), false, false) expect(report.status).to eq("failed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end it "file skipped with file change between runs will not show corrective_change" do # Making the path a child path (with no parent) forces a failure file = tmpfile("test_file") + "/foo" resources1 = [ Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "a", :notify => "Notify['foo']"), Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:title => "foo") ] resources2 = [ Puppet::Type.type(:file).new(:title => file, :content => "a", :notify => "Notify[foo]"), Puppet::Type.type(:notify).new(:title => "foo", :message => "foo") ] report = run_catalogs(resources1, resources2, false, false) expect(report.status).to eq("failed") rs = report.resource_statuses["File[#{file}]"] expect( eq(1) expect([0].corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) rs = report.resource_statuses["Notify[foo]"] expect( eq(0) expect(rs.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(report.corrective_change).to eq(false) expect(get_cc_count(report)).to eq(0) end end end end